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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Sad beyond belief. Utterly disgusting treatment of an animal by utterly disgusting people. Shameful that nobody here cares.
  2. Jeremy Hunt backs China against Taiwan. Very disappointing that you say you are a Hunt supporter.
  3. Words fail me other than to say this was an utterly disgusting act. RIP old lady. So sad you died in this horrible way.
  4. Bernie is a good bloke. Made his money through smart but fair business deals. A bit harsh to suggest he is remotely similar to Prawit dont you think ?
  5. A rotten way to treat children in your care. Sentence is harsh but justified in my opinion. Be good to see equally harsh sentences for rape and murder which, for some reason which is beyond me, get treated more leniently here in Thailand.
  6. Very difficult to make any recommendation to someone you don't know, and whose issues are unclear. I had a friend who had a nervous breakdown and went to Nepal for several months. He came back feeling much better. I have lost contact with him now but Nepal it certainly helped in his case.
  7. Not sure if you're correct in saying you can be 7 days late when reporting in person. In my experience you will be fined even if only 1 day late.
  8. Utterly pathetic mayor and police. Time to grow up, but I fear that's never going to happen. Most Thai people are brought up to be pemanently childish
  9. Probably best to avoid buying online if at all possible. Personally I have always had good service from all the main superstores, including Makro, when returning an item due to it being faulty in some way.
  10. Extension based on retirement much easier than extensiom based on marriage. No need whatsoever for pay an agent unless, that is, you're too idle or too scared to do it yourself.
  11. Phue Thai are a waste of time at the moment. Come up with some sensible policy objectives and people may just listen.
  12. Chonlanon/Pheu Thai are wasting their time if they think legal action in this case is going anywhere. A focus on meth, guns and knives would be far more worthwhile.
  13. Srisuwan has made some very fair protests over the years, but this last one against the comedian seems pointless. Must have been a personal issue I guess.
  14. My local 7/11 only take cash. It takes time for even a small queue at the till to be served, but best not to get upset about it. Patience is a virtue, especially in Thailand.
  15. Disgusting behaviour whatever the facts of the case. Does none of us farangs any good. It will be interesting to learn more about the French men ie if they reside permanently in Thailand, and the nature of their business. Meantime, let's hope the Thai man recovers.
  16. Thailand/Siam has endeavoured to remain neutral throughout most of it's history. However, It did side with the Axis powers in WW2 (at the point of a gun), and took on the French at a time when they were annexing Thai territory. It is also facing an ongoing insurgency in the south. Apart from those instances Thailand has kept well away from international disputes, rightly so in my opinion.
  17. My grandfather at 96. Died at 98 having never had a car accident since starting driving at age 17. I'm 80, and so far no car accident either. Hope I'm not tempting fate by daying that !
  18. Thanks a lot. How old are you, and when do you intend to stop driving ?
  19. Other unpleasant liquids ? That's a bit coy. Human waste was what I read in another report. Even that was a bit too polite.
  20. Siam avoided being colonised by skillfully portraying itself as a neutral player between the French in Laos and Cambodia, and the British in India/Burma and Malaya. However it then miscalculated by accomodating Japan in WW2, and now Thailand/Prayut have further miscalculated in this case, given the appalling atrocities committed by the Russian military in Ukraine. It appears the diplomatic skills of Thailand's forefathers nl longer exist. Self-interest and greed now take precedence.
  21. Acting PM for a short time and 50 million baht disappears without any comment. Amazing.
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