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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Jail the dog killer, for a long time.
  2. As an ex-smoker I'm not bothered by adults smoking or vaping around me. I do not support bans in general, with the exception of seriously dangerous offences such as murder, rape and theft.
  3. Abortion after birth ? Who should kill the baby ? The doctors, the parents, or someone else ?
  4. A very strange comment. It sounds as though the Aussie needs to be in care. Meantime the cost of the damage he has caused will need to be evaluated, and compensation agreed. It will be complicated given the difficult matter of assessing how far the offender is responsible for his actions.
  5. Ongoing reports concerning the ICC suggest a grimy, self-serving organisation. It's stated objectives are fine, but the reality leaves a lot to be desired.
  6. Yes indeed. Although it should not be so a lot will depend on his background and connections.
  7. The Hunter pardon is a distraction. Way more significant is the issue of how the Biden family got rich on the back of their involvements In the former eastern-bloc countries.
  8. Thank you. young man.
  9. First visited Thailand in 1962, aged 21. After work postings in West Africa and the Middle EastI I lived and worked in Bangkok during the 1980s, later being transferred to Taiwan. Retired to Thailand with my Thai wife in 1993, and have lived here ever since. with occasional trips to the USA and Europe. Have a nice day.
  10. Not a sex tourist, but a smart-ass, evidently.
  11. How do you 'bang' any form of life in Bangkok if you are living in Cambodia ?
  12. Agreed. False breasts are a turn off and, more importantly, can lead to medical complications. This guy should advise his partner against enlargement.
  13. I have to say that those British women seem to be making a lot of fuss about very little. An older generation would have put the molester in his place in double quick time, and moved on.
  14. My advice to people contemplating a permanent move to Thailand is not to expect it to be a cheap place to live. It once was. but not any more.
  15. I haven't lived in the UK, my home country, since 1980. Back then I can assure you we did not think or obsess about the USA. We had many other interests/concerns to occupy us.
  16. Should read 5 feet 8 1/2 inches tall.
  17. I should have written 5 feet 8 1/2 inches.
  18. Immigration is out of control in the USA, and in many countries in Europe. This gives rise to extremist views.
  19. Good question, one I've been asking for over 60 years. Still waiting for an answer that makes sense. I understand that slaughterhouses are mainly staffed by foreigners and Thais who are not Buddhists. Most Buddhist Thais, nevertheless, have no problem with eating animals, they just do not want to be involved in the killing process. All rather puzzling.
  20. Utterly pathetic behaviour by the two women. They were very lucky to be well cared for by the RTP.
  21. Way too early to pass judgement. As far as I know Trump is not yet in office.
  22. This should read 5 feet, 8 1/2 inches. Info comes from the internet.
  23. 5 1/2 feet tall, 150 pounds weight. That indeed makes him quite small. Amoral. grubby and a grifter ? That's a matter of opinion.
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