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About Scouse123

  • Birthday April 26

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    Thailand, Cambodia, UK

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  1. Glad to hear the saviour of Thailand no longer requires his neck brace. What a guy. Not even a hint of an embarrassment.
  2. Thanks.
  3. At least a generous lady promoting sports and sharing some of the wealth.
  4. I have sympathy with our farmers, but what business is it of Elon Musk? He's now delving into British policy, political parties, etc I detest the current British government and their policies, and it's only a matter of time before we become riddled with strikes by unions, as always happens under Labour. However, I reiterate, why such interest from Elon Musk in UK affairs? We must be on our guard with anybody who is a bedfellow of Trump.
  5. No, it's Kalasin, really classy! They can even spell their tattoos right.
  6. I have used RooJai for years.
  7. Only surprise is they haven't got their phones out. Probably not enough blood and guts to make it worthwhile.
  8. You had better tell Robert Di Niro who has fathered a child aged 80. https://pagesix.com/2025/01/05/parents/robert-de-niro-81-confirms-he-doesnt-change-his-1-year-old-daughters-diapers/
  9. I was referring to his comment and focus on ' crappy Thai school ' as opposed to the actual incident and death of a man.
  10. No point taking photos now with Thai military armed to the teeth in a photo shoot. I don't see the point in a show of strength. The deed is done, and the horse has bolted.
  11. With the other tourist who he was engaged with in conversation. Did you read the article?
  12. And don't forget Qatar, who always play both sides of the fence.

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