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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. Off topic posts and replies removed please stay on topic Please also see our Community Standards
  2. Off topic troll posts about Julian Assange have been removed Please see our Community Standards
  3. A personal attack has been removed, please take note of these forum rules: 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed. 11. You will not troll or stalk other members by misusing forum posts, private messages, reactions, emojis or by any other means.
  4. Inflammatory post and replies removed also off topic post
  5. Some posts have been removed, please take note of the pinned notice at the head of the World News Forum. Thank you. World News Interesting, thought provoking and topical news stories from around the world. Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source. Please also see our Community Standards
  6. An inflammatory post and reply has been removed Please see our Community Standards
  7. Troll post removed Please see our Community Standards
  8. A post in German has been removed as this is an English language only forum
  9. An off topic post has been removed
  10. Off topic post removed Please see our Community Standards
  11. We watched the first episode of Bass Reeves last night, I think its going to be a pretty good series, thought I detected the hand of Taylor Sheriden in it and confirmed it this morning whilst reading this For anyone wanting to find out more about this remarkable man there is a wikki page about him HERE
  12. Off topic deflection and a reply removed Please see our Community Standards
  13. More off topic troll and bickering posts removed Please see our Community Standards
  14. An inflammatory racist post and replies contravening our Community Standards has been removed.
  15. Some personal attacks and replies have been removed Please see our Community Standards
  16. Off topic post and replies trying to hijack the topic into the Book of Joshua have been removed, this is what the topic is about, see the header description, anything else is off topic and will be removed: The War in Israel Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War
  17. An off topic post has been removed. Please see our Community Standards
  18. A troll post from the usual suspect has been removed Please see our Community Standards
  19. Topic title changed per OP request Recommendation for Fasting Blood Sugar testing meter
  20. Off topic bickering posts and replies removed Please see our Community Standards
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