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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. I don't think my new Toyota interior is ugly 😃
  2. We just took delivery of a Toyota Yaris Cross HEV whilst only a hybrid it is very nice indeed and IMO better than the CRV we had before, and I might add a lot less expensive than the current models on offer. Better fuel consumption, better to drive, better acceleration, better cornering, better safety features and better (electric) seating and the wife loves it 🙂
  3. A couple of off topic bickering posts about previous quotes have been removed also replies
  4. Multiple off topic bickering posts trying to drag Trump into the topic have been removed also replies.
  5. Sarcastic flames and replies have been removed
  6. Thanks for the report and the great video of the firefighters in action.
  7. Some off topic bickering posts and replies have been removed
  8. A personal attack / meme has been removed
  9. A personal attack has been removed
  10. Gave up on Shogun and the Crown as too long winded and boring and not watched any of the others 🙁
  11. I agree I have dumped series two already
  12. An incomprehensible post has been removed
  13. A post discussing moderation has been removed
  14. An Unattributed post and reply has been removed
  15. A troll post has been removed, if you don't like ASEAN NOW free news offerings then don't read it.
  16. A flame has been removed
  17. A baiting post has been removed
  18. An off topic troll post and reply has been removed @Sweet Swede
  19. Watched the entire movie over two nights, quite good and entertaining but has to be one of the worst loose end endings I have ever seen, maybe there will be a part two....
  20. A couple of off topic troll posts have been removed, topic is not about solar panels or renovating showers in your house: 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. @ExpatOilWorker
  21. A flame has been removed
  22. A flame has been removed
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