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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. Some troll and unattributed posts and replies have been removed
  2. A video post linking to a questionable source has been removed
  3. 6. You will not post or link to items or content that are illegal in Thailand or any other country within ASEAN. //CLOSED//
  4. A libelous troll post has been removed also a reply
  5. I am an something of an amateur WW2 historian but found the story disjointed and boring, the flying scenes are authentic and some of the best flying WW2 CGI I have ever seen. I found the the POW episodes from Stalag Luft three based on my previous research interesting and authentic, I think the high rating on IMDB is because people are acknowledging the detail and work that obviously went into making it, as entertainment I would rate it around 6 or maybe 6.5 I have visited sites of many of the USAF and RAF bases in East Anglia, very little now remains of most of them, most having been tuned into farmers fields, many do however have a plaque marking the spot.
  6. A post in German has been removed as this is an English Language forum
  7. An unattributed conspiracy post leading to bickering has been removed also replies to it.
  8. Off topic post and reply has been removed
  9. Some bickering and baiting posts also replies rolling over from the previous closed topic have been removed. At the request of the OP the topic is //CLOSED//
  10. Posts failing to provide links have been removed also a post linking to Hebrew text and violating the fair use policy as well.
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