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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Barnsley couple speak of fear that forecast vegetable shortage will spread to oven chips.
  2. That's it, blame it on the roads not the <deleted> driver.
  3. Maybe should rename the place Chickan't. 🐔
  4. Lion and gorilla:- A lion was drinking at the water hole, when a big horny gorilla saw the lions rusty bullet hole. Quick as a flash the gorilla was humping The lion. After struggling to get free the furious lion chased the gorilla through the jungle. The gorilla was miles ahead when he found a clearing. There was a tourist sitting on a deck chair wearing a pith helmet and reading the paper. The tourist crapped himself and scarpered, the hat and paper were tossed into the air. The gorilla quickly put on the pith helmet sat on the deck chair and was pretending to read the paper. The lion entered the clearing and said “did you just see a gorilla run through here?” The gorilla said “what, the one that shagged the lion down by the watering hole?” The lion said “Aww it’s not in the papers already is it?” 😁😁
  5. Seriously, Gottfrid could be in hospital, I hope its nothing too trivial . 😆😆
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