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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Like he said 'I tried my best to get it out'
  2. A pox on the monkeys!
  3. I'm a weed. I'll do it. Dust off your dark suits and paper flowers.....
  4. Yes, keep throwing in the misused 'iconic' word as a filler and the reader will believe you......
  5. Please rush me the results of the recent referendum indicating that a majority of Thais wish to continue wearing a face mask. I enclose ThB20 for EMS postage......
  6. Oh, I thought the US was land of the free.......????
  7. I ask the same question of the hackneyed phrase 'heavily armed'.....,????
  8. That's three newsworthy incidents out of Prasat, Surin in less than two weeks and cannabis relaxation is yet to take effect. ????
  9. Sellers of termite food.......????
  10. Oh.....I thought it was a typo....
  11. This must surely account for the high number of foreigners plunging to their deaths from high rises and condos in Pattaya over the decades......????
  12. Lady boys and Lithuanians beware the Mad Monk of Prasart.....
  13. The sooner they get these fried chicken shops off the road the safer it will be....
  14. So that's why their are so many bal headed men around......
  15. The are more likely feral than stray dogs.
  16. Presumably the eye test is to ensure the driver can recognise the difference between 'D' and 'R' ?
  17. Tut! You'll say anything to avoid this getting into the Guiness Book of Records.......????
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