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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. Well done woman, I have been questioning that from the moment it was announced that the murderers were Burmese migrants.

    And I want the truth.......this case has affected me a lot.

    Not only you but many Thai people online are also sceptical. There is very little justice in this country for the poor. Many poor people was put into jail through the so called "bomb detectors" which the army up to today is refusing to acknowledge was a fraud and on which they spend billions. These devices was used to "detect" drugs and explosives, many people was put in jail based on these faulty detectors results used as evidence in courts. I have seen nothing about their cases being reviewed after the fraud became known. There are also a certain lady that was demoted by the previous government due to her support for these devices (she is supposed to be a scientist), but the army have put her back in her old position.

    The only way we will know the truth is if the British government gets involved.

    Judging by the ambassador's pathetic weaseling statements, don't hold your breath!


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  2. How pathetic are you all??? You live in Thailand...I am happy here and appreciate the culture and people and lifestyle....you all spend your lives criticizing Thailand at every opportunity...forever...if it is that bad? Why don't you leave? Please tell me...why you want to live in a place you are so unhappy in? Inadequacy is the word that springs to mind...men that end up in Thailand...inadequate

    Ooooooh who rattled you cage. Obviously you are a bottom feeder without any feelings for children/families. You are probably involved in the whole charade!

  3. Those who have the fortitude to look at the pictures of the bodies on the nasty Death and Reality website will notice that Hannah was murdered in almost ritualistic fashion. The murdererers must have held her down to rape her and then continued to hold her down while one of them picked up the hoe and savagely struck at her face repeatedly until he had obliterated her features completely. There are no visible marks elsewhere on her violated body. He must have been very angry with her for some reason and wanted to wipe out her pretty face. Probably the first or second deep wound into her brain had already killed her and silenced her as a witness. So why keep on chopping repeatedly? This seems to be more than the action of a rapist who wants to eliminate a witness. They commonly strangle their victims which provides the added advantage that the victim can't cry out while she is dying in agony. I wonder why the killer was so angry. There is no suggestion that the Burmese had been harassing Hannah or trying to pick her up and then felt slighted. They were lowly illegal workers with no money and limited linguistic skills. They are also very slightly build men. I wonder if one of them holding her down would have been enough for the other to rape and murder her.

    David's body was found some distance from Hannah's and in one of the pictures it looks as if it was found in the water. He had deep duts in his face but the pattern is completely different. There was no attempt to obliterate his features. It is possible they chopped at his head to make sure he was dead when he was already unconscious and perhaps tried to drown him before or after the horrible chopping. But it seems likely the intention was just to kill him to silence him as a witness and/ or get him out of the way first, without repeated angy chopping after he was obviously dead. The struggle with David seems to have taken place both on the beach and in the water's edge, unless they dragged him unconscious to the water to try to drown him. Given that David was a big, strong young man, it must have been very a very demanding struggle for these two weedy looking Burmese. If the fight with David and his murder which must have taken all the two men's strength took place first, what was Hannah doing? Was she waiting in terror for the two men to finish murdering her friend and start raping and murdering her? Why didn't she run as fast as she could to get help for David? There are no signs of injury to her body suggesting that she was incapable of running. If David was taken unawares and knocked unconscious first, it would still have taken both men to drag him to the water to try to drown him. If Hannah was raped and murdered first, which clearly also required at least the full strength of both these men, what was David doing at the time.

    How many men were there?

    More than 2 you would think yes. 5 or 6 different wounds to David alone, and there were inital reports of his hands looking like he had been fighting with them

    To be honest it feels like the only realistic chance of the true events of that night coming out is if Sean does know what happened and tells someone, ideally the UK authorities. If that happened whether they acted upon it is another matter, and whether the general public ever got to know would be unlikely probably

    Here is some evidence!


  4. The main problem the police have is that nowadays somebody is always watching and taking pic/video evidence. Not like the old days where they could cover up things easily. Now they have social media to deal with too and they bs doesn't stand up under any kind of scrutiny! Keep the pressure on everybody.

    and john thailand, your posts are nothing short of embarrassing, have u got kids? I cant belueve any father could believe any of this. Shame on you

  5. This thread is absolutely the most priceless thread I have ever read.

    You conspiracy theorists on here have hit a new all time record.

    Well we have beatings electric shock treatment photo experts forensic experts beatings cover ups bemused faces finger pointing the expression on the guys face means he didn't do it or how about he is actually pointing at the real perp.Why even some dragged the shin family into it.

    You guys are really the most negative bunch of blokes On planet earth.You never give credit just whinge whinge whinge .

    You guys get your rocks off by just arguing and you are lost in thai visa fantasy world.

    They have confessed the DNA will prove they did and a good job done by the cops despite the media hiccups so give credit where credit is due.

    Would you swallow all this shit if it was your daughter?

    Credit!!! The amount of corruption, gambling, murder, assisted suicide and general skullduggery these "police" are involved in is beyond anyone's comprehension!

    Wake up before u fall off your perch!

  6. the evidence held against these monsters will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    That's about the only thing you've said that I can agree with.

    But the implication is that you have 100% faith that the police will not have tampered with the evidence.

    I still have that bridge for sale.

    Let me put it this way, Thailand`s reputation is at stake here and the police are under intense national and International scrutiny. There is no way that the police would fake evidence or frame someone in this case, or if they attempted to do so would be completely insane, because I have no doubts that the police will have to justify all their evidence and details of their investigations to the world on this one, including those who have doubts like yourself.

    In my honest opinion using common sense and logic, the police have investigated this case and played this out by the book, they already had high suspicions that the said guys are the murderers, the police just bided their time until they had enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.before they made the move to arrest and charge these monsters for the brutal murders of the tragic victims.

    Some may try to counteract my comments by saying the police just bided their time to fake the evidence, then it`s just a case of drifting round in circles. In this case I am convinced that the police now have the true murderers in their custody, this is not a set up to protect anyone of others as there is too much at stake here, the police would never leave themselves that vulnerable, trust me on this one.

    Have you followed this case everyday, detail by detail? Are you fluent in thai, both reading and spoken?

  7. Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


    The guy on the left is updating his facebook with the latest selfie.

    Not sure if its these guys until I see a picture with fingers being pointed at them. This picture shows them pointing fingers... makes me think that the murders are just over there behind the guys taking this picture..

    agree with you, he pointing to the real m.....

    I mean to the Village headmans son

    To me to you, to me to you ,Chuckle Brothers

  8. Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


    The guy on the left is updating his facebook with the latest selfie.

    Not sure if its these guys until I see a picture with fingers being pointed at them. This picture shows them pointing fingers... makes me think that the murders are just over there behind the guys taking this picture..

    agree with you, he pointing to the real m.....

    I mean to the Village headmans son

    The worst thing for me is the creatures won't lose a wink of sleep and will in fact laugh about it over a nice bottle of JW blue label

  9. I will NEVER set my feet on Koh Tao again...because I still think there might be shady people lurking in the shadows, I lived in Thailand for many years and I have seen people with Power get away with things you wont Believe....its just part of Thai society....a system we will never fully understand.....THANK GOD !!!!!

    Best lock your doors and never leave your room because there is the potential for shady people lurking in the shadows in every populated place in the world. But agree only in Thailand do the rich and powerful get away with things other cannot, not.

    As for understanding ... why not look back at your home country when it was still a developing nation.

    Unfortunately John, I'm not 900 years old!

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  10. Does anyone have first hand knowledge of how the police extract a confession from a scapegoat? I'd be interested to know how this comes about. If I'm not guilty of something and the cops try to make it so, they'd have to be pretty good at it. Fingernails, rats on the stomach in a bin with a blowtorch. A mere beating probably wouldn't make me confess? But, saying that, I've never been there.

    Maybe the kids' family works on the island, sister/mother. Or maybe they threaten their family in Burma. Not the most stable of countries to be fair! These families on Koh Tao are worth millions of pounds/not baht, so money is not an issue

  11. David would have leathered those 2 scrawny brats, even with a beer in him - probably worse - he was a big lad! Again, that doesn't add up; never discussed.

    Two people with weapons in the dark when you have been drinking and caught off guard? I don't think so.

    If it was that dark how could they have seen the victims in the first place?

    So what you're basically saying is that armed with hoes and clubs and hardons the murders of Hannah and David was completely pre-meditated?

    I can't reiterate how important this pic is. The distance is 60m. In the dark with all the noises from the sea etc, how could anybody see or hear a thing


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  12. I guess I'll be the first (and, sadly, maybe the only one) to say it:

    Thank you to the Thai Police for all your hard work trying to bring the persons who committed this terrible crime to justice.

    Maybe a bit of introspection is needed then. If you are the "only one", then shouldn't you question why. Why do you think that maybe you are the only one?? Think deeply about this please and you might find out!

  13. I think it calls for a massive overreaction. How many people must die suspiciously before a sovereign nation takes a stand. This country is advertised in Europe as a dream destination and that it is safe. It isn't safe, from the dangerous roads to the horrific skull duggery, people should be advised of this fact

    Hmmmm does that mean you will personally be making a stand and leaving???

    I would but I'm applying for guardianship/custody of my daughter, so I can't just abandon her here as there is nobody to look after her!

    As soon as that is sorted I'll be leaving.

    If you feel so strongly surely you can get a lawyer to do that for you?

    Perhaps the FO has other things to do as well?

    who is going to look after my daughter?? She's 5, can't exactly leave her on her own!!

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