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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Amazing that this inconsequential and uninteresting story about nothing much is ongoing headline news in the UK.
  2. Best not to make morally superior judgements about others, and best not to mind other people's business.
  3. Love him or loathe him Boris Johnson is not an idiot, far from it.
  4. The ICC is staffed by a bunch of self-serving, attention-seeking, pretentious malcontents, best ignored.
  5. Much the same experience. Smoked and drank a lot when younger. Now 83 and happy to be down to one half-corona a day with coffee early in the morning, and no alcohol.
  6. As a Brit I have always been impressed, and many times cheered up, by the exceptional optimism of American friends even when they face trying circumstances.
  7. Not at all dumb. A pre-fix traditionally used in many countries, esp. English speaking countries.
  8. My first marriage, to a Brit for 23 years, was a disaster. My second marriage, to a Thai for 34 years, is and has been, wonderful.
  9. These women were all adults. Amazing that these days they seen to have lost the ability to put down an idiot making lewd remarks. If he had been trying this with my mother or my aunts he would have been shut up very rapidly.
  10. A great comeback by any measure, and well deserved after all the disgraceful attempts to eliminate him.
  11. Maybe not bad for you, not so good for the animal.
  12. Nothing new, and not only in Thailand.
  13. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  14. Don't hire a powerful bike unless experienced and competent in handling such a machine.
  15. Yes indeed. As a result of net zero, which was embraced by Johnson before Starmer/Miliband, the UK is unable to exploit its' abundant natural fuel resources. It has also failed to invest in adequate nuclear power. Combine that with the lockdowns, and an incompetent Bank of England, and the result is an awful mess.
  16. He would have been fine if only on weed which induces calm, not aggression.
  17. It would have been as simple as that, but he started to throw insults at the police. In any country that's a big mistake. Unbelievably stupid.
  18. In many countries the left regard the illegals as potential supporters.
  19. Me likewise. A quick and reliable service.
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