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About Scouse123

  • Birthday April 26

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    Thailand, Cambodia, UK

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  1. Yes, But if he was following this, it was to wreak havoc and mischief, not to conceal his beliefs because he thought he might be in ' peril ' it is deception to continue his craft of terrorism.
  2. No, he converted to Christianity when he came to Europe, we can't deport him as it's against his human rights, and he might be tortured.. That's a favourite Muslim excuse to ask for asylum, then wreak havoc in Western society.
  3. Here we go. No, jumping to conclusions because it's a terrorist attack and the perpetrator hails from Saudi Arabia. Do you believe the ridiculous story offered up as an excuse by this terrorist?
  4. It's a done deal now for the two who pleaded guilty, however, the Pakistani with a Thai citizenship and passport, who pleaded not guilty, is now entitled to bail to fight his case in the Appeal courts. He might be on the streets of Pattaya for Christmas!
  5. Thaksin organised the poll... It was a choice between her or Bashar Assad.
  6. You tell them, I am sure they are listening.
  7. Definitely, Because unprovoked violence never happens in Thailand.
  8. Your post is pure drivel. You expect Israel to play by ' Queensbury rules ' or limited action after the inhumane, unprovoked attacks on October 7th 2023? When does Hamas play by the rules? They don't!! Israel casualty figures are there for all to see, the casualty figures coming out of Gaza are given by Hamas. Who is it that uses humanitarian aid to buy weapons to escalate this conflict? Who is it that hides their weapons stashes in public buildings such as schools and hospitals? We know who is sending militants into Gaza disguised as aid workers and humanitarian volunteers, How many weapons stashes and underground tunnels have they found which the sole intention is, to cause harm to Israelis? So, you can criticize away with your comments against Israel, a democratic state with a government that respects the rule of law and holds free and fair elections. War is ugly, actions have consequences. Hamas doesn't understand negotiation, they understand brute force.
  9. Great, you have your sympathies for the Arab Palestinians, and I'll have mine for the Israelis. Merry Christmas!
  10. So, October 7th 2023 never happened, it's a figment of my fertile imagination. The problem is Hamas and the others like to do things like this, then run to the international community when Israel fights back. End of conversation.
  11. Links can be shown here to back up any narrative anybody chooses to take. I have no intention to search around for Pro Israeli links. The top and bottom of this, there's nothing else to say, is who started this recent conflict for no reason whatsoever on October 7th 2023? You reap what you sow. End of.
  12. No blindness like people who don't want to see, is there? No matter what evidence we present, your mind is closed. Carry on with your Hamas supporting posts, nobody who knows the tricks that terrorist organisation get up to, is listening

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