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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Should have explained that the risk was higher than that of winning first prize in the National Lottery...........????
  2. For safety, the remaining fuel in the plane was pumped out ........ Nothing to do with reducing the weight to enable a lighter lift then?
  3. Now why would they be using foam unless there is something other than 'trash' burning........????
  4. .....and after she pointed twice he produced...........????
  5. Heavy lift All Terrain Cranes and recovery trailers plus experienced crew....
  6. Yes. They hire only gay males......
  7. Luckily, mine was manufactured by artisans in far Cathay, wherever that is.......????
  8. Great photo in the OP. A look of horror on three faces when someone suggests the police should be controlling traffic.....????
  9. They don't need to introduce fee free visas. The tourist levels WILL have exceeded all previous records by end of next year. I have added together the predicted figures by the PM and TAT to verify this claim.....????
  10. I often read reports of Elvis being sighted so why do I never see reports of Boss sightings?
  11. Of course. The planes are queuing for passengers.......
  12. 33% utilisation? I can only assume that for the TAT tourist figures to be realised that all the international arrivals are aircraft with a thousand seats or more. .......????
  13. Good luck with that based on past performance...???? After deduction of administration fees....
  14. She saw a plea on Tik Tok and applied for a job as a Mia noi.
  15. If you have First Class insurance a good policy will cover windscreen replacement without affecting the policy holder's no claims bonus. If not, the costs you have quoted seem fair.
  16. There's a need to stock up on tiger parts for our Chinese friends.
  17. Our leader wears the ribbon of the Knight Grand Commander First Class which has this clasp: No bikinis, follow Thai culture
  18. From the roads to the runways, the excuse is the same......
  19. There's a section of Hwy 9 heading west which is 90 plus. Suddenly you see a mandatory sign '30 kph' so slam on the brakes.....less than 150 meters later a sign '90'. I think its designed to force the driver to test their brakes.......????
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