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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. "He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

    We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

    Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

    We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

    I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

    Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

    I will agree with you on this one JD.

    I'll even go so far as to say that No witnesses, No evidence and no DNA will likely be enough to convict.

    I fully disagree with your assessment.

    There is no evidence, no DNA & no witnesses.

    • Like 2
  2. When will TAT ever understand tourists?

    The drop in tourism is not based solely on the political situation. That is what made people examine Thailand more closely prior to planning a trip here.

    Until the Thais offer real smiles instead of smiles for the money spent and until the police stop being gangsters and until Thailand offers cleaner,and safer travel destinations without exhorbant price increases for foreigners then tourism will slide even more.

    They could also clean up the garbage and rats and stop dumping sewage into the Bay. Thailand really shows that it's 3rd world.

    More like turd world

    • Like 1
  3. "DNA results from the four state hospitals in Bangkok -- Police General Hospital, Ramathibodi Hospital, Siriraj Hospital and Chulalongkorn Hospital -- now show that the two men are not involved with the murders and so it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government because it had no doubt about the investigation being conducted by the Thai police, said Pol Lt Gen Prawut."

    Wanna bet?

    The UK press will be all over this.

    There's an election coming up.

    One the Tories could very well lose and see their treacherous coalition partners destroyed as a political entity.

    They will do whatever it takes to get favourable ratings.

    And good press.

    Is this a big enough story in the uk to sway votes?

  4. JTH and/or jdinasia.

    In any police-investigation, one of the first things the cops are looking for is motive!!

    What possible motive would the two Myanmar guys have to brutally murder two complete strangers?

    I don't buy the part about them being sexually aroused, because they saw someone making out. They are from the sticks i Myanmar, where sex isn't a taboo, they could probably get laid in their village for 20 baht.

    They are captured on CCTV buying one beer each, so lets presume they were not drunk.

    The very violent way in which the victims were murdered, almost in rage, to me looks like it was something personal. Commited by someone with an inflated opinion about his/their entitlement, and when refused/insulted have to get back, all in name of the all important face. And that in my opinion points somewhere else!

    So just enlighten us about, what in your opinion would be the possible motive for the two guys to violently kill the two Brits!!

    Theft and rape.

    Yeh??? Theft at 2am when all tourists have their pockets stuffed with cash. Rape??? yeh when she is with a guy twice the size of the two Burmese guys

    Not exactly the sort of scenario a rational person could envisage!

    • Like 2
  5. I think it is time that any residents on Koh Tao to tell anything they know about that night - i know they wont tell the RTP due to mistrust but surely an appeal could be put out with an free english number to phone ( surely the parents / lawyers could do this)

    I cannot understand why there is no conclusive evidence showing nomsod on the island( photos , witnesses seeing him in bar etc)

    I am hoping that all British witnesses have told the police in england

    I cannot understand why there is no conclusive evidence showing nomsod on the island( photos , witnesses seeing him in bar etc)

    Have you considered the possibility that such evidence doesn't exists because he wasn't on the island at that moment?

    No, there are a lot of cctvs that have not become 'available' for public consumption!

  6. We must all stay modest and cautious:it is a very difficult inquiry!No material proofs,no witness!!!!!

    It would be a very hard work for any police...even a western one....

    What on earth are you on about!!! take your head out of the clouds. There would of been loads and loads and loads of evidence if the police hadn't sabotaged the crime scene. There is still missing cctv, phone records, flight records & the 'little duck'!

    Any proper police force would have had this sorted within a month, hook, line & sinker

    Really Sherlock. That's why there are many unsolved murders on most police forces' lists of unsolved crimes. Many old "cold cases" now being revisited in light of technological advance such as DNA, with some very old cases being solved and the killer(s) brought to justice.

    Solved in a month - based on what? You telling them who did it?

    Take your head from where the sun don't shine. The police investigation file has not been made public so we don't really know what they have and haven't done. We know the crime scene wasn't isolated, that some officers made all sorts of comments and some posted inappropriate photos. Several leads / potential suspects were announced. Where these all investigated thoroughly - no idea, but the British Police will have now.

    Police work isn't like all those wonderful American TV shows where the guilty get caught every week.

    Yes, really, next!

    In fact it should of been solved inside 12 hours! Put your brain in gear and think about it! Let me give you a clue. A Thai guy was caught VERY quickly in a scenario while not the same, has similarities!

  7. We must all stay modest and cautious:it is a very difficult inquiry!No material proofs,no witness!!!!!

    It would be a very hard work for any police...even a western one....

    What on earth are you on about!!! take your head out of the clouds. There would of been loads and loads and loads of evidence if the police hadn't sabotaged the crime scene. There is still missing cctv, phone records, flight records & the 'little duck'!

    Any proper police force would have had this sorted within a month, hook, line & sinker

    Really Sherlock. That's why there are many unsolved murders on most police forces' lists of unsolved crimes. Many old "cold cases" now being revisited in light of technological advance such as DNA, with some very old cases being solved and the killer(s) brought to justice.

    Solved in a month - based on what? You telling them who did it?

    Take your head from where the sun don't shine. The police investigation file has not been made public so we don't really know what they have and haven't done. We know the crime scene wasn't isolated, that some officers made all sorts of comments and some posted inappropriate photos. Several leads / potential suspects were announced. Where these all investigated thoroughly - no idea, but the British Police will have now.

    Police work isn't like all those wonderful American TV shows where the guilty get caught every week.

    Yes, really, next!

  8. People eat meat. Some people eat dog meat. Why is it that people that are always going on about tolerance seem determined to force the world to adopt their ways? Next thing, they'll be going after the French for eating rabbits.

    Yeh but eating dog meat is illegal, therefore there are no checks whatsoever on how they are transported to their destination.

    Do you think these pics are an acceptable way to transports dogs 1000's of kms?



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