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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Proactively, the heat from the fire was captured and used to heat water to brew coffee for the VIPs in the penthouse.
  2. What puts me off is having to dive off a cliff into the sea just to get too the beach.......????
  3. Neigh, Surely not......
  4. Not exactly a 'sheet'. I would call it a 'piece' since it measures only 125mm x 200mm ......???? No thickness indicated. I say this with confidence, My ovaries are not flame-retardant.
  5. Thank God it didn't have wheels .......
  6. It was also described as 'famous' but to whom, I do not know.
  7. Even if the building was insured the policy would be declared invalid by their investigator if the alleged illegality were proven.
  8. Please rush me a list of the Time Limits for electrical wires. I need to consider rewiring my property before the Inspector comes knocking. I would not want to be seen as yet another foreigner breaking the law and bringing the country into disrepute.....
  9. I expect one to be a gardener and the other a driver employed by an an aircraft carrier operator.......
  10. It was a comment on inaccurate reporting. Post fire photographs show the interior gutted but, externally, the structure is standing with the roof surface burned especially the tyres that had been added.
  11. Authorities may hide behind the fact that the venue held a licence to operate as a restaurant, not a nightclub, and was not liable to certain safety inspections. Do not be shocked if the title 'Admiral' appears on the license.
  12. The Russians are rushing to rush in?
  13. Shoot! My blood type is O Rhesus positive. Does that mean I have the pox? ????
  14. The 'Rapid train' is one which, occasionally, exceeds 30kph and does not stop at every matchbox on the way.....
  15. Well, the boxes maybe........????
  16. The guides are former Bangkok taxi drivers, they know good shortcuts....
  17. Pledge furniture polish? Just speculating.
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