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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. If OP cant be bothered to give the topic a proper title and put text in the OP box then the topic can be //CLOSED//
  2. A post in Cyrillic characters has been removed, please find an English source, thank you.
  3. A flame leading to pointless bickering has been removed, also replies
  4. Off topic bickering and flames removed also replies
  5. A troll post has been removed
  6. A deliberate misgender flame has been removed, we do not want to see this type of flame again please
  7. Not related to Thailand //CLOSED//
  8. Four personal attacks coming from the same person have been removed also any replies to them
  9. A vulgar post and other troll comments and replies have been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  10. Inflammatory post and reply have been removed
  11. Off topic posts dragging Joe Biden into the topic also replies have been removed
  12. Off topic troll and unattributed posts have been removed also replies.
  13. Same as you, not very much good stuff to watch but gave up on constellation after 1 1/2 episodes and downloaded as many Silent Witness series from TPB that I could find instead, all are very good.
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