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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Hi,

    I have read in detail about how many retired and non working foreigners in Thailand are filling out a form 10 at the end of the tax year and claiming back the 15% tax deducted from their interest payments.

    I have fixed savings deposit accounts in Cambodia and am aware that the tax on interest is only 5% as opposed to 15%.

    Are there any ways possible of getting these monies refunded as they do in Thailand for people who are retired and not working????

    Does anybody have any experience of this please??

  2. GeeForce,

    I have two passports and have done what you wish to do and what Fiestyfarang has mentioned. I did it for different reasons which was I was filling up a new passport too quickly and had a few spaces left on my old one. As you all know the amount of space a visa takes in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia etc.

    My last trip, I actually left by air on one passport and entered the next country using another. No problem at all. I have done it at land crossings too in the past, if you have actually left a country, your legal visa obligations are finished to that particular country. Entering a new country, your visa regulations start. There are plenty of frequent travellers who use two legal passports.

    I think if passport officers are looking at length at a passport they are more likely to be looking at back to back entries for their own country and not interested beyond that.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi,

    I very recently had a 3.0L 4 door Toyota vigo champ automatic. It was 2 years and 8 months with 47,000 KM. It had the bull bars, roll bars, and roof rack and the fancy light covers, bells and extras etc.

    Nice looking car. It cost me around 950,000 B nearly three years ago but came in at 1,000,000 with finance over 3 years on half of that. I haven't included the extras as that was my choice to flash it up.

    I advertized on baht sold.com with four pictures and it was washed and polished. A clean vehicle, only one owner and non smoker.

    I was quoted 720,000 B from Toyota guy. I sold private in two hours flat for 775,000 advertized at 785,000 B to a Thai dealer.

    I bought a brand new one at 950,000 2014 model with built in navigator, new style air con and various other modifications and a years free insurance plus all light guards, door guards, tinted windows, thrown in allegedly FREE.

    Don't buy a Ford!.......they collapse in value......... Stick to Toyotas, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, etc Good luck whatever you decide to do.

    I can't seem to get into the car sales sites but would really like to know what they value it at.

  4. Dying ember and you other guys,

    Thanks very much for your input especially dying ember for your full respose.

    No worries on land, it's ours, no worries on water, we have our own.

    I will probably take up the experienced guy in Cambodia and see how it goes as he has done them in the past, is very keen on expenses and wants paying on a yield by yield basis.

    We can watch and learn and in the meantime google a plenty!


  5. Hi,

    No,we have no source for spores, I am only just starting to learn.

    I have researched slightly but off to meet a guy in Cambodia (from Europe) who says he will come up and set up the A-Z for me. He will want a fee of course. It does seem very complicated the more I delve into it with differing types, spores, steaming and the different ways of doing things.

    I will persevere though.

  6. Hi,

    I hope somebody may have time to help us.

    My Thai partner has a decent plot of land in Kalasin behind our houses which is basically not used.

    I was thinking of levelling off the unused land which is about 1 rai. We already have rice land etc and I was wanting to invest in something different and put this to good use whilst having an interest.

    I have never done mushroom farming in sheds but have been reading about it on the forums and it doesn't seem too expensive to set up. My questions are.

    1. Approximate set upcosts, small at first and I am on dodgy fround as I have no knowledge.

    2. Are there any places or possibly farming courses, where this can be learnt in a few days regards what is required with set ups and what is needed. etc.

    3. Any advice if this is a relatively easy task to do, I have a decent brain and so does she.


    4. Any dangers or pitfalls of entering into this business?

    5. Would I be better trying to sell on to an agent if this project were successful or word of mouth locally?

    6. How long does it take to get a crop yield from start to finish please?

    Sorry, for any naiviety displayed in my quest for learning and understanding mushroom farming.

  7. if you have a krungthai bank account and visa debit card you can get your hospital bill paid for you,the only problem is you have to pay the bill yourself then submit the paid bill to the bank and they thern reinburse you i pay 900 baht a year for this and it is worth it


    I have similar card and cover to you with KTB at 999 baht a year Blue diamond card.

    I think to the best of my knowledge you will find this card is for hospitalisation through accidents including general and motor. It covers whether you are the driver, passenger or pedestrian.

    It does not cover general ailmentas, illnesses and operations not related other than actual accidents.

    Suradit69 is actually spot on regards insurance with his post.

  8. Unfortuantely I am not on a pension harrry but thank for the advice. Will no insurers in Thailand help me out? Even if they pay the costs themselves upfront (the insurer) and I pay back per month, I would be fine with that.



    No insurer is going to offer you coverage for an existing condition. Sorry but you are essentially asking a business to advance you Baht 300,000 on your promise to repay it. You can't really think that's a reasonable thing to expect. Obviously as an expat you could board the next airplane out of the country following your recovery, never to be seen again.

    Sorry for your situation, but the point of paying for insurance is to cover unexpected events in the future, not things that have already happened. If that were the case, no one would buy insurance until they had a problem that required immediate payment.

    Hopefully you can somehow manage to get the treatment back in the UK.


    Gentlemen,suradit 69 is absolutely spot on here with his post.

    Also, no wish at all to get into heated debate but to my knowledge the KTB card referred to by another poster covers only death, all kinds of road accidents involving motor and car whether you are driving or not or even a passenger or pedestrian and hired cars and bikes

    It does not cover general illnesses and operations that require in patient care. I have the same card and the fee is 999 baht a year.

  9. Unfortuantely I am not on a pension harrry but thank for the advice. Will no insurers in Thailand help me out? Even if they pay the costs themselves upfront (the insurer) and I pay back per month, I would be fine with that.



    No insurer is going to offer you coverage for an existing condition. Sorry but you are essentially asking a business to advance you Baht 300,000 on your promise to repay it. You can't really think that's a reasonable thing to expect. Obviously as an expat you could board the next airplane out of the country following your recovery, never to be seen again.

    Sorry for your situation, but the point of paying for insurance is to cover unexpected events in the future, not things that have already happened. If that were the case, no one would buy insurance until they had a problem that required immediate payment.

    Hopefully you can somehow manage to get the treatment back in the UK.

  10. I don't feel your Thai wife will like the separation from family and friends for a long period without you having a business for her to do or similar distraction. Thais love it for three or four days as it's different but then miss home.

    I don't know where you live but if the visas is the main issue, why not relocate and live in one of the Isaarn visa towns/ cities such as Khonkaen,Sakon Nakhon or Khorat where they grant visas and extensions and you are not far for reporting as well as having your internet and cheap accommodation.

    Food is a higher standard for fruit and vegetables in Thailand. Electricity is more expensive in Cambodia. If the 400,000 baht is the problem then yes, consider CAMBODIA. Healthcare is a major concern.

  11. It's worth a try, for me the only drawback with Cambodia is , that I found it quite dirty, everywhere you go, loads of Garbage lying around, but people nice and friendly.....


    I think you are right on that score but the Thais can be just as bad in that department.

    Cambodia still has a long way to go and to teach its citizens to clean and look after their country and not just throw things around. Siem Reap has a cleaning up the streets campaign regularly, but it is mainly done by foreigners. I don't join in, as I know for a fact I don't make the mess and the likes of those that do are noticeable by their absence.

    To get good standards of hygiene in both these countries you have protect the space around yourself keeping it clean and tidy, by yourself, as nobody else will.

  12. Hi,

    There are a few who have taken Thai wives to Siem Reap in Cambodia that I know but usually to open a business.

    They still must follow the laws of Cambodia and have the correct visa in place for extension of stay, and of course, a fee is involved.

    I think SV is a dump but that is only personal opinion. PP and SR are better places to be. Many foreigners in SR use bicylcles as the place isn't really that big and you can easily get around on one. SR also allows you easier access back to the border with Thailand for your wife's benefit and ease of travellling home.

    You may be able to get a room in a shared house at that kind of money but you will be lucky to get anything decent on your own at $100 unless you are way out in the sticks and remote from everything. Wi fi is in abundance in resort or city areas of Cambodia.

    • Like 1
  13. They are deporting him as he has made a fool of them and not for any other reason.

    The tourist police and various other German help organisations put themselves in the limelight to assist this man. They now know they have been duped and made worse by the newspapers reporting it.

    The newspapers then showed exactly what he did with the money. Thailand has enough problems with Thai, Cambodian , Burmese beggars, conmen and mafia enterprises cashing in on tourists without these types of additional problems. Unchecked, within months it will be the next line of amassing funds to stay in the LOS for every foreigner who pisses their funds away on drink, drugs and women or men.

    The man is feckless. If he cannot support himself in a foreign country, when he came as a tourist without resorting to begging, he needs to go home. He is no longer a tourist but a burden on tourists and locals alike with his begging.

    The person who posted asking " who now will pay for his flight home? " unsure on this as he is German, but if a UK citizen, they will leave them in the immigration centre for a considerable period and tell them to request family, friends etc to send the money for the ticket so the Embassy can purchase it. Embassy will make the call to Europe on their behalf.

  14. Hi,

    Jusr bought a car. This car is registered in my Thai partners name.

    She has a full valid driving licence and it was asked for by the company selling the vehicle.

    Also, they insisted on life insurance to cover the payments for any unforeseen accident. Free class one insurance for one year.

    As you are living abroad I would not receommend you buy this vehicle. He has no driving licence nor experience.

    These people up in the farming communities never take responsibility for their actions rather believing in fate.

    When a car accident does occur, although many Thais do indeed drive with no insurance, the full force of the law will come down on the guilty party.

    He will obviously have no money if it's his fault and so she will then expect you to pay again to clear the problem. If a death is involved, it can be a big claim.

    Say NO.

  15. Very briefly.

    Anyone know where I can get a sofa uphostered in leather; preferably in the Sahon Nakon, Kalasin or Roi Et areas please.

    It was an expensive suite and very comfortable.

    It is only the seats on the sofa that have cracked and worn, the rest of the three piece suite is perfect, or do I just swallow it and buy new?

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