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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. On 12/12/2023 at 5:59 PM, aussienam said:

    Sad consequences of COVID.  Debt. 

    Poor family with basic fiscal management abilities.  Wonder where the parents are whom the grandparents now support?  

    Thai mafia loan sharks, that charge extreme interest on top.  Sad story.  Poor man to sacrifice his life to save his wife and grandkids from potential harm and destitution.  This is harsh poor living reality in Thailand.  



    They were up the creek without a paddle way before COVID-19.


    I get them up here, trying to approach me at the house to borrow money against their land.


    The problem here is they have no Chanote as they have already borrowed against it from moneylenders or the bank. 


    So, therefore, they have nothing to offer in security, and usually, they know this, they are hoping we are gullible enough to fall for it.


    Sometimes just because they don't have an education doesn't prevent them from being crafty and sneaky as their survival mechanism kicks in.


    The mafias tend to be of Chinese heritage and know full well that the 'country bumpkins' won't be able to keep up the ridiculous interest payments. They use this as a method of acquiring the land cheap.


    It's a dog-eat-dog world.

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  2. On 12/12/2023 at 8:57 PM, thesetat said:

    She has a way out. Why beg for help or tolerate threats. Loan sharking is illegal and the police should be going after those doing it. 

    2 days ago the government responded to this problem. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG231210152040697#:~:text=The Royal Thai Police (RTP,allowing for immediate police action.



    What the government says they are going to do and what they actually do are two different things.


    Same with the Police, they don't go after anybody unless they see a potential payday.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    The age of consent is what it is ,  in the UK its 16,  there is no grey area, after 16 they are fair game,, and as long as its consensual no crime is committed. Simple as that.  The few on here bleating on about any age difference probably have daughters approaching or who have reached the age of consent, and just can't cope with the fact that their "daddys little girl" is now  sexually active, and legally a woman!

    Lets face it an 18 year old lad is generally  physically more capable of giving her a good hard rodgering 3 times a night than somebody in their 50's or 60's    and probably less likely to worry about birth control 


    Pretty much spot on in my book.


    Loads of them going 'native 'and referring to them as minors when the age of consent in Thailand is 15 with plenty of grey areas and get out clauses if the parents don't get the expected 'pay off '


    Those posters stating she was working illegally as a 'brass' in a bar, well that doesn't apply as all prostitution in Thailand is illegal, so there is no lower nor upper age limit on it.


    Anyway, as you all know, there is no prostitution in Thailand because it's illegal.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Your "trust" wasn't my point.  Germany's attitude to extradition to the UK, etc. is exactly the same as to Thailand.  Simple as that.



    You talk half a story that appeals to the narrative you are pushing, which is usually nonsense.


    The only reason that Germany no longer has an extradition treaty with the UK is because of Brexit, and we are no longer members of the EU.


    Of course, it can be argued that Thailand is not in the EU and that's why Germany doesn't extradite, but that isn't the case. If the evidence is strong enough, they will extradite to a country without a treaty..


    There is a raft of other reasons Germany doesn't extradite to Thailand. It's in the link.



  5. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Even though he specifically covered the fact that those officers are being investigated in the same article?

    And you actually believe that there will be a full investigation into this?


    Yeah, and the moon is made of Swiss cheese.


    I believe nothing out of the mouth of any Thai policeman.


    They are just gangsters and thugs in uniform, they buy their positions and few know the law.


    That's why they always push people to accept charges.. that's if they havent the money to pay. 





    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, visarunner said:

    and which border you usually use ?




    I don't do border runs, I have retirement extension, but I just like to save space in my passport.


    I actually did do one earlier this year, but it wasn't a border run.


    We crossed the land border at Chong Chom as I had a minibus booked to take my UK family to see the temples.

  7. 7 hours ago, Morch said:


    Maybe I'm missing something, but that 'even if there is a Extradition Treaty' - why would they have one if it's unconstitutional?


    1. They don't have an extradition treaty.


    2. For Germany to prosecute it must be an illegal act in Germany, having sex with a 17-year-old isn't.


    3. Big Joke is trying to take the focus off the fact that his RTP took bribes to let him go.


    And that is also why they would never extradite him voluntarily for bilateral relations.


    All European governments are well aware how filthy the RTP is.






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  8. 12 minutes ago, 2baht said:

    You don't need to apologise, I'm sure there are some in a similar position in Liverpool!


    I am sure there are plenty in the town or city where you hail from.


    6 minutes ago, 2baht said:

    Household debt runs at around 87% in Thailand, tell me they are all uneducated and can't read or right! :whistling:


    He sold shallots and garlic, that's hardly Mensa material, is it?

    • Sad 3
  9. 22 hours ago, Scoobydoo1 said:

    Hi all...


    I'm on a Non-O Multiple Entry Visa, I leave every three months, turn around and come straight back. I usually head to Cambodia but as you know, their visa takes up a full page of the passport plus costs 1500 baht.


    So I was planning on heading to the Kanchanaburi border this time around, to Myanmar. I understand that I have to make my way to Kanchanaburi and then catch another bus to another town/border checkpoint from there? Is it easy to get a connecting bus there from Kanchanaburi Station or will it require a taxi journey?


    And is there a fee to pay on the border?


    Any advice would help, thanks in advance!





    I have answered you with the easy way for Cambodia.


    If the Myanmar border was open, of course there would be fees, it is inevitable, but it isn't so it doesn't matter.





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