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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. The system I use now with my savings account and debit card in Thailand, it is linked to my phone and automatically registers within seconds of the transaction. A good way of keeping track on the balance as well as any fraudulent use.

    I use credit and debit cards issued by Thai banks and do not worry about it any more than in my home country.

  2. arunsakda

    It could be data stream, it could be a corrupt member of staff or a secret card reader installed. Are you absolutely sure as well that you haven't used it anywhere at all outside? Not in a restaurant or a mall?

    It's fairly obvious access to your private information has been gained. I had it years ago in Thailand. The only place I recalled letting it out of my sight was in Central when they used to disappear from whatever counter you were at and go and get the card authorised miles away at a fixed central point in the mall, a long way from the purchase area of whatever goods you had bought.

    However, I banked in Singapore, those guys are quick off the mark! , and they contacted me quickly via e mail asking about transactions in the USA, when I had not made nor been there. There were a number of transactions which were stopped by my bank.

    I would report the matter both to your bank and the hotel management as a safeguard. Get new cards and be safe.

  3. I know this is a silly question, but if there wasn't sufficient to charge here, why has she got a mugshot with drug possession (K) written on the board?

    Edit to add, and what is she wearing?

    Mugshot taken as guarantee they will cough up the tea money!

    Absolute nonsense to say there wasn't enough there to prosecute, on simple posssession charges any amount suffices. Another example of making it up as they go along.

    These are just additional examples of the ridiculous discretion given to the Police in Thailand, Total corruption by the BIB, be it traffic, immigration or municipal is embedded.

    \It will never change, it is deep rooted and endemic in society in Thailand and it is in their genetic make up.

    Had it been in Isaarn, the coppers would have been forcing them to put their land in the pawn shop by now to pay them off or risk all kinds of additional ( made up ) charges

    Bangkok hi-so, different rules apply.

  4. Geez....why would you want to own a car here in this country......

    OK...no need to answer........ I should not have asked.........but still........ who wants to drive amongst all the "Road Monkeys" and "Road Savages" that are abundant throughout Thailand.....lol



    How about those of us that don't trust the ' Road monkeys ' and ' Road savages ' to drive us around in taxis or public buses.

    I would sooner trust my own driving than a guy in Thailand who is probably self taught and usually has one vice or the other in the form of alcohol or Yaa baa.

  5. A few options here.

    1. Don't buy them as it only encourages the rampant corruption that goes with it.

    2. Continue paying your normal inflated fee to help the poor who sell them and satisfy yourself and be happy with your thoughts that you are helping.

    3. Boycott purchasing them until they are moved and sold only through authorised outlets such as 7-11, Tesco, Big C, etc

    I personally feel they are lousy value for money compared to other lotteries across Europe.

  6. I can't believe this thread!

    Clearly printed on a lottery ticket is the retail selling price. The gravy train has stopped at the station and they don't like it.

    The rest about mafias, middle men, elite buying them all up in bulk and reselling, poor vendors is a load of side issues and nonsense.

    If the profit isn't there at that price, change your business to something that is worthwhile and where you can make a living.

    Let's increase the cost of cars then as the cleaner in the showroom isn't getting a fair deal out of the sale, eh? She's poor with a family to feed. Let's put 20% or 30% extra on the advertised price of the car, ridiculous? Yes, it is!!!

  7. Cambodia sucks - always has, always will... One or the most depressing and god forsaken countries I have ever been. Apparently, depression leads to aggression. Leave the poor farmer alone, will ya?

    A bit of a generalisation and a sweeping statement isn't it?

    sure.............. Cambodia has its issues and problems and is still under the influence of a Vietnamese installed dictator lining his own and his band of merry mens pockets, as all despots do: but with its recent history the people could do with a bit of a helping hand.

    Many of those in business I have come across, the Police force, Army and government positions can be as greedy and arrogant as most other Asian countries ( I think they all go on the same courses ) that doesn't apply to the people on the ground that you come across day to day.

    The place is not perfect and has a long way to go, but I disagree that it " sucks ". It's depressing?? In what way? They are a race of people plodding on and trying to get ahead.

    I find a lot of the younger generation from 7-20 years old are " school mad " with an insatiable appetite for learning and to get ahead and with a far better understanding oif English and French than the Thais, Laotians and Vietnamese in that age group.

    and so therefore do you believe Thailand is the land of milk and honey???........ because it most certainly is not!

  8. “It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

    What do they expect. An embassy can only give advise about the laws. He should have contacted the embassy before he burned 65 millions. Rule 1, take a lawyer recommended from the embassy for all real-estate transactions.


    I felt and do feel sorry for him and his family for their loss at the hands of scheming cheats. However, he has not been " abandoned " by his government and embassy. It is Thailand and it is Thai law. His government and embassy can do no more than a Thai embassy attempting to interfere in a land/civil dispute in Ireland.

    His " praise " of the Thai police will quickly disappear once the TV, newspapers and cameras have faded out of sight and the Police will then rapidly lose interest in his case.

    Plenty of ' tea and sympathy ' or in Thailand's case water, will be given but not much else.

  9. In Cambodia you can most certainly get deals by the month for accommodation both in Phnom Penn and Siem Reap in the $250 -$350 range for a decent place. You can reduce this cost by taking a room in a shared house.

    In Cambodia as some poster has mentioned, they are undergoing a clampdown. The purpose of this is to sift out those staying in the kingdom on overstay, without visas and those actively in employment without work permits which are only $100 a year.

    When entering Cambodia you must pay the $35 fee for the one month E visa which can then be extended at a cost of $285- $295 for a years extension. There is no Police reporting every ninety days as there is in Thailand.They will NOT extend the $30 tourist visa so make sure you get the correct one on your way in. Go to a Travel agent and it will take four working days to process a years by business visa.

    You won't have a problem getting a years visa at a travel agent but you will if you try to do it yourself with immigration.

    Alcohol and food is very well priced in both PP and SR and booze is cheaper as a rule, than Thailand with happy hours non stop. Regards women, you will probably do a great deal better in Phnom Penn than Siem Reap and far more choice.

    Cambodia is nowhere near as diverse as Philippines and Thailand. Once you have seen PP, SR and Snooky which you have already visited, there isn't a great deal more developed as yet for foreigners to see, maybe Battambang and Kep and one or two others but nothing like Thailand. If you are purely in party mode,you may get bored.

  10. So, it would seem posters are not happy. Well, so what?

    What is a pity is that the minimum wage setting of 300 Baht / day was not accompanied with subsidies encouraging companies to improve, to raise productivity. SME seem to count for 60% of the lower level workforce, but government assistance is aimed at larger companies mostly. That was so before, that does not seem to have changed.

    BTW is 300 Baht / day enforced?

    I agree with you on some of the above comments regards productivity and companies as well as those already implementing the 300 baht wage.

    300 baht is not a lot of money by any means but they must take into account the price of goods and services produced by their competitors in such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos which the Thais just do not seem to understand.

    A lot of low skilled jobs being filled now in Thailand are filled by Burmese and Cambodians, not because there is a shortage of Thai labour,that is an urban myth! it's because the Thais are too lazy or think it is beneath them to do it. They would sooner beg, steal and borrow.Why they think this is satisfactory is beyond me.

    In Isaarn, they are mostly all well aware of the 300 baht a day minimum wage and love quoting it, they don't seem to be aware of arriving to work on time, putting in a days efforts without stopping every five minutes to eat, smoke, or drink the local white whisky.

    I also agree with the poster who mentions 500 baht will nort be enough, it won't until they get the " work ethic and priorities " sorted out. They are lousy savers, lousy at budgeting or living within their means. They prefer ' borrowing ' which also seems to mean in Thai, not giving back.

    Labour wise, they need to watch as they are pricing themselves out of the market.

  11. It's hard enough jumping through the hoops just to live and work here ... THERE IS NO WAY I would invest in a business here. I'd be looking at neighbouring countries ...like Vietnam.

    I have looked at Vietnam and I did have a hospitality businesses in Thailand without any problems at all.That included full hotel, bars, restaurant etc The subject of BOI never came up. I know many foreigners in Thailand with companies that own resorts, guesthouses, hotels, bars and restaurants. Yes, they are set up in the 49%/ 51% companies but have run for a great number of years.

    Vietnam looks extremely difficult given the fact they don't really welcome foreigners with open arms for business and if your target audience is foreigners in the hospitality trade then there are no standardised visas for ex pats or retirees to my knowledge. So, if it were bars or restaurants it may be a problem.

    A five year special business visa may be obtained after ' jumping through hoops! ' but the common or garden foreigner does not get this and must look to border runs every three months unless you can tell me different.

    I haven't looked at the visa based on marraige actually as I have no interest in that area,....... once is enough!!

    I think both Thailand and Cambodia are easier than Vietnam, even Laos I think, is easier.

    If you know different, I would love to hear, no sarcasm intended, genuinely very interested. I also heard recently from a good friend which board members may be able to assist on this topic, and that was to forget the Philippines, as all hospitality in the main resorts are more or less, mafia controlled. They say the black economy and dark forces are a very real element over there.

    I think if you set up your company right in Thailand or Cambodia with a competent lawyer, pay your dues ( or at least make an effort) obtain the corect visa and work permit without trying to operate under the radar, you can be legal and make a living in either country unless you are leasing/renting in which case you will get screwed eventually.

  12. The times I have heard the expression, " My landlord is a great guy " ...........................until they're not!

    A fouvourite of the Thais is to blame another elder/family member for changing and/or backing out on deals and contracts. The younger Thais do not possess a tenth of the honour their parents had.

    I would pay no more than 1 year upfront and expect a ten/fifteen percent discount.

    If they are chasing money, they will be around to renegoiate the discount on the lease to get another lump of cash before the term is up.

    Make sure all contracts are done through an English speaking reputable lawyer and any extended terms are registered at the land office.

    Evil can enter their minds if they fall on hard times and have already had five years rent upfront from you, especially if this land is their only/main asset or other family members are involved with it.

  13. When I got my stamp yesterday and our transaction was complete, I asked if I could file on line at the Samut Prakan office. The man very nicely said yes and handed me his desk copy of a book. It was about 3'4" thick.

    Are you sure the book was that thick? 101 cm? Over one metre?


    Perhaps you meant 3/4", ie 1.9 cm

    3/4 inches is 1.9 cm????? Not when I went to school!!!...... 3 inches is 7.6cm and 4 inches is 10 cm plus.

  14. Anyway,

    As some of you have pointed out, he won't be the first or the last. He just seems to be at the wrong age to go out and earn this kind of money or even half of it again.

    I just get wound up seeing these kind of injustices and scams against people. I know it's not only Thailand but it does seem to be a favourite pastime in the LOS.

    I wish him well and hope he and the kids get some kind of justice and future.

  15. Somyot said some cases have apparently ruled by court.

    Anyone have a clue what this means?


    It means there is bugger all the Police can do to help!

    The court has ruled and made a judgement so the Police cannot step in for a compromise between the parties.

    The man has been cheated but most of it is down to his stupid wife who herself was conned into taking out loans from sharks for her gambling. They saw the riches, either through her boasting or by other means, and moved in for the kill.

    I DEFINITELY feel sorry for the man. I don't think he was a fool at all to manage to put that kind of money together in the first place. He must be reasonably astute.

    Also, I have seen his son on Facebook video, a very young man but intelligent and fantastic English explaining what happened in this case, and explained it step by step for the public to understand. This child has been extremely well educated!!

    The Irish man sought justice through legal representation, how was he to know rotten apples were going to bunch together. His wife appears stupid to me. Why did she need to gamble when they had such a good set up and carry on with houses and land plots. GREEDY STUPID WOMAN! but we see this all too often.

    Sadly, these crooks, scumbags and Thai lawyers ( equally scumbags) know their way around the law and have exploited this. They even then used filthy tactics and local thugs to chase a man and his two children out of Phuket.

    I think the chain is too long and fear the man may have lost the lot and I sympathise greatly with him and his children.

    To those saying only gamble what you can afford to lose,If we all gambled in life or business only " what we could afford to lose " We might as well bury it in the garden and do nothing.

  16. Those who ordered the " hit " so to speak will be dealt with far more severely than the young kid who carried it out, and rightly so.

    That forms part of any judgement in Thai law.It was included specifically where people of influence were ordering these type of reprisals over land and business disputes.

    The youngster will actually get off light as a rule because of his young age, and the pressure from the older guys who should have known better and have either pressured or coerced him to do it.

    On the subject of " mafias " these are well documented and alive and well in Thailand with no shortage of recruits.

  17. Why can't I believe what the OP is saying?

    May be it's just me.

    Dislike, -1.

    What do you know?

    Color is part of the entries in the blue book.

    Annoying to be caught if the entry is not accurate.

    But sorry no escape here.

    RTP is creative if they need money whistling.gif

    About the lights on: another unbelievable rule that opens a path to abuse.

    You must not turn on the lights as long as you can see a car to the distance of 150m.

    As said: arbitrary abuse possible.

    The modern "daylights" (usually LED) are tolerated.

    and anyone with half a brain knows you dont have to pay a fine on the spot and can pay at local police station..you just simply drive away and forget it..nothing is on a computer here for this type of thing or they wouldnt put it in there pocket..in theory..a little tip for the uninformed..

    Not so easy as you say for those of us with half a brain!!!

    The Police either take your car documents or your driving licence and follow you to the Police station in their own sweet time leaving you waiting hours at times!!

    You do not get away with it as easy as what you are saying!

  18. Did you get a receipt?

    I was fined 200 Baht (receipted) for not having the "Carry Boy" registered. It had been on the back of my DMax 10 years at the time. They have a mastermind somewhere who just devises ways to raise revenue. Too bad he/she could spend more time getting un roadworthy buses and trucks off the roads.

    I bought a large gas powered BBQ in Pattaya in its box that it came in, and placed it on the rear of my truck and it was completely secured with all the correct ropes as we were travelling a long way up country.

    We stayed one night in Bangkok and then proceeded on our way. I had no sooner got to the toll way when they stopped and fined us " for not having a cover " over the box!!!!!

    If we had covered it in, they would have accused us of trying to conceal something!!

    You cannot win with these filthy practices. It's the same as a speeding stop when you aren't speeding. Luck of the draw, no rhyme, no reason. POT LUCK!

  19. Excuse me,

    Does anybody know that this guy in his older years even KNEW the girl had a husband?

    Is it not feasible and possible he didn't?

    Is it not also possible if she was his caddy and in regularly contact with him through golf, that she had strung him a line?

    Furthermore, the guys saying he was messing with another persons wife? Do we know this to be fact? Is it possible they were no more than friends?

    Finally, I know of many Thai men who send their girlfriends/ mia noi's/ partners/ wives to work in these jobs as Caddies, hostesses, bar girls ( as cashiers of course! ).

    They care very little to what they are doing provided they have the money at the end of the day/week/month to go do what Thai males do which is drink Lao Khao, Yaa dong, cigarettes and the local karaoke bar calling in at the local cock fight for a quick gamble on the way, topped off with a quick smoke of illegal drugs,.

  20. Having worked in Thailand and Cambodia I have seen very little difference in attitudes of those involved in the low skilled sectors.

    The majority have little or no work ethic, add back to the equation corrupt laws and practices wherever they turn, combine that with low pay and even lower responsibilities for their actions; a disaster is never far away. either for themselves or their families.

    A complete lack of education, intolerance of others opinions, low grade cheap alcohol and drugs being the prime factors of many deaths in both countries. The crime rate in Cambodia is mirroring Thailand ( especially in the tourist areas of Siem Reap which were heavily policed before) and soaring with muggings, attacks on foreigners, thefts, home invasions and gun crime rocketing.

    Having a belief drilled into them from childhood that their fate is not in their own hands and their lives are already mapped out does not help them either unfortunately.

  21. Thailand has enough problems already in the South of the country and areas bordering Malaysia without the addition of these groups as well.

    The Bangladeshis are no more than economic migrants and The Rohingha will be up to nonsense and demanding this, that and the other as soon as they have been fed and watered.

    As soon as Thailand softens and allows them in, as another poster has said, it won't be thousands coming, it will be hundreds of thousands. Also, out of the three countries involved, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, which are the two that are Muslim?

    They talk about all Muslims being their brothers and the rest of us being " infidels " Well, let their brothers take care of them. Thailand was 94% Buddhist last time I looked.

    Every time, and I mean bar none, that a country helps Muslim minorities, it comes back to bite them. All of a sudden things are not good enough for them, they want their own schools, they want their own customs, they want food cooked this and that way, They want to import their versions of Islam into their host country.They then want to change the host country into a mini version of the countries they are fleeing from; especially in the Middle East.These people are not from the Orient, they are historically migrants from the likes of Bangladesh, India, and surrounding areas. This is also why they are not recognized by the Burmese.

    As soon as they get any form of power base, they are spewing unrest and hatred. It has to stop! Although,It is not appropiate to say " Well done Thailand" I certainly understand the Thai point of view here.

    The traffickers also need to be caught and a big example made of them.Extremely long prison sentences for damaging the peace, harmony and prosperity of the Thai nation would be an appropiate charge and throw the book at the greedy b******s!

    The poster who talked about the Thai elite and the ' tongue in cheek " remark about five star hotels that could be bought to house these people. Well, we all know, that will never happen so it's pointless mentioning it. It's the same as asking for "likes" on Facebook praying for a miracle when you see a sad story; a waste of your time.

  22. Hi,

    Just to assist and inform anybody who needs translations done by a certified and reliable company in the future, may I make a recommendation which I initially obtained via this forum.

    The lady is Khun Oui. She is a registered and qualified interpreter and translator of documents. She can certify and stamp your documents as per court or Embassy requirements.

    I sent my documents via e mail yesterday afternoon and they were translated and sent via e mail by the evening and stamped.

    Hard copies on the way today by EMS. The price was excellent as was the service.Her e mail is [email protected]

    Apparently, she specializes in legal documents and can also act as an interpreter for any court appearances.

    Very happy with both price and standard of service.

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