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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. One wonders precisely what 'the BMA is watching in the Nana area'.....
  2. Very unusual taking cannabis only would result in a 'murderous rampage'. Peace and quiet more likely. However, as you suggest, it's easy to allege a violent offender was on cannabis even if they weren't.
  3. Yes indeed. Maybe we should all be buying submarines that aren't going anywhere.
  4. Drinking and dancing ? Sounds like fun so cannot be allowed. Welcome to modern Thailand. Enjoy your stay..
  5. Unpleasant tone, and ignorant, poorly informed comment.
  6. What a puerile sequence of postings. Things could be a lot worse. Time to grow up.
  7. Weed has always been available here, illegally, to people of all ages and backgrounds. Might as well make it legal for adults, although the RTP won't be too happy, for obvious reasons.
  8. Nor were we responsible in 1955.
  9. Seems a fair enough price to me. Not sure why you have a problem with it.
  10. I doubt this story will be of any interest to most people here.
  11. You've missed the point. Never mind. Keep trying.
  12. Wrong. Solar activity is a permanent condition.
  13. They used to. They would come to the residence of the old and infirm to process the application. Not any more, sad to say.
  14. RTP at their best. Culprit gets away and they get the drugs.
  15. Yes, not the best destination for the OP given the tone of his comments. Problem for him is most immigration authorities around the world can be awkward to say the least.
  16. There are socialist elements in the NHS, the Police, the civil service and in iocal government who hate the UK and want to bring it down. The way the ambulance service is being run is just a tip if the iceberg.
  17. Cannabis has always been available in Thailand, enjoyed by many both rich and less rich tourists, and by many locals. What's all the fuss about ?
  18. Good for her. Doing her best to help otherwise helpless animals.
  19. Never had any problems of this nature with VFS who are efficient and helpful, and have never retained my passport. I suspect you will get a response after the current holidays.
  20. Best to follow the rules however smart you think you are.
  21. Probably good to give your liver and kidneys a break for a while.
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