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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. The Thai Government can thank it's lucky stars that the British PM is a weak and spineless fool who employs Ambassadors of the same make-up. If I were the PM I would have made a phone call within hours of the murder advising Thailand that Scotland Yard was on it's way to jointly investigate the crime - it wouldn't have been a request!

    How can you people be so naive?

    And prey tell what happens if the 366 000+ Thai Defense Forces decide they don't like the way the British have behaved?

    Can the 177 000 British Armed Forces do anything.

    That is how war starts.

    As I posted earlier it's called diplomacy...

    Those 366k wouldn't ever ever get a sniff of the UK coast! The whole lot would be annihilated if they were so stupid to declare war on the UK! Do you understand the capabilities of the UK armed forces? It's all about tech, not numbers nowadays!

  2. Just imagine that if the British have DNA from ALL the relevant parties, and I believe they do, wait until after the "Trial" verdict.

    The two Burmese are convicted....24 hours later the British reveal their findings! WAM BAM!!

    I suspect that the bodies were thoroughly washed and cleaned out after the Thai's had taken their samples to deter any analysis back in the UK.

    Impossible, any signs of this would be noted. Plus the UK's DNA team's are far far more advanced and have tech/methods well beyond simpleton Somchai and his band of numbskulls

  3. Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

    And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailand.

    It says somewhere (read today but cant remember which page) that by English law, would that petition reach 100K, the English PM has obligation to action on it...

    Whichever action that is..

    send a few assets to find and interrogate nom sod/family! Wouldn't take long, these pricks are weaker than Hugh Hefner's bladder

  4. Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

    But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

    We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

    Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

    Yeh we saved you against the French and let you EXIST after WW2. so <deleted>!

  5. reap what you sow

    how much of the beauty and soul of Thailand has been lost in the last 50 years?

    do think really think "smiling" will get them by after the tourists and expats are mistreated, abused and murdered and they show the world ongoing civil unrest?

    the famous Thai hospitality and respect for guests to their home and to the kingdom is largely gone and there are so many other places to visit or live

    kong kwian kam kwian - always a good thing to say to people to emphasise the 'reap what you sow' mentality.

    • Like 1
  6. It's so easy for Thailand to do the "right thing" but just like the Saudi case it will continue on its path no matter what the financial costs.

    Thailand you are in need of serious Psychiatric help

    However, this is the first high profile case where social media has been involved & where Thais can find info outside of Thailand. Look at CSI LA, a Thai person based in the USA, giving Thais (in Thai Language) information & evidence they would never have been privy to before

  7. As for your LIZ, well ya think if she made a phone call to her counter part or even the current PM could have a little impact on things? Not to sure that'll work either didn't fly for the Saudi's did it? diplomacy won't do much of anything here, just the threat of loss of MONEY, as they say money talks.

    Show some intestinal fortitude and let the BIB know you mean business.

    heavy UK tax for tourists going to Thailand (creating a budget for assistance in case of being a crime victim?)

    We should freeze all assets that Thais own in the UK, sell them and put it into a fund to pay for insurance for Brits in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  8. Not going to read this nonsense. I know and every one else capable of thinking knows that England is only showing concern because the media is putting the pressure on them.

    they have no reason to disbelieve the situation as the Thai government has presented it to them but the press in it's endless quest to sell papers by printing negative news and many times baseless allegations and ignore positive things has put the pressure on them to the point where they had no choice.sad.png

    No reason to disbelieve!!!!!!??????? Are you for real??crazy.gif

    • Like 2
  9. What concerns me more now is that the RTP have lost so much face in this case, that dna could be planted into any dna samples. RTP cannot be wrong anymore.

    With all the bruises these guys have on their bodies, it is easy to swab here and there and add it to the evidence. Just sayin'. coffee1.gif

    Have you seen these bruises??

    If there are bruises then I think it likely that they were self afflicted!!


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