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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 1 hour ago, Deserted said:



    If you know Pattaya and go to the bars and chat to the girls almost all of them will tell you the guys they avoid the most are the Chinese and the Indians for many reasons, one of them being they like to slap women about. 



    Girls told me many moons ago they didn't like them as the Indians wanted group sex with one girl and only to pay for the equivalent of one encounter.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. On 12/27/2023 at 11:58 AM, brianthainess said:

    That doesn't answer my question CC or is a debit card with a VISA logo excepted? and how do you pay if your card is not USD who decides on the exchange rate and how long is the visa valid for.

    I was hoping to get an answer without logging into their site.



    You get a window to use the 30-day visa, if your programme/ arrival date is too far in the future when you apply for the visa, it will not accept the application.


    It does accept debit applications and receipt of application is sent to the person's email, as is the visa when it is granted.


    Your payment is converted by the official website to USD.


    We don't need to be talking about exchange rates for $35 or so.


    If you are flying in, that's fine, but certain land borders do not accept e visas.







    • Thanks 1
  3. 35 minutes ago, Mike Lister said:

    I love it when posters think that everyone else in the country will have the same experience as them and that behaviours at all Immi offices are identical.



    I didn't say people didn't have different experiences. And I have experience of dealing with Pattaya, (both the old immigration offices in town and the new immigration offices at Jomtien), Khonkaen, Sakon Nakhon, Bangkok and Kalasin.


    Before Kalasin opened the new Immigration office, I used to have to trek to Sakon Nakhon, a fair distance from my house, where there was a particularly corrupt captain.


    We used to get there in the morning, and he would make us wait until mid-afternoon, he wasn't busy, nor was the office, but wanted money under the table to do his job.


    My determination not to pay it was equal to his, even if it meant inconveniencing myself.


    So, what is your point?

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, likerdup1 said:

    I've done my immigration business for the last 11 years myself.


    I am on my fourth Non-O Visa with a 1 year extension of stay. Three times before in Chonburi (first time in 2012) and this last time in Bangkok done at Chang Wattana Division 1 completed yesterday.


    Why do others do immigration business themselves? I do it because I don't want to be involved in graft, be attached to an agent and pay a lot of extra money for what amounts to about $100 an hour for my time if I paid an agent.


    Why do you do your immigration business yourself?



    I do it for the same reasons as you do, plus it just isn't difficult to do.

    • Like 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, MonteD said:

    Very broad statement, how often?

    Jailing their way out this will surely not work, it hasn't elsewhere in other countries.

    It's a tough situation for the government. 



    They will catch the next dealer higher up the chain because Thais crumble when the authority speaks. It's ingrained in them.


    I don't say they will catch the big fish, because they are in too much a higher position within Thailand, They are everywhere within the Military and the Police as well as government as everybody knows.


    I am well aware jailing them doesn't work, jail, to the small users and dealers prison is an acceptable risk, and they find it no hardship at all sleeping on the floor.


    They at least get fed and can watch TV and not have any bills to pay.


    It's a game for the Thai authorities to hold up the amount of arrests and convictions to the outside world to pretend they are tackling the problem.

  6. 58 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Why not distort the context, par for the course on here.

    Net migration is the difference between emigration and legal migration. Apologies if you found that a bit difficult.




    You just want to whinge on here that your pension is frozen.


    That isn't what the thread is about.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 7 hours ago, MangoKorat said:

    Don't forget the ubiquitous shop houses - built in the middle of nowhere and empty.  Next thing you know, someone builds an identical block 2km away - also empty. Good business that shophouse game :biggrin:.



    I remember stopping at one of these on our way to Kalasin to nip to the loo, so we thought we would grab a coffee at one of the places described above.


    She then tried talking us into buying it, and what a good deal it was. She had been asleep until we rolled up, bored out of her mind.


    The place was off a busy motorway road with nothing, not a bloody thing, around it.


    I declined her generous offer.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    It's not as black and white as that. There are many people who relocated here years ago who were well funded but because of global economics and personal circumstances, combined with longevity, became underfunded. There are several classifications and people can move from one classification to another, solely because of circumstances.




    That can happen, and then they need to reassess, can they really afford to live abroad.


    You should always have a contingency plan and money set aside for unforeseen circumstances.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

    Would any Thai spouses even want to go live in the UK. if they had any concept of what life on the breadline was like there? 


    They go with pre-conceived ideas and don't want to lose face returning to Thailand without sackfuls of money.

  10. 3 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Indeed, and net migration has 2 sides. The number of UK nationals emigrating is now less than half of what it was 20 years ago, only 92K last year.

    The government is so narrow minded they only look at one side, a lot more could be done in boosting emigration which would bring down the net migration. Frozen pensions would be a good start.




    So you are asking British people to emigrate from Britain, to allow illegal boat people to immigrate?


    I bet the government hasn't thought of that one.



    When we refer to economic migrants, (not ecomonic), we are usually referring to people who move for better job opportunities and a better standard of living through earnings potential in a new country.


    You seem to be talking about people relocating that have come to Thailand underfunded, the two are not the same.


    I wouldn't class people who come here underfunded, without insurance, rely on GoFundMe or enough cash, as economic migrants. I would class them as feckless.


    If you are Canadian, and you know better, enlighten us!






    • Confused 1
  12. 1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

    Name the positives in any religion!


    I agree,


    And I despise all religions equally 


    However, Bradiston or whatever he calls himself seems to have this massive unjustified fetish for Islam.


    The world has been spinning for 4.5 billion years at least, and the dreamers ask us to partake in these make believe imaginery Gods etc because they can't face the fact that we are just organisms, and when it's over, it's over.


    Religions haven't be going longer than 6000 years maximum.


    The earth managed for billions of years without them.

  13. 1 hour ago, bradiston said:

    Roman Catholicism. It's priests. The greatest bunch of child molesters in the history of mankind. It's nuns, cruelly persecuting Irish women. It's armies, raping and pillaging all across South America, Asia and Africa. It's cardinals, torturers and corrupt. Even now! The Mafia, mass murderers with God's blessing. Blackmailers, drug dealers, human traffickers, kidnappers, rapists, murderers. 'Ndrangheta. The Vatican can't clean itself of the low life in high places. You've got a bloody nerve calling the shots here. A religion that worships a tortured corpse, drinks his blood and eats his flesh. Ugh. Nauseating rubbish.



    Just a load mouthed ranting clown.


    I have asked you, but now I won't bother because you can't answer, to name the positives in the religion of Islam.


    Name them! There aren't any.


    Instead, you spout about historical nonsense hundreds of years ago.


    I won't be answering further as you are a nonsensical bigot, go get some fresh air and stop drinking the Kool aid, it's having a bad effect on you.

  14. On 12/22/2023 at 9:21 AM, bradiston said:

    Actually, the allegation regarding converting to Islam was just hearsay. We'll never know for sure, but it's been pounced on by yourself, amongst others, as a chance to voice your disgust with, and hatred of, Islam. That's derailment.


    This thread has as usual produced reams of hate speech regarding Islam, to which you have contributed. I was pointing out many of the allegations apply to other religions too. That's all.

     Give us the positive and all inclusive aspects of Islam.


    I can wait.

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