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Everything posted by Rimmer

  1. We have been fighting this menace for over five years but I don't think that works, we had two to three hundred tilapia and maybe twenty catfish, plus palai and turtles also Koi in there before the drought this year, never even touched them. Glyphosate sounds a good idea, now there is no fish or anything else living at all in the pond as it dried right up and killed everything except these darn lillies, the seeds are like hard small black golf balls but cant see them in the mud. A few years back we gave some lillies to a friend, two weeks later they had all gone, he said snails ate them, I have no idea what kind of snail or where to find them though.
  2. We planted a few decorative pond lillies in our pond but they have multipled rapidly and now threaten to take over the entire surface water. How to get rid of them? We have in the past dug them up whilst under water, pulled them out and recently during the drought pulled them out and combed the mud floor for seeds, now that the water is back the lillies are back as well, so whats the solution if there is one? Two pictures one of how nice they look and the other trying to dig them out when the water is low
  3. Some off topic posts attempting to deflect the topic have been removed, here is the topic title again: Trump charged with four counts over 2020 election
  4. I always have a look at the person profile, if just joined with the one review straight after release, can often be suspicious, maybe family or friends ????
  5. Some off topic posts and replies have been removed
  6. Some flames and replies have been removed
  7. I also had that on an LG air con although not on that part, the regular air con guys replaced the part that had melted.
  8. Watched the first two episodes of Justified City Primeval, not good! The daughter and poor writing kills it. Shant be watching anymore of it, so disappointed, I should have read IMDB genuine reviews first......
  9. A post trying to derail the topic has been removed also a reply
  10. Multiple off topic posts have been removed, please stop derailing the topic which is about: Trump accused of asking staffer to delete camera footage in Florida classified documents case
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