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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. Off topic troll and unattributed posts have been removed also replies.
  2. Same as you, not very much good stuff to watch but gave up on constellation after 1 1/2 episodes and downloaded as many Silent Witness series from TPB that I could find instead, all are very good.
  3. Multiple off topic bickering / personal attacks and name calling posts also replies have been removed
  4. A couple of off topic bickering flames have been removed
  5. Some off topic bickering and baiting posts also replies have been removed
  6. An unattributed / conspiracy post and replies has been removed
  7. Multiple off topic posts have been removed this is what the topic is about: Britain’s ‘deep state’ thwarted my plans, Liz Truss tells US hard-right summit
  8. An off topic post also a video post in a foreign language has been removed also replies All video content must be from a credible media source, and in English. Foreign languages, even with subtitles, are not permitted. The reason for this is because the subtitles might have no relation to the spoken word in the video and we would never know.
  9. An off topic troll video has been removed. Please do not post rubbish like this on news posts this is trolling and no one want to see it. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  10. A post in giant oversized fonts and replies has been removed
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