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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. Well: He run from the DNA testing. His father and brother weren't tested as well (you can see if a family member is the person you search for). The father was ready to pay 1.000.000 for evidence that shows that his son is not guilty. Than the police found these guys, they were beaten till confessed.

    Now the son comes back and is ready for a DNA test.

    That doesn't look right, or? That does not mean he is guilty, but it doesn't look right.

    Not saying it looks right.. saying all the time I make no judgement here. I don't know the real facts that are available to the police and neither does anyone here.

    But based on this it does not look right, but again people are already saying DNA test wont matter samples are swapped. So how can this guy win.

    What I am saying whatever he does there will always be those that crucify him online his reputation is toast and stuff like this can happen to all of us.

    Just think of cases where foreigners are framed for sex with kids... or where wives during a divorce say that hubby touched their daughter in a bad way.

    If rumors are taken for fact its so easy to destroy someone so I can understand the guy not liking those sites if he is innocent. Would you jump through allt he hoops some internet guys tell you to do or they go on destroying you ?

    Just showing things from an other side, but I agree what i read the case stinks.. but that does not mean he is guilty and if not he has every right to go after people who destroyed his reputation.

    You are comparing apples with oranges!

    Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

    Here's an interesting question too, and also pertinent;

    Can you prove he was in BKK at the time of the murders?

    read comment 37

  2. Well: He run from the DNA testing. His father and brother weren't tested as well (you can see if a family member is the person you search for). The father was ready to pay 1.000.000 for evidence that shows that his son is not guilty. Than the police found these guys, they were beaten till confessed.

    Now the son comes back and is ready for a DNA test.

    That doesn't look right, or? That does not mean he is guilty, but it doesn't look right.

    Not saying it looks right.. saying all the time I make no judgement here. I don't know the real facts that are available to the police and neither does anyone here.

    But based on this it does not look right, but again people are already saying DNA test wont matter samples are swapped. So how can this guy win.

    What I am saying whatever he does there will always be those that crucify him online his reputation is toast and stuff like this can happen to all of us.

    Just think of cases where foreigners are framed for sex with kids... or where wives during a divorce say that hubby touched their daughter in a bad way.

    If rumors are taken for fact its so easy to destroy someone so I can understand the guy not liking those sites if he is innocent. Would you jump through allt he hoops some internet guys tell you to do or they go on destroying you ?

    Just showing things from an other side, but I agree what i read the case stinks.. but that does not mean he is guilty and if not he has every right to go after people who destroyed his reputation.

    You are comparing apples with oranges!

    Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

    Ummm....... you just got back from which planet again?

    You are missing the point massively! I think he is guilty as sin!! The devil is in the detail! Why was he suspected in the first place?? That surely gives you his motive and surely gives you the right for dna. Also it gives you an opp to dig into his alibi including timeline, phone records, flight records etc

    • Like 1
  3. Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

    You're either joking, or haven't been following these threads as many of us have, ....or you're buddies with Nomsod.

    BB asks: "Why was Nom Sod ever suspected to be prime suspect?"

    Answer: there are so many reasons, it could be put in a 300 page book.

    BB: "He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!"

    answer: extremely doubtful. His own dad said he was on the island that night, and Nomsod's alibi was as soggy as fresh milk.

    BB: "Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?"

    answer: Again, there are lots of proofs that Nomsod the party boy was entwined with the AC bar and therefore mixed with a lot of the young party-going farang who went there, including Sean, David and Hannah.

    Wow, you couldn't have missed the point more!! I'm on your side Boomer. I think he is guilty as hell Read it again and you will realise that!

    My point being; what made him a suspect in the first place? It's impossible for him to have been a prime suspect in a case with strangers in Koh Tao and be in BKK at the same time. He was made a suspect for the following reasons ???? When he said he was in BKK he should of then been made to answer allegations as to why he was prime suspect!

    Normally a prime suspect is a family member of the victim or business partner etc. Motive is normally what people look for to solve a case. For the police to have a complete stranger (nom sod) as a suspect they must have had their reasons! A dodgy cctv pic cannot be enough to satisfy a legit investigation

  4. Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

    You're either joking, or haven't been following these threads as many of us have, ....or you're buddies with Nomsod.

    BB asks: "Why was Nom Sod ever suspected to be prime suspect?"

    Answer: there are so many reasons, it could be put in a 300 page book.

    BB: "He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!"

    answer: extremely doubtful. His own dad said he was on the island that night, and Nomsod's alibi was as soggy as fresh milk.

    BB: "Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?"

    answer: Again, there are lots of proofs that Nomsod the party boy was entwined with the AC bar and therefore mixed with a lot of the young party-going farang who went there, including Sean, David and Hannah.

    Wow, you couldn't have missed the point more!! I'm on your side Boomer. I think he is guilty as hell Read it again and you will realise that!

    My point being; what made him a suspect in the first place? It's impossible for him to have been a prime suspect in a case with strangers in Koh Tao and be in BKK at the same time. He was made a suspect for the following reasons ???? When he said he was in BKK he should of then been made to answer allegations as to why he was prime suspect!

  5. Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

    Him and his uncle were named as suspects initially:


    Yeh but why? That question has never been answered!

  6. Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

  7. Now that the DNA has been swapped, he is willing to submit to a test.

    And I'm going to sue whoever dared to tell the truth, farang don't understand this is Thailand and the truth is just a minor inconvieance that shouldn't be taken seriously!

    Exactly what they mean.. the DNA is swapped.. no proof of this statement at all but posted anyway.

    Well: He run from the DNA testing. His father and brother weren't tested as well (you can see if a family member is the person you search for). The father was ready to pay 1.000.000 for evidence that shows that his son is not guilty. Than the police found these guys, they were beaten till confessed.

    Now the son comes back and is ready for a DNA test.

    That doesn't look right, or? That does not mean he is guilty, but it doesn't look right.

    Not saying it looks right.. saying all the time I make no judgement here. I don't know the real facts that are available to the police and neither does anyone here.

    But based on this it does not look right, but again people are already saying DNA test wont matter samples are swapped. So how can this guy win.

    What I am saying whatever he does there will always be those that crucify him online his reputation is toast and stuff like this can happen to all of us.

    Just think of cases where foreigners are framed for sex with kids... or where wives during a divorce say that hubby touched their daughter in a bad way.

    If rumors are taken for fact its so easy to destroy someone so I can understand the guy not liking those sites if he is innocent. Would you jump through allt he hoops some internet guys tell you to do or they go on destroying you ?

    Just showing things from an other side, but I agree what i read the case stinks.. but that does not mean he is guilty and if not he has every right to go after people who destroyed his reputation.

    You are comparing apples with oranges!

    Here is an interesting question for you and extremely pertinent!

    Why was Nom Sod EVER suspected to be prime suspect?

    He was in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!, so why would the police ever connect him in the first place.

    Most murders are committed by people that you know. However, Nom Sod has no connection to the suspects whatsoever, so why was he suspected?

    If you can answer this question then you have solved the case imo

  8. You speak with logic and reason Baerboxer. I appreciate your point.

    I am not quite so convinced that the same reason is applied by a certain other couple of posters.

    Wasn't meant to be an attack. Just never understand why people need to start listing material items to prove a point. He could of just said that he didn't fit the S/T and that would have been suffice!

    The reason material items were listed is because the post I was responding listed material items if you go back and read it

    ok, just me being lazy! Sorry for any offence, thought it was some kind of "my dicks bigger than yours" scenario!

  9. You speak with logic and reason Baerboxer. I appreciate your point.

    I am not quite so convinced that the same reason is applied by a certain other couple of posters.

    Wasn't meant to be an attack. Just never understand why people need to start listing material items to prove a point. He could of just said that he didn't fit the S/T and that would have been suffice!

  10. What I really do not understand is if it is so bad and a lot of expats despise it so much (way they talk) why do they stay in Thailand?

    We have different kind of expats living here. There are those who like cheap women, drugs and alcohol and live in areas like Pataya, Phuket etc. where they can find that.

    Then there are those who got a Thai wife and live somewhere in the rural areas. They are more or less integrated in the village life through their wives, may have nice houses and lands and enjoy that kind of life. In those areas police is different form the "tourist areas"

    The first categorie seem not to care much, the second categorie ( I belong to it) know about the problems know what to avoid and are somewhat protected by their wives and wives' family connections.

    There may be more categories of expats but those are the ones that I know about.

    Anyway the dangerous areas are the tourist areas.

    Forgot to mention I and my friends do not despise Thailand. What we despise is the judicial and the police system and we try to avoid it. Normal people are likeable. You just have to know some cultural differences and to adjust to that..

    This is way off topic but had to respond anyway.

    So I live in Phuket, does that make me one of those who like cheap women, drugs and alcohol?

    When I drive my daughter to international school tomorrow and then return to our sea view villa I must mention this to my Thai wife, I'm sure she'll be happy to hear the reason I am living here in Phuket.


    sea view villa and international school = hook line and sinker! Especially in that cesspit of a place called Phuket. Don't tell me, you drive a legit Land Rover too!!

    The only thing your Thai wife will be happy about is cash, lots and lots and lots of it! If it stops, i'm sure she has alternatives lined up!

  11. The relentless posting in defence of the police by JTJ, jdinasia and Baerboxer is extraordinary to say the least. So much that they cannot simply be dismissed as trolls. Why on earth would these people spend so much time defending the RTP case, when practically everyone else who has objectively considered this believes the case is corrupt. Not one person (farang or Thai) I have spoken to believes the Burmese boys carried out the crime. I can only assume these guys have a vested interest in the outcome.

    Then you assume wrong, as in your assumption that what most posters post must become fact.

    I want to see justice, real justice. I want the despicable low live scum that did this identified, arrested, prosecuted and when found guilty to receive the harshest punishment under law.

    I doubt that will happen, given all the mishandling and contradictions that have occurred.

    However, a trial by social media, with conspiracy theorists entering more 'facts", deciding who must have done it, decide on the way it was done, whose being covering up etc etc is not only stupid and silly is downright dangerous.

    How do you think the Salem witch trials started and resulted in many innocent deaths? Some on here are trolling for sure, usually winding up those who are supporters of the "we know who did it, CSI LA told us brigade".

    None of this rhetoric will influence the British Police. They are too professional. I eagerly await their report, which may divulge facts that are currently unknown, such as comments from the victims' friends about what happened that night.

    I really hope real justice is served in this case.

    I completely agree that trial by media is very dangerous. However people posting their FACTS on here create discussion and often these FACTS are shown to be not so. They do keep people looking at the case and the professionals will be able to filter these in order for real facts to be proven. Many FACTS have been ignored or overlooked from the beginning of this investigation. These need to be looked at again to find the killers.

    It's quite strange that a major suspect can be cleared and therefore not undergo DNA testing with what appears to be a flimsy alibi. I believe they should take a closer look even if it is just to clear him finally and clearly.

    Rumors are not "FACTS". (even in all CAPS )

    You state it "appears to be a flimsy alibi " but that is based on what? Speculation and rumors bandied about, while the truth is that nobody but those who investigated know what information cleared him.

    You're absolutely right, "nobody but those who investigated know what information cleared him". It's equally fair to say 'nobody knows whether 100m baht or 120m baht was paid under the table to clear him"! Bearing in mind the RTP recently introduced a scheme to reward RTP officers who refused bribes, it suggests to me the need for further investigation/verification of Nomsod's whereabouts and activities during the 3 days before, at the time of and 3 days after the murders. I'm aware the bribe/reward scheme was subsequently withdrawn, but it goes to show the RTP's awareness, extent and knowledge of corruption within their ranks.

    Rumor mongering

    Wow, I've been moving house for the last week and just got back to this. Can't believe (yes I can) JD is still going strong! Let's hope he is getting his 300 baht a day and not being subjected to the Burmese rate of sfa. What a c*ck

  12. The only question is : did the British perform such a sampling or did the body of this poor girl go untouched after entering British soil ? I don't recall reading anywhere, clearly, that British authorities had made such a move after recovering the body.

    Of course they did. They are complete pro's, just like American cops, German cops, etc. Just because they didn't inform you or anyone else in the media - they always do their job.

    Knock the Brits, the Americans, the Aussies, etc. all you want. But one thing for sure, they all have well-trained professional cops.

    A bit off topic but most western police forces would not be threatened by another force asking for assistance or even to be involved in a case. Their aim is to put away the bad guys...

    Yeh, you must of seen Black Rain with Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia. MD gets the guys in the end, but AG does get killed about 1/2 way through

  13. The only question is : did the British perform such a sampling or did the body of this poor girl go untouched after entering British soil ? I don't recall reading anywhere, clearly, that British authorities had made such a move after recovering the body.

    Of course they did. They are complete pro's, just like American cops, German cops, etc. Just because they didn't inform you or anyone else in the media - they always do their job.

    Knock the Brits, the Americans, the Aussies, etc. all you want. But one thing for sure, they all have well-trained professional cops.

    A bit off topic but most western police forces would not be threatened by another force asking for assistance or even to be involved in a case. Their aim is to put away the bad guys...

    Yeh, you must of seen Black Rain with Michael Douglas and Andy Garcia. MD gets the guys in the end, but AG does get killed about 1/2 way through

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