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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Hi,

    Just a quickie, I have got my renewal for my car insurance which is straightforward. I have a further two bills which I am asking purely out of interest as my other half cannot seem to make me grasp this.

    I have to pay 7028 baht which I am fairly sure is the equivalent of UK road tax to drive on the highways etc. there is then a small bill of 646 baht that want me to pay alongside the 17,500 annual car insurance and the only answer I get is that is for the " car plate " licence/ registration.

  2. konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

    I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

    However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

    No I am not talking about packages.

    Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

    Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

    Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

    only an ignorant naive fool who had done no research would pay that, or they simply are rich and have money to burn in that case (LDOP) they are messing the game up for the average joe who visits Los for a bit of fun

    I think the guy is referring to the whole experience as in going out, visiting a go go bar, drinks in the said bar, tips, paying the off, taking her on a night out to the bars, maybe a disco, something to eat, paying her the dues for the encounter etc.

    That's the only way I could possibly get to that figure in my mathematics!

    I personally haven't bothered for years and I am not that old by comparison to many posters. I just completely lost interest after a number of years in the whole scene. I am not making any judgements at all, I was an active participant.

    I just started to find it was becoming a " chore " to both myself and them. I am in a LTR but that isn't what stopped me playing the field, it was sheer boredom, the repetitiveness of it all.

    A friend said to me way back in the nineties that the first night was always the best and it was downhill all the way from there if you got involved and I found him to be spot on with that analysis.

    I just cannot justify in my heart ( and I can afford it ) to paying 2500 ST and 4000 LT. Plus the screeching of mamasans, the tips, bar fines, lies and cheating and the falseness and all that goes with it. Then there is the comparisons on bar stools the following day with guys following similar pursuits. It's OK for a couple of years of totally no responsibilities.

    I prefer a decent meal in good surroundings these days and have often in the past had more luck and genuine sex and not had to pay any fine as these ladies were not " in that line of work " . I also have a business and hobbies these days.

    However, horses for courses or maybe I am just getting old.

  3. A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

    The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

    Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

    Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

    If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

    If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

    Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

    Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.

    Yes - it sounds like a real honor to 'serve' you. I've lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and consider it the most sincerely friendly, genuinely caring place I've ever found in the world, and I travel internationally for a living so can compare. And so what's the difference there? I just 'happen' to meet nice people, and you don't? Maybe it's you, or what you're asking for, or how you behave when you do.

    Who has mentioned anything about a " real honour to serve you " I was and still am talking about about the basic skills needed and required to work in the service and hospitality industry which I have been in for 32 years , 20 years of which have been in Thailand.

    Since the dawn of the internet in Thailand, we have had to instruct those in our bistro restaurant and bars to place their mobile phones in their lockers when on duty, as otherwise they spend their entire time on social media.In the event of a family emergency, their families have the hotel number, as they did before everyone had a hand-phone.

    samuibeachcomber raised some good points that apply to this thread. Your response to his post was simply an attack, in my view, for the sake of it loaded with unnecessary sarcasm.

    If you travel internationally for a living you should be well aware and familiar with the do's and don'ts of the hospitality business.

  4. A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

    The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

    Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

    Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

    If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

    If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

    Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

    Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.

  5. I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    In Thailand these days the feel good factor has long since gone. Prices have rocketed with the usual " mentality " of trying to get more money from less tourists.

    Condominiums. Previously in years gone by, easily affordable and better built than they are today with better materials. Nowadays, anybody with half a rai of land or less is throwing up a cheap, shabbily built condominium block. There are virtually no building or quality controls.The going rates of 3.5 million baht up for anything decent are no longer the value they were as a holiday getaway/ beach second home/ bit of fun investment. My advice for expats moving out to Thailand is, DON'T BUY, RENT! every time. The rental prices are always better value for money than the purchase prices and you can walk away as and when a condominium block standards drop, or when the area goes downhill.

    Beaches and beach holidays. There are far better and cleaner beach destinations than Thailand and (nearer) in Europe and Africa. Also, your money can go further and is appreciated more and you won't get, " If you don't like it, go home " as the punchline for even the slightest complaint.

    Thailand has become bored of Western tourists and believes they can and always will be replaced with Chinese,Russians and the Middle East. Yes, they complain about them, but at the end of the day, they complain about us.

    Businesses, land and houses. I find the increases in these in all parts of Thailand, a nonsense, and they bear no resemblance to recognized norms in the West on business valuations. I think they basically go in their back yard with a bucket with tickets containing various prices, throw it in the air, and whichever they pull out, that is what they wish to sell at.No rhyme nor reason. Try to ask them to justify the price of something and you get the nonsensical answer " This is Thailand " which they feel justifies giving to facts and figures, sales returns or anything else.

    Beer bars. It is now cheaper to drink in most places in the UK than it is in the likes of Bangkok or Pattaya. The equivalent of half a pint of lager beer such as Singha going out at 120/130 baht in a cheap beer bar equates to 5.00 a pint in a UK pub. If you go to anywhere that has shows or entertainment, the price here rises considerably and tips are expected.

    Restaurants. With the exception of eating on the streets, ( Thais are complaining bitterly about these prices as well ) these have risen considerably and are now on a par with any city centre eatery in the UK with the exception of local Thai food which one expects to be cheaper in its country of origin.

    Taxis. Whilst still cheaper than the UK, especially in the capital London, these are starting to climb when you look at the tollway increases, increased airport charges to hire, and the general cheating and scams that the taxi drivers try non stop to get up to, these are becoming a challenge.

    Hotels. You can still get hotels considerably cheaper in all major towns and cities in Thailand than almost anywhere in the UK or main European destinations.

    Hospital treatment. Thailand is no longer the destination of choice for medical tourism with a number of European countries as well as India and various other destinations offering similar, if not better care, at more affordable prices.

    Clothing. Cheaper and far better quality in the UK without a doubt.The likes of Central are pretty much ridiculous.The shabby goods available in the Thai markets are now a non starter, The market standards are better and higher in the UK and prices on a par or cheaper, better made and you can take them back if you have an issue.

    Adult entertainment. You can hardly find anybody wishing to go overnight without expecting 2500 - 3000 baht. Add back the bar fine and the obligatory drinks and tips,it is minimum of 5000-7500 baht (120-150 GBP ) for a night out.You can do better in Europe without the add ons of being asked to buy a house or motorbike or Gold. You also run less chance of drugs in your drink or some lunatic boyfriend coming looking for you with a gun for sleeping with his " wife "

    Now, if you wish to travel Thailand and South East Asia, it can still be done and cheaply by budgeting carefully, booking your flights with the economy airlines, using search engines for affordable hotels, using public transport when possible,not buying cheap, shoddy Chinese imported goods and avoiding the local " talent? "

    No, Thailand is no longer a cheap destination nor is it any longer a particularly value for money or fun destination.You must be on the ball and switched on at all times to extract the good things it has to offer and discard the bad.

  6. Guys,

    Sorry for bombing thread but you have answered the mans query already and I don't want to open a new thread when it can be answered quickly here.

    My extension based on retirement is due mid July.(July 16th ) If I renew this week, will I lose the days leading up to my renewal date or are they credited on the new extension.

    No big deal but I can wait until nearer the time, I just wanted it out of the way.

  7. Many Thais here in Esaan are addicted to hi-lo. They play every day and borrow money from the loan sharks to sustain their gambling. The debt collectors roam this village every day collecting. Some of the neighbors kept coming to this house wanting to borrow money. I finally put a sign on the door, much to my gf's chagrin that reads "don't ask to borrow money". Problem solved.

    attachicon.gifDon't ask to borrow money.jpg

    Have you had any of the anger, in various ways, to indicate ' how dare you refuse to lend us money ? '

    I've had it a couple of times as if they're doing me a favour by allowing me to part with money that will never be returned.

    Yes I have!

    A Thai friend of mine, (known her 25 years who has worked in Japan and other countries outside Thailand) , said to me in Bangkok the other week,

    " The problem with Thai people is the want to borrow your money and then they get angry when you want it back! "

    I thought that was spot on!

  8. Officials don't know why he was carrying a gun?

    This is an obvious answer. "He was a police chief, put many people in prison I am sure. Made lots and lots of enemies over the years.

    Heck I would carry a gun if I was a former Police Chief

    Lets see what happens I don't believe he wanted to cause anyone harm thought . It would be a sad day if he was jacked up on this for very long.

    Are you for real??

    If I didn't think this was a wind up post, I would answer but I think you are just trolling!

  9. There is a VIP gateway used at Bangkok airport and always has been for the " elite " they do not forego body or scanner searches nor their hand luggage checking the same as us menials. This is known and accepted practice in Bangkok.It was supposedly to be used for security personnel who guard and protect the royal family and are allowed to carry "declared in advance" firearms on board aircraft.

    As usual you have those, and it is complete arrogance, that believe themselves in too senior positions or simply above the law to subject themselves to security checks in Bangkok.Very few believe he forget the loaded gun in hand luggage, it simply is a point of them thinking they are above the law.

    They are, of course, now running around doing " damage control " because one of their Hi-So untouchable has been caught in this highly illegal activity and now pretending it somehow " slipped through the security net " Even in Bangkok airports for internal flights many of them carry firearms.

    That is how he got the gun out of Thailand.

    On the return journey, he was caught as he was dealing with the security measures precautions of a 1st world country. I have heard he has been released after the intervention of the Thai Embassy but I am unsure on this point and cannot confirm this.

    If he has, it is very wrong.

    It brings back the memories of the "package in the boot" of ex - premier Thaksin's car comes to mind. They went to court to answer corruption charges and questioned he claimed ' His driver had handed over the wrong package to the court. It should have been a box of chocolates, when in reality it was 2 million baht '..............cheesy.gif it was further claimed that they had forgotten it was there and it was a cash deposit on a potential house purchase!

  10. All Cambodian banks are junk rated or below. Why do you think they pay out such incredibly good interest rates on savings? It's because they are risky investments. They are doubly risky in a country with no formal investor protection laws (assumed government insurance is worth the same as assuming I've insured your deposits - which for the record I haven't). It is considered highly likely that only 4 Cambodian banks are actually viable in the long-term this includes both Acleda and Canadia. Many of the others will either go broke or be bought in M&A activity which provides very little additional value to account holders.

    As for only 900,000 accounts out of 15 million people... you'll find that approximately 12 million of those 15 million (or possibly more) hold no accounts at any banks whatsoever. Most Khmer are not paid into their bank accounts, they're paid in cash. Most of them will spend 100% of that cash in the same month as it is earned. They don't have any spare to save and next to no-one has a credit card that needs paying off either...


    It doesn't always follow at all that they give good interest rates because they are risky banks nor were these viewed, until the banking crisis, as incredibly good interest rates. The Bank of Canada in Singapore until the crash of 2008 was paying 5% as the norm with no tax on interest.

    There are many reasons for wanting deposits and paying decent interest such as expansion, updating their facilities, new branches etc etc.I also think Acleda charge in the region of 12% interest on loans if not mistaken and are very conservative in their valuations and have a cap on borrowing?

    I was told they much prefer lending in the low and medium SME market as opposed to the big money construction projects and super malls etc

    All the rest of your post I find very informative and useful. I wasn't aware how few actually had bank accounts in comparison to the population. I never thought about it like you put it, I was probably swallowed up in the merry go round of looking at all the development and spending taking place around Phnom Penn and Siem Reap.

    You are most certainly right however, I believe, that Cambodia represents a " higher risk " than say Thailand does, with its far larger and more diverse economy.

    Cheered by the fact you say that Acleda and Canadia are marked as two that will probably survive as being viable. I too, after plenty of reading and online studying came to the same conclusion. Thanks again for your input. Very much appreciated. I love to get the spin side of the coin from people on the ground or with the flow.

    The guys working in the banks in Cambodia are not really managers as much as salespeople to be honest and as in every country, just tell us what we want to hear.

  11. Hi Simple1,

    I read as much as I could on the links you sent. Unfortunately, a lot of the information is locked unless you join a regular subscription.

    I have looked at all the figures released by Acleda bank on an annual basis in their certified accounts and I am aware they are only as good as the information they are given in information supplied by the bank. However, that said, the information in your links that could be read and charts supplied were favorable to the bank in terms of its " gearing " such as loans to deposits, and loans to capital etc.

    The more recent Basel tier implications and systems are obviously going to be adhered to initially by the star banking institutions of the region as in Singapore, certain Chinese banks and others.Less developed nations and fledgeling economies will always be playing catch up.

    Acleda bank is also the only Cambodian bank with any international rating of any description such as the outlook from Standard and poor.

    Out of any bank in the crowded banking sector in Cambodia, I think they are the safest/best risk although I am far from knowledgeable on such affairs and no expert by any means.

    I appreciate any and all advice regards these banks so thank you very much for your help.

  12. These guys don't look like they are acting suspicious or anything as far as I can see................. A weird video to upload as proof!... They just look like young guys dawdling about like young guys do.

    I phone, I pad mini and two bags. It seems very weird to leave that kind of property in a car AND even more weird to leave them on the back seat.

    The i phone, Thais like to have them hanging around their neck or firmly in the hand where EVERYBODY can see them and love to show these items in public, not leave them in the car! I pad mini, well this is the " must have " when sitting in the restaurant and bored with your friends so you can play your games instead of listening to them!

    Two bags, very loose description here, let's wait to find out whether there was 250,000 baht in one and a Rolex with a 5 baht gold chain in the other!!

    Nah, maybe I am wrong or just cynical but I am just struggling to believe they would be so lax in a busy car park with high value items.

  13. I have flown a great many airlines in business or economy this past 25 years between Europe and Thailand. These include Thai, Qantas, B.A. Etihad, Emirates, Cathay Pacific, EVA air,Swiss air, KLM, Qatar,Air France and Lufthansa and possibly others I have forgotten.

    The most expensive and consistently worst value for money have been Thai and B.A. in my opinion for many years now. B.A. have a world traveller plus class which is a class between Economy and business usually at around 1300/1400 GBP but if you are going to pay that, you may as well pay 1500/1600 GBP and lie flat in the pods in Qatar business class.

    The best have been the middle eastern airlines this past 7 years, and to be honest not much between them in terms of service and standards, all are very good.The best airline I found for upgrades as a frequent flyer was EVA. Best business class was Qatar and the best food in there was Etihad.

    I am a gold member these days with Qatar so I love them as I get so many perks.

    Qatar air blow Thai and B.A. out of the water on service, standards, aircraft comfort and flight prices plus all the extras such as access to lounges, fast track at Bangkok, huge luggage allowance and preference on seating even when flying economy. All that Qatar is; is all that Thai is not.

    Thai and B.A. seem to be up their own backsides as national carriers with a superior attitude and a blown sense of their own importance. I found Thai cabin crew to be forgetful with requests and B.A. made you feel that you were putting them out asking for anything not standard.

    These two airlines, in my view, seem to be in a time warp!

    The best deals between the U.K. and Bangkok at the moment in economy tend to be the middle eastern airlines especially on their own websites and the best business class prices have been Turkish airlines.

  14. gdaya folks, what would be the fine in the uk ?? riding a motorbike on the wrong side of the road, no helmet, no uk license, and alkohol in the venes ?? wbr roobaa01


    We are not in the UK.

    How much is an ice cream in Italy, how much is a room to rent in Germany, how much is a pair of Levis Russia..........totally irrelevant.

    • Like 2
  15. Thanks Neversure so much for your answer.

    I was referring to Acleda bank specifically as I have quite a substantial amount with both them and Canadia bank on deposit and just thought that I was best with those two as they are the top two in Cambodia and my thinking was, if they were to go down, so would Cambodia in effect!

    Acleda has about 900,000 customers out of a population of only 15 million people.

    You have me concerned slightly now regards your points raised regarding third world banks. I thought funds were safe in those two banks for reasons mentioned above plus Acleda has a Standard and poor rating and 49% is held by reputable foreign companies who know what they are doing in business.

    Interest rates on deposits are now dreadful in Thailand and indeed Thai banks are rapidly opening in Cambodia.

    Bangkok bank being the most recent to open in Phnom Penn after an absence of many years. However, these banks only open subsidiary banks to my knowledge, Bangkok bank ( Cambodia ) Ltd. that must sink or swim on their own in that particular country without recourse to their main banking institution/ parent company in the country of origin.

    Would I be better foregoing the interest and moving the funds back to Thailand?? These are now my thoughts. Although they say Thailand economy will remain sluggish this year and possibly next with the present government. Cambodia is forecast to grow at 6-7% over the same period, albeit a far smaller economy but far better deposit rates!!

  16. Hi,

    This is a question please for anybody with experience in accountancy or similar.

    Why does a bank in Cambodia continually keep raising its registered capital by introducing on the balance sheet, additional capital, (gained from the banks profits) on a yearly basis?

    Acleda bank keeps doing this and I am really interested to know as for what purpose. More to the point, what is the benefit to the bank or customer????

    This is nothing to do with monies on deposit with the central bank which is a completely separate issue and I know that is there as a guarantee of the bank to prove its worthiness to operate.

  17. There is/was no drink driving charge! No breath test took place. So, it's a non starter and needs no further mention.

    If they ask for more money on Monday, as we suspect, it is purely and simply a stitich up and selective law enforcement........ They are not even traffic cops.

    Ask them what the 1,800 baht was for if they ask for more money. It certainly was not to avoid deportation.

    Tell them you have already paid the fine the other day, 1800 baht. You do not have to cower down to them. They view it as weak and exploit it.

    Sure,telling you not to bring anybody else is to avoid you having a witness!!!

    Make sure you take somebody with you and also take your passport and have copies of it to hand over. A classic scam is for the person who told you not to bring your passport will not be there and the rest will deny knowledge of him saying it.

    • Like 1
  18. Good to see the Prayut government making criminal networks uncomfortable.

    Lets hope the police officers involved in this tip off are held accountable and that reform of the RTP will make these incidents a thing of the past.

    Deluded - as one cop said to a couple of us a couple of weeks ago, nothing has changed, we just send it upstairs to different bosses.

    Correct Snig27,

    Just different pigs eating now from the trough!

  19. Something way wrong here for sure.

    A fake passport automatically carries a 2 year sentence cut to one year or 18 months for admitting it. However, I don't think they are saying his passport is fraudulent.

    Copy/ fake visas carry a minimum 1 year sentence for each time it is used with the passport.

    Then there is a separate offence each time you have an entry and exit stamp used with that visa.

    I remember an African guy I knew years ago, a really nice guy, but made the fatal mistake of using a travel agent which was a popular method ( with immigration in on it ) around 2005 to get his visas.

    He genuinely believed he could pay an agent to get his passport stamped and get the visa. His idea was if the travel agents were doing it, surely, it must be legal.

    He then got married to a Thai woman and used the same passport and visa, I believe for proof and identification on government documents.

    When it all came to light as a bogus visa, it was then all itemised, how many times he had used the passport and entry and exit stamps, as well as using it to get married etc etc he ended up with 6 years cut to three for accepting.

    This guy just gets deported? There is illegal entry here, they could even bring in their overstay nonsense...something amiss.

  20. Scouse if i might ask how do you go about getting your card linked to your mobile,can it be done on line? i have recently acquired a debit card from KTB Sattahip, have'nt used it yet, but was assured i could use it safely worldwide as it is Visa linked,the reason i got this card was my Halifax Visa debit and Mastercard credit card both expire this month, and they will not send a replacement cards to Thailand as they have an embargo on sending cards to Thailand i don't know if this applies to all UK banks or what the reasons were they would not tell, saying that, i have been getting regular correspondents from this bank with no problems.

    Sorry if i have hi jacked this thread a bit, but having read how dodgy Thailand bank cards can be,(which is what i thought by the way)an instant text on a phone might be the way to go, would be better if they also provided a verification pin number.



    Both my credit and debit cards are with KTB. Just walk in the branch to customer services and tell them you want it linked to your phone by SMS for debit card transactions. They will enter your phone into the system and it's done. KTB are doing it free for first three months and then 5 baht ( 10p ) a month thereafter. If you are regular or long term in Thailand, it might be worth getting your own permanent number and registering it at a local Telewiz shop. I took a monthly call package and it's a lot cheaper than pay as you go,( 300 baht a month,my phone, their package ). I have an AIS network SIM card and it is mine forever and logged with Telewiz, so even if I lose the phone, I can get my number back.

    I use both these KTB cards in the UK without a problem. I also had the same problem of getting cards sent here from the UK. Thailand has too many " issues " as far as UK banks are concerned and I think they have an historical problem with reliability of the old postal system.

    The debit card SMS won't register to your phone if you use it in the UK obviously, because you will be using a different SIM.

    I find it great because as soon as I have made an ATM withdrawal or used it in Big C etc, it pings and it's there in a message on my phone with my current balance.

    I do get verification codes but that is only when I use my credit card online or my debit card online for flights etc.That is also linked to the " verified by visa " and I get an OTP code which is another layer of card protection.

  21. Not sure if I have a great sense of security as much as I have the credit card to my phone and I check regularly ( habit ) online with it regards any transactions and my debit is linked with SMS to my mobile.

    I had a small problem with my debit card two months ago actually, it was at an ATM at the petrol station that registered a withdrawal on my phone, and then the ATM machine went crazy and flashed up a Windows message. IT WAS 20,000 BAHT and I had to wait 10 days in total for the ATM to be checked and the cameras verifying the time and date and the refund to go back into my bank.

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