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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. A post citing an unapproved source has been removed also a reply
  2. A derogatory comment and a reply has been removed
  3. We have Xiaomi from Lazada, works well
  4. Can we stay on topic please which is about: First time the world has exceeded 1.5C for an entire year Not about who believes in what
  5. A conspiracy troll baiting post and replies has been removed. Please stop this baiting nonsense now!
  6. a personal attack has been removed also troll posts and replies
  7. Off topic posts linking to 2023 sources has been removed also flames, troll posts and replies
  8. Off topic post and reply has been removed
  9. A personal attack has been removed
  10. The topic under discussion is: Israeli Soldier Videos from Gaza Raise International Law Concerns Anything else is off topic and will be removed. It is not about rapes, mutilations and other events that happened on the seventh of October, this is well documented as fact with supporting links and testimonies and as pointed out is already discussed HERE
  11. This topic which started life about UK, Labour's by-election candidate, has gone so far off topic that the only solution now is to close it: //CLOSED//
  12. Flames and replies removed also some off topic posts and replies
  13. An off topic bickering post has been removed
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