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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Although he had run away from Thailand by the time it was implemented the rice pledging scheme was yet another Thaksin-inspired disaster.
  2. Britain has sleepwalked into a disaster and will be a muslim country under sharia law within 50 years. Best to get out now, if you can.
  3. Understood. Maybe amazing for you, and others, but straightforward and simple for me.
  4. If you read beyond the totally misleading headline you will gather that Anutin is far from agreeing with the PM's ridiculous attempt to make a u-turn on the use of cannabis. Notable in the last few days headlines and photos on AN no longer match the articles which follow.
  5. Some years ago the BMA placed garbage bins in several busy locations. They were all stolen within 24 hours.
  6. Living and working in several Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, I became very much aware of the contempt they have for other religions. A reward in heaven for the killing of an infidel is a tenet deeply embedded in their faith. Very worrying that so many liberal western democracies appear to have no conception of, or deny, the danger that is gradually encircling them.
  7. Much more to come on this. The fact remains, cannabis is far less harmful than cigarettes, alcohol and crystal meth, and has beneficial medical use.
  8. Not a bad idea for any country to maximise the use of it's natural resources. Biden doing a good job in this context re oil, gas and shale. I doubt Trump could do any better.
  9. Much higher ? Nonsense. You have yet to learn about who is truly powerful in Thailand.
  10. You mis-report what Anutin actually said. Anyway, if I was a Thai, I would support him to be PM.
  11. It's both transitive, and passive..
  12. You appear not to have noticed that the standard of service has declined all over the world. Thailand is no better or worse than anywhere else. The difference is servers in Thailand are generally friendly and polite, unlike their western counterparts.
  13. Utterly pathetic.Thaksin now running the show. This will hand the cannabis trade back to gangsters. Remember Thaksin's previous war on drugs ? Over two thousand people shot dead, most of them entirely innocent.
  14. Gosh. Clever boy. You appear to know what myriad means. Well done.
  15. Flabbergasted ? How long have you been in Thailand ?
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