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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I don't think it's a good idea for Thailand to allow foreigners to buy land. I have seen in my own country, the UK, what happens when foreigners are given unrestricted access to land/house purchase. Prices go through the roof, and community spirit is destroyed.
  2. Too many people, world wide. Before long there will be no wild life anywhere.
  3. There was a time in Thailand when communist China was regarded with the utmost suspicion. Now it:s a non-stop kow-tow. Very sad.
  4. Nudism on many Thai beaches was quite normal many years ago. Prudism has taken over these days.
  5. Me too. Never had any such problems. Have you activated the app correctly ? BTW, I come from the UK where nothing seems to work any more.
  6. After the financial crash of 1997/8 I was deserted by Thai partners to carry the can for the aftermath/liabilities of a collapsed project. I was threatened by numerous creditors. Cutting a long story very short I negotiated 24/7 protection for several years with my local police chief in Bangkok. They did a good job, but at a high price. You may wish to give this route a try, but you will need the assistance of a reliable Thai speaker unless you yourself are fluent in Thai.
  7. According to the report above the suspect sped away with a gold necklace. Sounds like a motive to me. What more do you want ?
  8. Surely better that she does this personally rather than through an agent. It will cost her a lot less, and will put her, rather than a third party, in control of the process.
  9. Aged 81, never used an agent in over 40 years, although no doubt the time will come when I need to. A long time ago Immigration would come to the homes of the elderly or infirm for extensions etc, but not any more.
  10. Not uniquely Thai, obviously, however it sad and unusual that so many men here kill their girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers and other women on such a regular basis.
  11. The cruelty of these people is beyond belief. She needs to be moved to a decent zoo where she can be properly cared for. She will not survive in the wild.
  12. So, they're going to monitor those from whom they take 'donations' on a regular basis ? Does anybody believe this drivel ?
  13. Wrong. The word Farang applies to Westerners, not to other ethnicities.
  14. Good question. Does anyone ever think about the journey the animal has been on to get on to your plate and into your mouth ?
  15. Do you ever think about what that animal has been through to get onto your plate and into your mouth ?
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