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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Absolutely disgusting git, the spitting incident alone should be 12 months in jail, I'm sure I heard on the news he was 43yrs old, playing on skateboard and abusing drivers. Charge him, 12 months inside so he can reflect on what a git he is, then deport the POS.
  2. https://youtu.be/VWOZEvgR_Ek?si=R1pjSr3qp5tU8RPw
  3. He spat on the windscreen as well as throwing a piece of wood at the vehicle. Also abusing a driver while on his skateboard 😊. 20240309_080950.mp4 20240309_081128.mp4
  4. Scumbag of the first degree and the other Swiss git.
  5. Could invite Lou to the party, he can order Humble Pie and Sour Grapes!🥂
  6. I was answering some poster about the Chinese guy with the heroin. 2 hours ago, roo860 said: He was caught in Thailand wasn't he?
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