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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Current regulations are sensible. Leave them be in my opinion. Those trying to undermine them are either the usual busy-bodies, or are those who have missed out on a business involvement.
  2. The biggest business in Thailand by far. It will never go away. Should have been legalised years ago. Harsh treatment of addicts never works. An effort, at least, should be made to rehabilitate them.
  3. Everything regarding your circumstances suggests to me that you should go for a retirement visa. Annual extensions less complicated than applying with a marriage visa. No need to use an agent unless you are not mobile for any reason, or will be living a long way from an immigration office.
  4. Yes, it's a walled garden where we safely look after the animals who have joined us over the years.
  5. Yes indeed. Way too many people in Thailand, and in the world. When I was born the world population was 2 billion, now 8 billion. Before long all wild life will be gone, and humans will be fighting over limited resources. No one wants to talk about this, but they endlessly discuss climate change.
  6. The Tory party have barely 2 years to recover. Failure to do so and they will most likely lose the next election. If that happens I just hope it's a clear Labour win without the need for a coalition with the SNP or the Lib Dems, or both.
  7. When I was a youngster in the UK in the 1940s and 1950s we got 4 US dollars for 1 pound Sterling. Oh dear....
  8. Does anybody know Tony's surname ? I used to have an Aussie friend called Tony with whom I lost contact some years ago. His surname was Massey.
  9. I don't remember hearing anything regarding what happened to his Thai associates.
  10. I have had the yellow book for some years now. Worth getting in my opinion. For example, it has proven useful when buying and selling cars, and when reporting a robbery to the RTP.
  11. To repeat what has been said many times on this thread akready, properly cared for pit bulls are loyal, friendly and fun, and no threat to anybody.
  12. Chilling to think that this woman, as a teacher, should be setting a good example to her students. Teachers in Thailand seem to have more debt problems than mist sectors of society.
  13. Thais near to you in enclosed spaces will be uncomfortable if you're not wearing a mask. It's not our country and if that's the way the Thai people feel we should go along with them, out of politeness if nothing else.
  14. My own experience is that I pee more in colder climates. Also, worth having your prostate checked for possible enlargement.
  15. Chadchart not exactly impressive so far. Best to allow more time to see if his actions are as good as his words.
  16. A famous quotation ...'There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics'....
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