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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. A post and a reply linking to a questionable source has been removed. Please see our Community Standards
  2. A post has been removed, please see the following: 34. Members are forbidden to solicit, ask for or accept donations, gifts or commissions from other members unless prior approval has been given by ASEAN NOW management. Charities and Foundations must contact support for prior approval of your forum membership. Please email support (at) aseannow.com
  3. A totally off topic post has been removed, please note this is trolling and is against our Community Standards 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  4. A post linking to BKK post has been removed as this is not allowed by them Please see our Community Standards
  5. Black cable with a white stripe. Identifies it as a CAT fiber cable.
  6. Flames and a discussion about WW2 that hijacked the topic has been removed
  7. Unattributed posts and replies have been removed. The War in Israel Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War. Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source. Please also see our Community Standards
  8. Off topic history lesson and replies have been removed, this is what the topic is about: Miraculous escape from Gaza hellfire: Thai worker’s astonishing tale of survival
  9. Another history lesson has been removed Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War.
  10. Multiple off topic bickering name calling and personal attacks have been removed, keep this up and someone will be going on holiday. Please see our Community Standards
  11. Some posts have been removed, one is off topic the other talks about carpet bombing, this is misleading as there is no carpet bombing , one more is a personal attack. Please see our Community Standards
  12. An email address from the above post has been removed for security reasons
  13. A post with an incorrect attached link has been removed
  14. An off topic post surmising incorrect information has been removed
  15. I used to windsurf off Pattaya beach some time around 1980s, pretty sure the TQ was there then, much later I became quite friendly with one of the owners when he and I lived in Singapore.
  16. A couple of posts have been removed Please see our Community Standards
  17. A personal attack and a reply have been removed. Please see our Community Standards
  18. Unattributed post and replies have been removed, can you please always link to the source, thank you. Please see our Community Standards
  19. A post linking to an overly graphic video has been removed also replies Please see our Community Standards 43. You will not post graphic or explicit images. ASEAN NOW strives to maintain a respectful and safe online environment for all community members.
  20. Flames and baiting posts removed also replies Please see our Community Standards
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