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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. An inept, incompetent, word-saladist. A perfect choice for California governor.
  2. Why anyone would want antlers on their car is beyond me. They belong on a living being.
  3. In case you hadn't noticed not only Thai girls or night workers have tattoos. No deep reason. It's a fashion thing world-wide.
  4. As an ex-smoker I'm not bothered by cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke. In your case, given your sensitivity, you should surely have checked the regulations before moving in to the condo. Now you either have to put up with the smell, or move
  5. No problem. Good to hear from you.
  6. Some developments In the UK under the new Labour government are concerning. They include the cancelling of traditional street names, the cancelling of local elections, and the proposal to cancel jury trials.
  7. I would imagine her daughter is distraught. Her mother has turned a holiday romance into a nightmare. One, for her daughter's boyfriend, who now languishes in a foreign jail. Two, for her daughter, who will likely live with the guilt and trauma for the rest of her life.
  8. To state the obvious If you post on AN you are talking to all it's members. Anyway, have a nice day.
  9. What is needed is for the PM to take serious measures to ensure the safety and livelihoods of the elephants.
  10. A rather pompous presumption. Many of us prefer to apply in person. Money is not the issue.
  11. Yes indeed. The girl's mother has effectively subjected the young man to jail time in Dubai. She must be a thoroughly nasty piece of work
  12. I lost interest in this around the time I got to the third or fourth 'I want...'
  13. A statutory snide comment about Trump but never mind. At least a degree of leadership being shown. Interesting times ahead in the middle east...
  14. ' You are 70 so (you) probably only have one or two, maybe five years, left...).' Oh dear. At 83 how much more do I get ? Regarding the topic I find this story hard to believe, but you never know. No fool like an old fool, as the saying goes.
  15. An unarmed guest at a supposedly friendly meeting gets shot 22 times and dies. Life in the land of smiles...
  16. It certainly is. Now hidden and disguised, but central to the Quran and to Islamic teaching throughout the middle east and mosques in Europe and the USA, is the reward of a place in heaven to any Muslim who kills an infidel eg a Christian or a Jew.
  17. Martin should be ashamed of himself. It would be interesting to know how he reacted to the Palestinian/Hamas attack of 7 October 2023 during which over 1700 Israeli men, women, children and infants were brutally murdered.
  18. Sad news. Life is very tough for many people in Thailand. RIP.
  19. Sounds as though Malaysia wants to continue the current easy access for its' terror groups and smugglers.
  20. Condolences to all the sensitive souls on here who will hate this.
  21. Maybe Jingthing didn't actually realize it was a joke.He seriously needs to lighten up.
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