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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 22 hours ago, Scoobydoo1 said:

    Hi all...


    I'm on a Non-O Multiple Entry Visa, I leave every three months, turn around and come straight back. I usually head to Cambodia but as you know, their visa takes up a full page of the passport plus costs 1500 baht.


    So I was planning on heading to the Kanchanaburi border this time around, to Myanmar. I understand that I have to make my way to Kanchanaburi and then catch another bus to another town/border checkpoint from there? Is it easy to get a connecting bus there from Kanchanaburi Station or will it require a taxi journey?


    And is there a fee to pay on the border?


    Any advice would help, thanks in advance!







    You are doing it all wrong for Cambodia.


    Apply online and pay direct to Cambodian government for a tourist visa 1 week before you intend to use it.


    It will be sent to your email in the form of a PDF, and you print it, cut it out and staple it into your passport.


    After your trip, take it out of your passport, and you have an unscathed clean page plus you have paid the correct fee to the Cambodian government online.


    Nobody will stick it in to your passport, they will just stamp in and out on a nearby page.


    I do it all the time.











  2. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    That was years ago...  the 'instruction' was that any time we 'moved' even within Thailand, whether we went to a friends house, a hotel, returned to our Thai home etc... we have to submit a new TM30.


    The updated 'instruction' has changed and there have been announcements (a few years ago) - we only need to submit a TM30 when return from overseas or make a new extension of stay. 









    AFAIK, If I am returning to the house where I have been registered for 20 + years from an overseas trip, I do not have to submit a new TM30.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, redwood1 said:




    AT 4.01 AM the first night this plan will crash and burn...


    Not a single person will be tested or helped home.....


    And by 4.02 AM this plan will be 100% forgotten...





    100% correct.

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/11/2023 at 3:15 AM, still kicking said:

    Don't worry I am in the west now I never drink and drive never had a speeding or parking ticket in 40 years. 

    So what has that got to do with regulations to be deployed in Thailand?

    • Agree 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

    There are real dullards posting here with limited reading skills but the confused emoji is mainly just manifestation of trolling behavior.


    In this case  just perhaps they won't take the time to communicate openly and resort to this passive-aggression.

    If "Nana Plaza is not the best choice for females to go on a night out?" where should they go after flying maybe halfway around the world when BKK is known for this kind of thing. A proper Jazz club or bar offering nearly the same experience as anywhere?


    It is part of some ladies completely mainstream travel experience  to do something a little naughty they wouldn't want to or cannot do in their home country. From what I have personally witnessed and friends+relative tourists I accompanied I don't think there is anything unsafe about females going out in NEP at all. 



    I agree,


    I had my family here earlier this year including my ex wife, sister and niece and they all wanted to see it.


    At breakfast the following day they were all adding up how much they had spent, which was plenty! , buying drinks in the bars for those asking etc. In fact, all of them spent more in that one night in Nana than any other night in a three country tour of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.


    Their comments were that they were glad of the experience and now knew what they were talking about should anybody mention Nana Plaza in The UK.


    It obviously wouldn't be something they would do on a regular basis on a trip to Thailand.


    In essence, it was a bit of fun and a laugh.


    Moving on from that, my comments were mainly aimed at the Chinese influencer, who dressed provactively and then slagged off tourists who approached her in Nana Plaza red light district. in that location, what did she honestly expect?


    I was pointing out if she wanted a chilled night with no hassles from men then Nana Plaza wasn't probably the best choice. I think she sought the place out deliberately.


    I believe she just did it for hits and publicity online as that is where these so called ' influencers ' derive their income, with their ' likes and shares and follows '

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    That might be true for some of them.


    Many of us know when we are too drunk to drive, and we don't drive.

    Any many of us know that if we go out and have some drinks that then we will not be legally able to drive. This is why we leave our vehicles at home.



    You are being way too logical and sensible and forgetting this is Thailand.

  7. 23 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:


    Is the final product superior?


      It appears that the plants have higher yields, but they may also be more susceptible to diseases and require greater quantities of nitrogen to maintain those yields.  Fertilizer has become very expensive over the last few years, so that's also a factor. 





    Well, it must be if Vietnam has just won first place in the World's Best Rice Contest 2023 in Cebu, Philippines.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 12/9/2023 at 5:39 AM, Scouse123 said:

    Well, it's not the best place for single women and female tourists to go for a night out, that is for sure.


    It is primarily geared toward males and male adult entertainment.



    To the idiots on here who keep posting confused emojis, what is not clear in the above statement?


    It is bloody annoying when some are posting confused emojis for no apparent reason or is it beyond the comprehension of some posters, that I said that Nana Plaza is not the best choice for females to go on a night out?


    It is an adult male entertainment zone. What is confusing about that?


    Or are we just sheep on here and hit the confused button because somebody else did?

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  9. 3 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    Damn, she could gamble away those assets you bought. 


    I've seen that in the village. Cars, farm, gone.



    I've got a usufruct over the land and houses. For the car, I make sure there is plenty of finance or enough that she cannot borrow against it.


    The motorbike has been borrowed against as we speak.


    It's been ongoing for years, without the gambling, a perfect partner. Not lazy, cleans, washes, cooks, pleasant to get along with, etc.

  10. On 12/8/2023 at 1:38 AM, surreybloke said:

    The uk based thai lady friend has a problem back at the family farm in isaan.  She and 2 other sisters regard the family farm as jointly owned.     Sister one in LOS  has her name on the house book , 

    sister two has a daughter.   Daughter has had considerable amount of money spent on her education and even had a brand new car bought for her or least a very large deposit.

    Daughter is attractive with no kids or any problems.   The daughters education was paid for by wealthy foreign employers .   The idea was that daughter would get a decent job and help take care of her mother in her later years.  


    Despite this daughter has not managed to get a decent job and seems to think the foreign money from uk based sister 3 will carry on for ever.    To add to it she has moved back to the family home and found a useless boyfriend actually a local school teacher.    Both are in debt with little sign of ever paying off debts.  They do little to pay the bills.    Both seem to enjoy driving decent cars and posh phones etc.     Boyfriend is effectively moving in and getting his feet under table.     Sister 3 in the UK is angry and wants to split up the land and looking for a decent surveyor. 


    I have been trying to find a decent lawyer.   Ideally an english speaking lawyer.  Not so much to start court proceedings but a least give advice on potential outcomes.   A few firms have been suggested but when i asked said legal folk if they are bona fida lawyers conversations seem to stop.   Some firms are not actually thai owned .    


    So I am looking for a qualified registered lawyer ideally english speaking and based in isaan     korat or KK    maybe.    I asked a couple of individuals about charging but they did not want to answer that question.  


    Any thoughts.  



    I have one.


    Fluent English-speaking lady lawyer based in Korat.


    She has a law firm and is the owner of an English school/translation service.


    Her prices are fair and reasonable.


    You can PM me and I will give you her email and phone, and then your lady friend can converse with her directly to find a solution.


    I use this lady for my affairs and have done for a long time.





  11. On 12/8/2023 at 10:52 PM, V8M8 said:

    If you are confused please ask for some clarification. Don't just sit there stroking your confused button. Bloody annoying!


    I agree with you, it's one of my pet peeves.


    You compose a post which is clear and concise with a full explanation and clowns on here hit the confused button.


    Then other clowns see they have hit the confused button and follow suit like sheep.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
    • Agree 1
  12. It is just blind stupidity

    7 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    Gambling is a big problem here.


    I've seen fairly old ladies gambling on their phones on their way to work on the MRT.


    Half the women back in the village are doing it.


    Friends' wives.


    Waitresses in bars.


    I see them all at it.





    Including my other half.


    Addicted to phone online casino/ bandit machines.


    Blind stupidity. She has a new Toyota Legender, three houses, 4 rai, the latest TV and a fridge and freezer full, but still feels the need to spend her monthly allowance on online gambling, then comes begging, swearing that's the end and she quits, she can't.


    She openly admits if I wasn't so strong that the lot would have gone years ago.


    It's the only problem we have together. She is not into fancy clothes, the latest phones, drinking etc but gambling is a different story.


    I stopped buying gold years ago, for the above reasons as I knew where it would end up









  13. On 12/8/2023 at 6:22 PM, advancebooking said:

    They are not married. We know they spend most of their time in bangkok. 


    If say for example, a big gas explosion happens and it spreads to neighbouring building/s then its better to have 2 people who can potentially pay the liability rather than one. Thats why I want him on the contract again. I know he has money. I dont know about her. She might be just renting her bkk restaurants just like she is renting my building. ie no real assets. 



    I think you are being too nosy in matters that are not your business.


    What she does with her businesses in Bangkok is not your concern. How they choose to run their businesses is also not your concern. You don't know the ins and outs of their finances or the structure of their businesses.


    You seem to have a bee in your bonnet, with a tenant who is paying you expensive rent by your admission, and want to now go back to them with terms that may not suit them because you are overthinking about deaths and fires.


    Just simplify things and request that the building be insured for matters such as fire. 


    If you have to insure the property as the owners, tell them and come to an amicable arrangement with them.


    Ridiculous, it sounds like you sit at home fretting and then jump in your car or on your scooter to go mooching around in the dark

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, NoDisplayName said:


    One could.





    "not one inch to the east"

    Ukraine Declaration of Sovereignty pledging "a permanently neutral state that does not participate in military blocs,"



    A neutral buffer state such as Ukraine would be sensible.


    What many forget is that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is every bit the autocrat that Putin is and has tried to beg, threaten and bully the West in a constant quest for more funds and armaments.

    • Confused 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Caldera said:


    That's laughable, considering that the Russian military hasn't made any real progress in Ukraine for more than a year when their original plan was to take Kiev within days.


    Walking into NATO territory, Russian ground troops would be obliterated by air strikes within days. It would quite literally be suicide.



    I think if he tried to order the above, there would be mass mutinies, defections and surrenders.

    • Agree 1
  16. 23 hours ago, swissie said:

    You, an Expat living in Thailand having certain Assets in Europe? Some food for thaught:

    Let's face it: Without US support, it's "game over" for the Ukraine. After that, the only question remaining is: Will the Russians stop at the Hungarian border or march into the heart of Europe, as the Hungarians will not shoot at any Russians?

    European armies have been stripped to the bone, running out of ammo after 2 weeks.

    Real Estate can't be moved out of a country. But "liquid assets" can. As an Expat are you considering moving your liquid assets to a trusted Thai Bank as long as this is still possible? Easily returned if this scenario should not unfold.

    -Not during the Tsarist age nor during the Soviet age has Europe been so militarily vulnerable. The temptation for Putin to become the new age "Alexander The Great" is high.

    Needless to say, that under the rule of Tsar Putin, any sort of pension-money transfers will come to a grinding halt.
    All just food for thaught. 



    You know what they say, If you have nothing sensible to say, keep schtum.

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