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Posts posted by Thingamabob

  1. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    It is at the point where I am genuinely embarrassed for my British friends.


    Leaving the EU without some kind of transition agreement in place is like moving out of your flat when you have no other housing lined up, but this seems to be what the UK is going to do. Or, it'll stay in after proclaiming loudly for years that it is leaving.


    Either way;


    Never before have I seen a country so utterly determined to shoot itself in the crotch.




  2. 10 minutes ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    Well I put this up to draw Brits attention to the Parliamentary Petition and how Brexit, if you are a Brit, is affecting the the cash in your pockets. It's stimulated quite a few reactions beyond that. Seems to me, ignoring the financial effect which is why I put up the post, evenly split on whether Brexit is good or bad. Just like the UK itself and it's' Parliament.

    Rubbish. From what I can see here with my own eyes very few people are backing this petition. 

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  3. On 3/26/2019 at 2:07 PM, seahorse said:

    At least it won't be able to bite a child. 


    On 3/27/2019 at 10:26 AM, Thingamabob said:

    Unfair to donkeys.


    3 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    And you’ll be able to buy bent bananas again, there’ll be no foreigners anymore and it’ll be just like the good old 1930s when the world respected the British Empire 

    Stupid, childish comment.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

    It's good to know that Donald Trump is not a Russian agent or collaborates with them.  Whether he obstructs justice or not is to be left to the opinion of the American people.  without conclusive evidence- I will give him a pass but there are way too many other things that will cause his defeat in 2020


    1.  He is violation of the emoluments clause of the Us Constitution- he us using the Presidency to enrich

    h himself and his family- how many trips to Mar A Logo does it take where his large entourage stays at his hotel and the US Government gets billed billions does it take to show this?


    2. Once his tax returns are  shown to the World , we will see the amounts of Russian money purchase Trump properties at inflated prices and these inflated prices being poured into his Company to keep it afloat.  His many bankruptcies  would not allow him to borrow funds but the Russians are happy to support him economically. 


    3.  Trump's policies are placing the US in a position of being strongly disliked by our allies to include all of NATO; Canada and Mexico/  With the complexity of the World- America needs friends. We do not need a huge increase in the military budget while  our citizens are forced  to abide by a federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hours and our citizens have to go bankrupt because they can't pay outlandish medical and pharmaceutical bills..


    4.  As far as his tax cut- I just don't know where I will spend my extra $2.00 per day that his tax bill has provided for the Middle Class while the wealthy have received breaks that will provide them millions .


    5.   Trump's  Immigration policies are not only cruel but simply incompetent.  I guess  separating children from their parents; locking them in cages, and then deporting the parents while the children languish in the 'system' somehow translates to border protection but the majority of people aren't buying into it.


    The point is that  even if he never spoke to a Russian; obstructed justice or had Russian hookers in his Moscow Hotel -he is still a completely incompetent President and will never be re-elected. He has done nothing for the average American; done nothing to bring Americans together as a people and is reviled by the World.

    Not reviled generally. Get your facts straight.

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