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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. I had no problems whatsoever with term deposits in several Lao banks (ANZ, JDB, PSV from when the rates were up to 15% a few years ago). LAK earns much better interest than THB or USD and you can exchange freely between them whenever you want. You need a Work Permit to open a fixed deposit account in your own name.

    Well, it's horses for courses, if the guy is happy doing it, up to him!

  2. I just don't think it is a great idea swapping USD or Euros or GBP etc for Lao kip!

    Another point what the OP made about ANZ being third world?? No, ANZ Australia is not but a lot of these international banks that open up and use their corporate colours to fool the public, the funds however are not guaranteed by the parent company.

    That is why in Cambodia, although it is ANZ, it is ANZ Royal.....!! which identifies it as a subsidiary bank under the rules and regulations of Cambodia.

  3. I too have never had a problem there and felt that this was one of the good offices. The woman that has run the place for at least a couple of years was there and so was the woman that usually sits at the far left counter, This was a younger man, never seen him before. I know I will never see my money but again I would like to give a headsup to a higher power if this guy is playing games. If I had known the number of the head office in Bangkok, I would have called them as I sat there. My wife of course is worried that he could make trouble with my getting an attention.


    Thai women are terrifed of Thai menfolk, and justfiably so. Just let it go, sir! You will not win! Let a word to the wise be sufficient wai.gif

    I would wait two weeks and send a letter to head office with his number ( you say you have it ) then write an anonymous letter preferably in Thai complaining about the station and the officer. Furthermore, go through the chain of events without being too specific so he cannot pinpoint it came from you. I can pretty much guarantee if he has done this to you, he has also done it to others.

    Also, say you are going to put it on the Internet for others to see. Nothing may happen but there again if it lands on the right desk...........!!! ?

    • Like 1
  4. I posted before about similar nonsense that happened to me at Sakhon Nakon on my request for my yearly extension of retirement visa!!

    I was doubted by some " know all " on here who said it had never happened to them, when I was asked for 2,000 baht to donate to the sponsorship of the Police football team after being sent to add funds into my fixed deposit account so that my book would be updated to the same day as my application.

    This sponsorship donation was " requested " by the boss, a female Police major.

    This kind of thing does happen and frequently! Just because it hasn't happened to certain posters does not make it any the less true.

    I also was refused regards my bank books which had been updated the day before and I had letters from the bank as well.

    I got a captain who had previously seen a fixed deposit book with good funds in ti and obviously felt he was entitled to some of it.

    It has nothing to do with being " Cheap Charlie's " and everything to do with what is supposed to be a straightforward transaction if your paperwork is in order- mine was! unless you are going to go along with their version that it had to be the same day when the websites say otherwise.

  5. I did mine at Khonkaen last year and they actually asked if I would like my extension of stay moving into my new passport as it was my renewal time as well as my 90 day reporting.My passport wasn't full but was nearly.

    I took both passports as I have two valid ones, because I occasionally work in conflict zones or zones that can look unfavourably at other countries I have been to.

    I also reported to the wrong office as my district actually falls under Sakhon Nakon which I didn't know at the time.

    All cleared up in 20 minutes, for a small consideration! This suited me a lot more than travelling all the way to Sakhon Nakon from Khonkaen, only possibly to be told again my documents were not in order.

    So, in answer to the OP's question, they will move it across but you are at the mercy of the immigration office you report to.

  6. Hi,

    I posted this new system regards visas to Thai visa a few weeks ago.

    I have been doing some business with the minister of Sport and Tourism down in Halong Bay, near Hanoi. Good news! The minister assured me that the free visas was a test pilot programme and not only would be extended to include other countries such as Australia but also they were pushing for a 30 day waiver instead of a 15 day as many of us had suggested.

    We had pointed out with a country so vast and full of contrasts that 15 days just was not long enough to visit all the sights and sounds of this beautiful country. He thanked me and was very pleased with the latest positive responses from foreigners to the visa waiver scheme.

    You are now also legally allowed to own property in your own name.

    Service wise, Thailand still beats them hands down and they have a fair way to go to improve these standards especially in hotels.They can generally be quite cold and appear slightly off hand if you are used to dealing with Thais and Laotians and even Cambodians. I think it is just their nature in Hanoi.

    I cannot comment on HCMC as I am always in Hanoi, however, the money changing is a similar system but with the best rates usually available at the gold shops!

    • Like 2
  7. I was concerned about the practicality, the legality of the system and its implementation considering they will be dealing with millions of customers coming through the airports.

    I was also thinking about a lot of the countries they wish to be aiming at probably have neither reciprocal systems in place or will have rights issues regards their citizens .

    I never thought we would get into a debate about 35 baht, it was the far reaching consequences and mess that concerned me regards these checks and screening. I thought they already had them in place.

  8. I can't see how a country such as the UK would want to share information with Thailand, especially with the debacle over the Koh Tao investigations being blocked and not transparent.

    They British would not have appreciated they way they were treated or called it inter agency cooperation.

    You also have a military installed here that overthrew a democratic government, that would raise issues as well about information sharing and finally Thailand's human rights issues and well documented corruption.

    Doesn't it also throw up loads of human rights issue regards sharing peoples past lives and things such as spent convictions in Europe and how fanatical the EU is on human rights????

    I can't see it working to be honest. Christ, the queues can get bad enough at airports now. Look at the recent nonsense caused by security increased checks at Don Muang!!!

    Also, people could fly into a neighboring country and cross at a land post, seems weird to me. or simply, go through an airport at Krabi, yes or no?

  9. Market forces always decide the strength or weakness of a currency. The USA are now faced with the problem of expensive exports which will weigh heavily on the USD both economic and currency wise.

    Thailand is in a very weak spot at the moment with declining exports, falling tourism,weak demand and a military government in disarray that is making a total hash of the economy and shows no signs of stepping down for the foreseeable future.There is also a lack of projects and investment within the country.

    Through its own arrogance Thailand has severely damaged it's tourist sector believing the Chinese sector will always come to the rescue, China who is doctoring its own trade figures, the government interfering directly in its own stock market and declining growth home and abroad.

    Thailand,In the eyes of investors such as Japan, credibility is damaged severely and has stretched the patience of one of its biggest investors.

    I believe, unless there is a dramatic turnaround, the baht has further to slide.The Thai baht's strength previously was caused not by the strengthening economic factors of their economy but by the weakness of others,particularly the West.

    The USA and UK economies are strengthening due to the improving economies of both countries with the UK being Europe's best performer in terms of growth, ( pitiful as it is ) low unemployment by comparison to its neighbors and no Euro.exposure or involvement.

    Turing to Gold, some analysts are predicting $800-$900 by the end of 2016.How can you possibly make these assumptions in the very uncertain world we live in? These are the same people who fall silent for months on end with no explanation whatsoever when Gold rallies.

    Gold rallies and gets strong in times of uncertainty. If Gold were to fall to these levels as quoted by the analysts, they will mothball the mines and await price recovery. Smaller mines would close and the bigger players will sit on the sidelines.Gold has been manipulated by the USA for years, based on a recent audit, China has bought less than what was thought, Well, if they did an audit on the USA, they probably have a lot less than they say!

    Has the ISIS threat, Greece,Iraq, Libya, Iran or Ukraine crises all evaporated? Has the world suddenly become a lot safer? Is the world economy right back on track?

    I don't believe the " other shoe " has actually dropped yet in the world's economic downturn. They always say, you can't spend your way out of a recession, With all the unparalleled QE both in the US and Europe, that's what they have tried to do and it is untested waters.

  10. I am one of the victims! Also. To nake my life easier I just got a new second passport and after checking found it to be a 32 page instead of 48. I paid for check and send but now have to send it back and get the one I ordered in the first place! It is a pain.

  11. Allan . Most Western countries now they are doing visa free 15 days entry. I am from the UK it was on and off the plane. No online, no letters nothing. Just turn up at immigration like you do in Bangkok and a stamp is banged into your passport for 15 days and thats it.

    Not even an arrival or departure card are required. Simples!

  12. A bit sad when many posters are referring to this man's love like a piece of meat in a market bidding auction.

    Many on here embittered by their own foolish mistakes and feel they have to pour scorn on others. The Sin Sod question was posed by the OP and was not requested by his lady.

    Why not have a sit down, meal and chat with her about this matter as you have all the help you are going to get here along with plenty of unhelpful bitterness.

  13. Your partner is the one pushing for marriage not the mother, yes? not the mother? Understandable as she is moving up to 40 and single.

    Well, you can say it's early days and you are going to try things out and see how it goes by first taking her on an extended trip. Sin Sod has not been mentioned it appears, only by your presumption that that is what she is asking for or expecting.

    I don't think she is by what you have written and there is a possibility of you confusing the two.

    It is very possible you two are going away and the mother or your girlfriend is expressing concern about looking after Mum as there is no Father.

    If she is a breadwinner as you imply, then you could (not necessarily should), check what your girlfriend was sending per month to her mother and match it.

    I am fairly certain it will not be more than 3,000 or 4,000 baht a month.How could it be with the Thai average salary even a considered middle class Thai working in Bangkok. Forget all this sin sod stuff.

    You can easily arrange for this transfer to take place on a month by month basis from your home country and the mother could draw it every month. I wouldn't recommend giving any ' lump sum ' up front as with people not used to handling money and fairly low educated ( the mother ) it will be blown quickly and then they will ask for more. This kind of assistance needs strict control from the start of the relationship.

    Lastly, the needs of the mother are defined by what she has been receiving from the daughter as she has learned to live within that budget. You do not need to increase this amount and if indeed you are wealthy do not upset the applecart, why would you want to do that and set a precedent for the future in financial dealings??

    I am 20 years into a Thai / foreign relationship and it's not a one size fits all scenerio.

    I will end by saying there is a strong likelihood if the brothers get wind you are supporting the mother with large amounts of money, she will not be able to keep her mouth shut and they equally will quickly have a financial problem where they need the mother to bail them out from her new found wealth. It is just how the majority of them are in my findings.

  14. Hi, depends on your budget but here we go. A taxi from the airport or old quarter of Hanoi via a tour operator is approximately $95 -$ 100 as its a 3.5 hour drive. Roads and drivers and vehicles are all good, safe and roadworthy. A shuttle bus from a tour operator in the old quarter ranges between $15- $20 one way. Again a 3 hour to 3.5 hour journey and they stop for 25 minutes for toilet en route. Lastly, the normal bus. Option which your hotel can help you with is $3-4 . All these prices are one way. I went by private car there and shuttle bus back. It was fine. There is a train option but I do not have any knowledge about it.

  15. Thanks for this informative piece. My Thai wife & I are going via Hanoi in November. We booked with Vietnam air & will meet my daughter in the airport as they are flying in from UK. Is there a meeting point or significant land mark as we arrive about 20 minutes apart on different flights?


    You will not have any problems meeting up as there were only two exit doors for international flights and they are only about 50 metres apart from each other. You are so close in the waiting/pick up area, you can see the people clearly as they wait for their luggage as it's all glass.

    The arrivals hall is not big at all at Noi Bai in Hanoi for international flights. It is a very simple process to negotiate your way around. Even I didn't get lost and my sense of direction is pretty poor.

    The domestic flights land in a totally different terminal which is a completely separate building a few hundred metres away which eases congestion and certainly avoids confusion.

  16. Thanks for all the responses. I'll stick with AA brokers I think.

    I just got a quote of 19,500 from Toyota. This is the second year car insurance as the first year was in with the purchase deal.

    I had a broker round two weeks ago who has taken it to one of the biggest insurers and is charging 16,300 baht for identical cover!

    So, it's 3200 saved for nothing and he, the broker, came to the house to do the paperwork.

  17. Information purposes.

    I am just back last couple of days from Hanoi and Halong Bay after a week.

    I arrived at the new Noi Bai airport terminal in Hanoi. The place is well run and efficient and actually bright and cheery unlike the old airport.

    Immigration was quick and also efficient. I was asked how long I intended to stay and a stamp was put in my passport with a date of 15 days written under it.

    There are no arrival or departure cards inserted into your passport. We were asked to fill out a health certificate on board the aircraft and hand it in at immigration stating we had not been to certain African countries within the last few weeks where Ebola was present. A stamped receipt was given back to us.

    I went on business and asked a Vietnamese friend, who owns four travel shops in Hanoi the situation on extended stay. He said that was easy for me as he would issue an invitation letter for however long I wished to stay within a reasonable time frame such as 1 month or 2 months.

    I am not 100% on this (as it does not apply to my circumstances) but I believe three months visas are available. I believe by the actions now being taken regards property in Vietnam, retirement visas will not be far away.

    I further asked about the Royal Thai Embassy visa situation and he is presently looking into and checking on the double entry visa for expats and what documents are required. He did say he knew of others who have applied without incident.

    New laws already passed in Vietnam which take effect from this next month will allow foreign ownership of land and property to foreign nationals in their own name and also for larger business projects.

    A quick visit to Halong bay impressed me tremendously. New building works for hotels are taking place but the place does not look like a building sites. Construction areas were as neat and orderly as they can be.

    A giant man made beach running the length of the old harbour area is well underway with beach bars. A new harbour area for tour boats is already finished. Reclamation along the water has taken place and a six star hotel is being built there along with million dollar waterfront apartments. These projects are well on their way to completion. A waterfront funfair and brand new cable car system around Halong bay are in the advanced stages of completion.

    Very large wide roads and water treatment plants have already been completed. Millions and millions of USD is being spent along an entire 15km stretch of the waterfront. Debris was minimal and the bay water wasn't that bad at all for all the works going on. There was not huge amounts of detritus as in other places I have seen in Asia. The people of Halong were pleased to see you and the entire area was clean and a pleasure to walk around. I noticed a lot of backpacker style tourists but my hotel, which was a four star, was also full.

    All in all, a good visit and maybe for expats in Thailand that want a change from Laos when applying for a Thai visa, a welcome change and sightseeing opportunity. Cheaper budget flights are now available online with Vietjet by the way.

  18. I am just back from Vietnam. I was in the North of Vietnam, in Hanoi and Halong bay.

    I arrived at Noi Bai airport, the new place. It was impressive. Speedy immigration and efficient, polite but businesslike as you would expect. A single stamp to enter about the same size as a Thai or Lao stamp.Written underneath your length of stay of 15 days visa free. No forms in your passport or departure cards or anything.

    Moving on, not a lot to say about Hanoi except it's a big vibrant city as capitals are worldwide. I then went to Halong bay, the second time in five years. Wow!!!......what a change...,,!!!

    They have put in beautiful new roads, new classy boat moorings and waterfront million dollar apartments, new hotels are being built, minimal noise, very clean environment, new man made beaches and reclaimed land island areas with hotels being built. I was blown away to be honest.

    There are millions and millions of dollars being spent there. Construction is well organised with no place blocking the views of the next etc etc. I hadn't even heard before visiting that all this work was underway.

    It was still very clean and the building blocks and debris in orderly piles within confines of work areas. All what is not happening in Thailand and Cambodia!!!

    The locals were friendly and cheerful and welcoming to foreigners. Both Hanoi and Halong had a plentiful flow of tourists and the hotel I was booked into in Halong was full.

    Incidentally, I was riding pillion on the back of a motorbike with a friend who lives there when we were stopped by the Police on a motorbike for no helmets. I had been picked up at my hotel by my mate who hadn't brought them. The Police pointed out the transgression, they were friendly and asked that it did not happen again and were on their way.

    If this is the future, then Thailand, Laos and Cambodia need to be on the ball as I for one am going back there and will tell plenty of people about my very positive experience this week.

  19. There is a full Thai Embassy in Hanoi. Even though it is a smaller city than Ho Chi Minh it is the seat of power and nation's capital.

    The odd report I have heard of, as recent as last October, have been positive and the Embassy helpful.

    Apparently, they like to see proof of your return flight ticket/paper out of Thailand to your place origin/home country.

    They also like to see up to date copies of a bank book or funds to support your stay for say, a 60 day visa for example. The rest are normal, correctly filled out application, photos etc etc.

    I loved Hanoi but I went for a week, I travelled alone and I also went to Halong Bay which was great.I did three days, two nights there on a Baya cruise. Cave exploring, rock climbing, Kayaking, sightseeing and obviously all the limestone.

    There is a vast amount to see in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh's mausoleum, ( Very strict on dress there and no cameras or phones) He actually asked to be cremated and his ashes spread in certain areas of Vietnam, as we know that never happened.

    There was HCM palace and his modest dwelling where he actually controlled operations, his Russian cars, Maison central, the French prison, The Red bridge on the lake. Absolutely loads of interesting museums and of course, the inevitable War museums. Woman's museum, the hill tribes museums etc.

    There was nightlife in the Old French quarter where I stayed. If you are looking for ' adult entertainment ' Hanoi is very conservative and if that's what you want, better you go to HCM. city.

    Prices are cheap to all the parks, meditation gardens, museums etc

    It was quite funny to see old proud ex North Vietnamese soldiers in civilian clothes walking around the grounds with their medals proudly showing in the war museums.

    Oh, and about a million motorbikes and bicycles. I loved it.

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  20. For some reason flights to Penang for the dates I am wanting are pretty expensive.

    Is Ho Chi Minh also a fine place to go for getting a non-O?

    You can get flights to Hanoi between 4,000 to 5,000 return with Qatar and VietJet.

    Vietnam airlines can be expensive on many journeys. I believe Cambodia Angkor air does Phnom Penn to Ho chi minh.

    A lot of these short hauls are a rip off and I worry with some of the new budget airlines, coming in to operate some of these routes, especially internal flights.

    I go this week and I am meeting a friend there who has four travel shops in Hanoi and Halong Bay. I will ask him the situation with non-imm Thai visas if he knows and can help TV with any information. I will report back if I have anything of use to TV members.

    I know that is not a lot of good to you right now. I think you will get a non- O in Phnom Penn.

    If you hit hassle, get the bus journey cheap aircon bus with wi fi from Phnom Penn to Ho chi minh via the travel shops. Vietnam is doing visa free now for many countries including UK nationals for 15 days,

    it'll be an adventure and a bit of sightseeing for you and plenty of nightlife in Phnom Penn and Ho Chi Minh..........wai2.gif

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