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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. How on earth did the dogs get over the border and to a groomer?

    They should have been held in AQIS facilities at the airport.

    The minister should be looking into THAT!

    Private jet,

    Celebrities and billionaires think laws don't apply to them. While it shouldn't happen, they often use their clout to bypass controls.

    While his mutts are probably clean ,they could have bought rabies (and other nasties)into a country free of the disease,

    Australia free of disease. ..get real <deleted>.

  2. So where are all the "Do-Good" Folks who carp on about how terrible it is to keep Elephants in captivity?

    I would have thought these people would be out there in the wild, feeding the Elephants....or maybe these "Do Good" folks just don't get as much exposure when they actually Do Good for the Elephants, instead of making a lot of noise?

    Are you trying to say something. .. this doesn't make sense.

  3. Wait a minute, there seems to be more to the story, or the way the report was written is a bit confusing.

    What speed was the car going that the body of the motorcyclist was 200m away from where the car stopped, with the "bike stuck at the front of the car"?

    Must have been quite high speed, or the reaction of the driver was extremely slow. You can stop a car going 100km/h in way less than 200m!

    Assuming the car went fast, it's hard to believe that a 68 year old rider would speed up to get in front of the car.

    Seems to me that the car driver didn't see the slower motorcycle, maybe going way too fast. It's still the fault of the motorcyclist, though.

    Then the car crashed into the motorcycle, she said. Don't know if it's poor English but wouldn't the motorcycle crash into the car if it was cutting in front of it?

    Whatevr happened, it's sad to hear that the rider died, being one of many who will get killed in the next few days, as every year.

    100kph is 27.7 meters per second. Doesn't take long to travel 200m.

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