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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 2 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    You see? You've hijacked this whole thread to beat your gong. I'm not interested in your silly arguments about Islam. I could read those on a daily basis on any given day of the week in the Sun or Mirror, or on a 1000 websites. Bloody immigrants, Vol III, Chapter 2 etc etc etc. You're part of the problem.



    No, you are part of the problem along with the other lefties and liberal deniers.


    You are the one who went on a rant, not me, and when other posters answered you, you have tried to dismiss logical and factual responses.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, bradiston said:

    Oh right. Christian Scientist Monitor! Dated 2015. Is this the best you could come up with after your Google search?


    Try this





    This link you provided is dated 2015 as well, and updated in 2017.


    So what's your point?


    Poland hasn't had any problems with radicals or bombings, do you know why?


    They don't let them in, in the first place.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 2 hours ago, bradiston said:

    Try promoting profoundly anti Semitic views in Washington DC. I don't think they'd go down well. Eliminating Judaism has been tried before, remember? And unless you lived in Iran, advocating the destruction of the state of Israel might also raise eyebrows.


    But say the same thing about Islam? Well, who cares? There's only 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. Almost a quarter of the world's population. And your ideas are based on the activities of maybe 5,000?



    No, statistics have said that probably 15-25% are extremist, radical, or fanatical.


    Estimates put Muslims at 1.6 billion, not 1.8 billion.


    This includes those that wish the entire destruction of the West, and the accepted numbers worldwide by various agencies is 15% to 25% of the total number of Muslims.


    A damn sight more than your 5,000.


    So, at the low estimate of 15% we are talking 12 million with extreme views of the West, according to Brigitte Gabriel.


    If you accept a Muslim perspective, instead of Brigitte Gabriel's view, they are saying 325,000 Radicals. Still, a long way from your 5,000!










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  4. 4 minutes ago, Jimbo 12345 said:

    Yet another big fat ugly drunken brit, shirt off,  thinks he's mike Tyson,  me ? I would personally deport this piece of garbage after he spent 3 month in a thai prison,  this is why there are so many deaths in this country,  because they know they can buy their way out of it,  piece of scum,   ps,    I'm a brit myself,  


    And are you big, fat and ugly?

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  5. 11 hours ago, smallchungus said:

    Have you dated in the US recently?  I want to leave the West either way because it is bizarro world.  Better women is just a bonus.


    No, but I've heard US women are quick to get to the buffet as well, the Chinese better watch out if they come over this way.

  6. 18 hours ago, smallchungus said:

    If you would actually read the thread I am wanting to know what Jomtien is like, if it is sexpat focused, and to avoid that.  You are such a hero.



    Google it, everybody's experiences are different, everybody's expectations are different, and lastly everybody's points of view are different.

  7. And all this talk about 72 virgins awaiting the martyrs, isn't that misogynistic in itself?


    Marrying a girl aged six and consummating the relationship aged nine, sick is the word.


    You would certainly be locked up practising that these days, and stupid Muslims defend it, saying that nine-year-olds back then were different to nine-year-olds now.


    The voices of the mainstream Muslims professing peace, tend to go very quiet when bombings take place and beheadings, not to mention honour killings and kidnappings.


    The sooner ALL religions, and I mean ALL, are thrown in the bin, the better.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    But I am of the understanding that Muslims can kill non believers without fear of retribution.


    Who gives a damn about a 7th century backwards religion that promotes murdering people, ridiculous blasphemy laws, throwing gays off tall buildings, misogyny, women's testimony is worth only half of a man's, child brides and honour killings.


    Backwards isn't the word for it. Barbaric is.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    Thai girls are different to western girls. Many of them. Maybe he likes them and finds that area has what he wants in other ways and he is wondering if nice girls are available which they likely are.

    I am thinking of retiring around that area and not due to financial constraints or due to ladies of the night. 


    Well, it is like everywhere in the world, and dating here is no different.


    Common interests, common ground, educational standards, likes, and dislikes.


    Be honest, the fizz goes out of sex after a while, and then it's down to being compatible.


    A large problem with Isaarn bar girls working in Pattaya is they have listened to friends who have married foreigners and live abroad, no doubt, the stories are spiced up to get the locals jealous, by the same such girls.


    This fuels the fire and the dream that the streets of London are paved with Gold etc


    There isn't going to be much in common if, for example, you have worked around the World in Oil and Gas, and she can only talk about the village and rice harvest upcountry.





  10. 1 minute ago, smallchungus said:

    If you would actually read the thread I am wanting to know what Jomtien is like, if it is sexpat focused, and to avoid that.  You are such a hero.



    Jomtien is the ' lite ' version of Pattaya.


    Not as heavy or in your face.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    If you a nice guy with a friendly disposition and a smile to match, and have a half decent income not for handouts but to support a family,  then I doubt you'll have a problem in your 30's finding the type of girl you want in Thailand. 


    If he has all the above attributes, he shouldn't have a problem finding a partner anywhere in the world.


    Why would he be in Thailand? And especially Pattaya?


    There are equally good hospitals, restaurants, and activities throughout the country, so he can't say he specifically chose Pattaya just for these reasons.




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