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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. An inflammatory post has been removed
  2. Inflammatory post and a reply have been removed
  3. Yes only two episodes so far, I had to go to PB to get 1080 episode 2 with subs
  4. A post with an altered quote and a reply have been removed
  5. An inflammatory post has been removed also replies @DougieMax
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 83 seconds  
  8. The bow and arrow murder mystery SHERWOOD series two has arrived its on EZTV
  9. An unattributed speculative post has been removed also the reply to it
  10. Very Old Topic //CLOSED
  11. Here are a couple of our spitting cobras, small ones.... Not sure if its the same one or different ones
  12. People without proper snake-handling knowledge should always call experts.” We live in a very rural area and used to get at least one spitting cobra a week inside the compound, never thankfully a king though, we even had them get in in the swimming pool and cats living area. I reckon now though we have become experts in catching them and easily locate them back into the wild as we now have all the nets, snake sticks and snake grabbers. We blocked all their entry points (under the gates and drains) the only ones getting in now are the Golden Tree snakes which occasionally climb up and over the the three meter walls
  13. A post linking to a paywall source has been removed
  14. I think she is using the phone to navigate not to make calls 😃 At least she doesn't have a go faster stripe and oversize wheels to draw attention to herself and no loud exhaust noise and toxic emission either.....
  15. I have been to Yemen, traveled by road from Sana'a to Ta'izz and to Al Hudaydah, It's a place I would never ever want to go again, poor doesn't even describe it, all the males wear a curved a dagger like it is a necktie. I was held up on the road by a gang of youths carrying such automatic weapons as shown in the picture, they were backed up by a tank and were all stoned on the locally grown ghat. They wanted my passport but I was able to get out of the situation by speaking a little of my very limited Arabic to them. I could not get back to the airport fast enough for my flight back to Sharjah, even that was a drama, the third engine above the cabin on the ancient Yemen Air 727 misfired and banged all the way home, never again...
  16. An incomprehensible post and reply have been removed also a troll post
  17. A troll post / link has been removed
  18. I would rate season one 7.5 Season 2 just scrapes to a 5 Season 3 maybe 6.3
  19. Baiting flames leading to off topic bickering also replies removed
  20. Off topic post and reply removed
  21. A flame and replies leading to insults and bickering have been removed
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