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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Something fishy here. I don't think the locals would attempt an assault with only two. Tradition demands a minimum of five on one to ensure victory.
  2. This has been Photoshopped. I'm sure Shaolinmonks wear Nike sneakers......????
  3. Red sky in the morning, Somchai's villa on fire.....
  4. Yes, we on Asean Now ready to answer your questions.....
  5. He should have put his facemask on the back of his head before riding.
  6. You spelled it wrong. Not 'no no' it's Nana.....(or so I'm told).......
  7. Weird! That's what the guy in my septic tank told me....
  8. Farang barstool occupants take cover!.......????
  9. Are condoms on the list or doesn't it stretch that far? The website address given does not compute.
  10. But Viagra is cheaper.......Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  11. Probably poor pre-nuptial terms which now lead her to turn to boxing.
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