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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. As I recall, in the mid 60's there was a popular movie released titled 'Porn Free'. Somewhat bestial it featured a lion. Or maybe my memory is fading.....????
  2. You forgot the knotted handkerchief atop the head.....
  3. I wonder why the victim was in a homeless shelter and not living with one of his relatives.
  4. C'mon Geordie, youv'e been at the Stottie Cake again.........????
  5. And what is the limit for a customer over 20?
  6. Thank heavens someone had the presence of mind to open the hood and allow fresh oxygenated air in otherwise the whole car could have melted.......????
  7. Anutin on his left hoping he wont drop the spliff......
  8. As one female viewer said "So much fuss over such a little thing"
  9. And already he's got parachute wings.........????
  10. Go to the Legal Department of your Tessabahn and you can make a will there for a small fee.
  11. Settle down folks. The garbage truck had a Mercedes badge......
  12. Recorded voice: "This is the Department of Land Transport. You are currently number 45 in the queue........" Recorded song plays 'Whos sorry now'
  13. How does waste separation work in Bangkok? Open the moving car window and throw your waste out. It is now separated from your environment.....
  14. Thank heavens none of the above relate to recreational use of cannabis. That would be breaking the law........????
  15. I think too that was the intention. Poor reporting states 'bullets' not 'ammunition', 'cartridges' or 'rounds'.
  16. I counted those as being from the perp. The BiB are SO much more accurate....????
  17. 20 shots in the perp, another 30 bullets in the car so the BiB fired at least 50 rounds. Was that one policeman fired 50 rounds or fifty policemen fired 1 round each. So many questions, so few answers.......????
  18. How could this happen? His aftermarket racing slicks should have given him superior traction. What's that, they're bald tyres?
  19. Thanks for the video. Nail biting action. ........????
  20. Tell us when it happens, I am not holding my breath......
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