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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Please stop with the paranoid comments...blink.png

    If the company testing this DNA, if testing did occur, has no obligation to make any statements or to be forced to make statements,

    there is a customer/client confidentiality issues involved here and no private company in this instance will make comment as it will impact their business with other clients.

    If the DNA was tested, they have provided the technical report, that's it, one suspects if the BiB do use this facility on a regular basis, the company concerned may not even know they have tested these samples or the reason they are providing the analysis rolleyes.gif

    unless you are that naive to believe they sent the samples with bumese man #1 KT murder, bumese man #2 KT murder, written on the bag in black marker pen

    <deleted> are you talking about????????? The murderers' DNA has never been sent to Singapore. Doh!

  2. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Please stop with the paranoid comments...blink.png

    If the company testing this DNA, if testing did occur, has no obligation to make any statements or to be forced to make statements,

    there is a customer/client confidentiality issues involved here and no private company in this instance will make comment as it will impact their business with other clients.

    If the DNA was tested, they have provided the technical report, that's it, one suspects if the BiB do use this facility on a regular basis, the company concerned may not even know they have tested these samples or the reason they are providing the analysis rolleyes.gif

    unless you are that naive to believe they sent the samples with bumese man #1 KT murder, bumese man #2 KT murder, written on the bag in black marker pen

    <deleted> are you talking about????????? The murderers' DNA has never been sent to Singapore. Doh!

  3. Just a few notes on the discrepancies for all you apologists and RTP sympathisers with incredibly selective memories.

    On day two they started to dna and question Myanmar workers

    what happened to these three boys in the last three weeks.

    after 4/5 days sean mcanna was chased by the headmans brother and an off duty policeman. Why.

    (the picture was on facebook and the brother admitted having a "word" with him)

    this same brother was pictured contaminating the crime scene day 1. who gave him permission.

    a thai taxi driver was taken in and beaten up and told he had to implicate some Myanmar workers

    I doubt he made this up as he went to the authorities and press to complain about his treatment.

    the police reported some blond hair was recovered at the crime scene, they also reported one of

    the accused Myanmar boys had just dyed his hair black the day after the murders.

    but cctv showed the three boys on a motorbike the night of the murders all had black hair.

    the story of the phone should eventually be solved, but surely even these boys would not be

    naeive enough to leave the girls phone practically on their doorstep.

    More stuff filters through everyday!


  4. Bear in mind these two boys are under five feet and half David's size, it seems improbable to any reasonable person that they committed both of the murders.

    Where in the world did you get they were under five feet and even if they were 4 feet are you suggesting David was 8 feet?

    Did you miss the fact they attacked him from behind and had weapon(s).


    Your beloved police farce!!!!

    If police take money to turn a blind eye on illegal workers, can you not believe they could be involved in more sinister matters??

  5. No matter what dog'n'pony show they put on I think we all know it is BS. Push for independent confirmation collected and evaluated OUTSIDE THAILAND.


    The DNA found on the victims was done in Singapore.

    That is correct, for all you doubters out there.

    The RTP have done a fantastic investigation on this case and I congratulate them. Justice will be served for the tragic victims and their families.

    These monsters are already on the doorstep of hell.

    Being a parent of three young adult children myself, my sincere heartfelt sympathies go out to the families and everyone else involved with this case.

    No they are not, they are sitting in a bar somewhere laughing and joking about how they got off.

    Also, it's down to 2 burmese now, not 3!


  6. The Burmese are in police custody but not, apparently, formally under arrest ?

    The DNA HAS TO match, imagine having to release yet more suspects after all the song and dance !

    DNA matches - you are reading too much into things. The to get an order from the court to formally charge them but in western terms they clearly are under arrest. A hint would be the fact they are in jail and were brought to the crime scene in handcuffs.

    Charges have been laid. The boys signed a confession after tortute and under duress.

    They have no legal representation until

    Monday. They are in Samui prison and some are concerned that they will be murdered and it will be made to look like suicide as pressure and scrutiny over the set up is mounting.

    "Maybe" they were interrogated improperly but if the DNA matches then ....

    Dead or alive their DNA (and family members) is not going anywhere. Unless you suspect the police could go back in time and replace the DNA they collected at the scene and shared with Singapore ... it is just fantasy to believe these guys were set-up.

    If it's fantasy why not let there be an independent test? The Burmese guys dna with the dna in the UK (from Hannah). There is still the matter of the condom at the scene!

    Money, face & tourism (more money) is way more important than anything else in this country. The longer you live here the more you realise it

  7. I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

    The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


    I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound
    I saw those revealing shots 2 hours ago. It looks likely that sort of weapon was used (yet we hear no mention of it by cops), and even more likely that the killer was a leftie, regardless of weapon used (also not mentioned by cops). Are either of the Burmese suspects, or any of the relations to the village Headman (former suspects excused by limp-wristed cops), left handed?

    yeh, the amount of holes in this story is amazing! It's not just one piece of evidence that's iffy, it's the whole damn story!

    • Like 1
  8. I would not want to share the gruesome photos from the crime scene, So without doing so, This is a template of injuries to David. All were very, VERY deep, brutal lacerations. 4 to the back of the head (skull), one to the cheek bone, 2 to the jawline and one to the collarbone. David also had bruises to the nose and eyes with minor scratches near the nose bridge. So i do now see that he must have been facing his killer at one point, and not all blows were from the back and side, as first thought.

    The Facebook page 'CSI LA' has had invaluable information throughout this case and continues to report unseen testimonials and pieces of interest.


    I seen those photos unfortunately.... and it does look like stab wounds along with wounds made by a blunt object. The one on the collar bone area really stands out to be a stab wound

    Could you post a link.

    here it is


  9. Statistical probability would favor the migrants for the crime as they are the most numerous (and poorest) population on the island. I think there were attempts to derail the investigation by some of the Thai businessmen on the island due to the fact that they hired undocumented workers so they are complicent and breaking laws by hirling them. Most Burmese on the island are rather conservative and humble, they are as horified by this as everyone, that is why they turned in their countrymen.

    Nobody is going to protect migrant workers. Look how quickly everything was sorted as soon as they found their scapegoats!

  10. Once again I want to congratulate the Royal Thai Police for the good work despite all the thai bashing thats been going on since day 1 of the murders.

    Yes we do have a DNA match and together with all the other evidences I am pretty confident the Myanmar workers are the killers.

    But also we have our own CSI team on facebook and privat detectives here on Thaivisa and despite all the "evidence" they have provided I do not see any scapegoats here, even if it can look like it if we only listened to gossip instead of real facts.

    Only pretty confident??? You should be 100% confident in your amazing Police Force. They are the best and most competent force in the whole wide world.

  11. Well, you can't argue with the facts.

    The DNA results from the victims said the attackers were Asian, so they arrested three Asians

    I would really like to know if all traces of evidence were removed from the bodies before they made it back home and if follow up tests will be done at some point in the future. It could be years away but I'm sure the full proven truth will eventually emerge.

    If that DNA exists outside Thailand then collecting samples to match it with will be trivial in the future.

    In the case of rape, it is almost technically impossible to remove all the evidence (for reasons I refuse to post because the Thais read this forum). Any invasive techniques performed on the corpse will not only leave strong tell-tale evidence a cover-up was attempted, but will not remove the evidence.

    This is not even a difficult case for Scotland Yard -- I fully expect their polished boots to be lodged in someone's posterior in the very near future. They are experts, and heavy-handed when required.

    This situation requires a mailed fist, and I fully expect them to, circumspectly, use it before the previously mentioned boot is then a secondary procedure used as an alternative enema. Some of the most prominent and successful engineers and scientists were Scottish -- and those genes do not dilute. They are dominant.


    Yeh, the report is not due out until around January, so you can bet it's going to be detailed and complete.

  12. How pathetic are you all??? You live in Thailand...I am happy here and appreciate the culture and people and lifestyle....you all spend your lives criticizing Thailand at every opportunity...forever...if it is that bad? Why don't you leave? Please tell me...why you want to live in a place you are so unhappy in? Inadequacy is the word that springs to mind...men that end up in Thailand...inadequate

    From your sentence construction i presume that you are a Thai which means you act emotionally and not logically. Yes Thailand is a nice place to live if you have money but there is a lot wrong with it. Since we live here, many of us with children, we do have an unofficial stake here. It can only be positive for Thailand if glaring inappropriate behaviour by government agencies are criticized, the Thais rarely do it due to apathy or familiarity. The Thai police have admitted in a round about way that minorities are sometimes targeted and stitched up, they are aware of their short comings but do nothing about it. Some years ago the chief of police openly admitted that the police are corrupt,the UN even once went so far as to call the Thai police a gang of criminals. Having said that i believe ( which means i don't know for sure ) that the police have caught the criminals,despite their incompetent investigation. I don't think that they have stitched anybody up in this case, not because of any moral reasons but because with all the international interest it would be too risky.

    I agree with all you have said, apart from the last sentence. I personally think that Thailand doesn't give a <deleted> about International interest, and therefore the scapegoats were created to save the rich kid's arse

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