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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. A flame has been removed
  2. An off topic racist slur has been removed. @DonniePeverley Also off topic troll posts and replies
  3. Troll post removed, Forrest Gump has nothing to do with this topic. @G_Money
  4. A troll post and reply has been removed, that's enough of that please. @JimGant
  5. Watched the first episode of Ludwig last night, we both loved it, thanks for the heads up oxo 🙂
  6. One of my cats having an exchange with a bird outside the window NoLite and bird.mp4
  7. Off topic post removed, please don't do it again @SAFETY FIRST
  8. An unattributed post and replies has been removed Political Soapbox A space dedicated to vigorous and varied political discourse. Discuss and debate, have your say on the many political situations of the day from around the world. General approach and policy. We maintain a strict policy of accepting links or content only from mainstream and recognized media sources to ensure that information posted by members is both verifiable and trustworthy. We strive to remain impartial, prioritizing content that meets these standards and removing content that, in our opinion, does not.
  9. A post discussing another member has been removed, don't do it please. @zmisha 31. You will not publicly discuss other members or post any member's personal information including but not limited to emails, social media messages, private messages, photos or website details. Contact information is permitted in the Jobs Offers and Jobs Wanted sections, but for the privacy and security of our members we strongly urge the use of the private message function rather the posting of personal contact information.
  10. An unattributed troll post has been removed also replies: @Bday Prang Political Soapbox A space dedicated to vigorous and varied political discourse. Discuss and debate, have your say on the many political situations of the day from around the world. General approach and policy. We maintain a strict policy of accepting links or content only from mainstream and recognized media sources to ensure that information posted by members is both verifiable and trustworthy. We strive to remain impartial, prioritizing content that meets these standards and removing content that, in our opinion, does not.
  11. Off topic troll post and replies has been removed @ModdaPunk
  12. A troll post has been removed
  13. A troll post has been removed, please stay on topic. Latest developments and discussion of recent events in the Ukraine War
  14. Multiple off topic posts and replies have been removed
  15. A troll post and reply has been removed, more like that and the post will not be the only thing removed @Jeff Reinstad
  16. An unattributed troll post and reply has been removed
  17. A completely off topic troll / personal attack has been removed also a reply @BangkokHank
  18. Tulsa King series two, up to episode two is up on EZTV Elite 1080 has subs
  19. An argumentative baiting post has been removed
  20. A Very Royal Scandal Is now up on PB in 720 with subs
  21. A troll post making a sweeping generalization has been removed also a reply. Keep that up and your posts will not be the only thing removed @Yagoda
  22. A personal attack and replies has been removed
  23. A flame and the off topic bickering that followed it have been removed\ @mdr224
  24. A couple of baiting posts have been removed
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