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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. An argumentative personal attack post has been removed
  2. personal attack removed
  3. an inflammatory post has been removed
  4. Troll posts resulting in a personal attack have been removed EDIT Also now off topic posts and replies. Seven month old topic is no longer news so it can now be closed //CLOSED//
  5. A personal attack has been removed
  6. A disrespectful post has been removed and all the bickering replies that followed it
  7. Maybe the LC expired and the bank would not extend it or perhaps they found another supplier and their silo is full?
  8. off topic post and reply removed
  9. A post with an altered quote has been removed also an off topic post and reply
  10. Some troll posts have been removed, the quoted replies have been edited out. If you are going to make wild claims please be good enough to support them with a link to a bonafide source, thank you.
  11. Russia dangles freedom to prisoners if they fight in Ukraine. Many are taking the deadly gamble. (CNN)Promises of freedom and riches are made to convicts in cramped jail cells. Frantic phone calls ensue between relatives and inmates weighing the offer. Then prisoners vanish, leaving their loved ones to sift through reports of the wounded arriving in hospitals. This scene is playing out in the convict communities across Russia. With a regular army stretched thin after nearly six months of a disastrously executed and bloody invasion of Ukraine, there's increasing evidence that the Kremlin is making ugly choices in its ugly war and recruiting Russia's prisoners to fight. Over a month-long investigation, CNN has spoken to inmates caught up in Russia's newest recruitment scheme, along with their relatives and friends. Activists believe hundreds have been approached in dozens of prisons across Russia -- from murderers to drug offenders. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/09/europe/russia-recruits-prisoners-ukraine-war-cmd-intl/index.html
  12. Baiting bickering and altered quote posts removed
  13. Some off topic posts have been removed
  14. An off topic post has been removed
  15. Enough of this bad mouthing someone because he is wearing shorts whilst paying respects at the site of a terrible tragedy. //CLOSED//
  16. Some off topic bickering and baiting posts removed also replies
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