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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. I think it calls for a massive overreaction. How many people must die suspiciously before a sovereign nation takes a stand. This country is advertised in Europe as a dream destination and that it is safe. It isn't safe, from the dangerous roads to the horrific skull duggery, people should be advised of this fact

    Hmmmm does that mean you will personally be making a stand and leaving???

    I would but I'm applying for guardianship/custody of my daughter, so I can't just abandon her here as there is nobody to look after her!

    As soon as that is sorted I'll be leaving.

  2. Now put yourself in the shoes of the families of the victims.

    For several weeks after this tragedy, they have witnessed the incompetence of the investigation, claims and counter-claims.

    I am sure all they want now is closure and those accused of the murder of their children prosecuted and - if found guilty - justly sentenced.

    Now imagine how they will feel if they never know for sure whether the real murderers are in jail, or walking free and innocent men jailed.

    I hope that the families demand independent DNA testing to put their minds at rest over whether the real killers have been found or not.

    How is the investigation incompetent? Assuming these guys did it they caught them in a couple weeks. What more can you ask for?!

    There are plenty of unsolved murders in the UK:


    They interviewed these guys on the first day and found nothing.Plus all migrants were dna'd a few weeks ago. Especially the ones from this bar. They have been to work everyday after this and not one of them has acted suspiciously or any markings/bruises. BS

  3. Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


    I saw this pic earlier. Look how clueless they are. What a load of absolute tosh

  4. They are way beyond anyone seriously accepting their word on this. Yet they STILL seem completely unaware of how the rest of the world perceives them.

    There should be resignations and an international enquiry.

    I hope the UK embassy does not just sit back and hope that this is enough for the bereaved families.

    Mr Kent from the embassycheesy.gif

    About as useful as a chocolate chainsaw!



    What exactly would you have him do?

    Have some dignity and resign to show that he doesn't believe this BS.

    I would if I was in his position.

    Then again diplomacy isn't one of my strong points as I have seen hundreds of cases in Thailand that are fishy!

  5. They are way beyond anyone seriously accepting their word on this. Yet they STILL seem completely unaware of how the rest of the world perceives them.

    There should be resignations and an international enquiry.

    I hope the UK embassy does not just sit back and hope that this is enough for the bereaved families.

    Mr Kent from the embassycheesy.gif

    About as useful as a chocolate chainsaw!

  6. The British government must demand to provide experts and analyse all DNA samples, including the entire Tuwichian family. Until then these guys are as guilty as me.

    Britain are in no position to interfere in another country's judicial system, let alone demand.

    Let's not forget when Thailand wanted a certain criminal back, which country did not cooperate.

    Britain could do whatever they want, they just choose not to because there is no financial gain

    Huh? On sovereign ground of another country they can do very little.

    Mmmmm, believe that and you will believe anything!

  7. So does this mean that they weren't tested the first time around? When they tested so many Burmese? They didn't test three Burmese that worked in the bar where the deceased had been right before they were murdered??!!!?!! Why wasn't there a match the first time around??

    This! Repeat 100 times.

    Is there any journalist in this country willing to ask the blatantly obvious questions or do they all just print whatever the higher ups tell them?

    The FBI confirmed that the semen was from an Asian correct? To put a rest to all this (and to prove that the police are just massively incompetent rather than horribly, horribly corrupt), let the FBI visit with these three men, collect DNA samples, and tell us all if there is a match.

    Until then, this appears so wrong in so many ways.

    What does the FBI have to do with any of this ??? The victims were British, for goodness sake !!!!

    They sent the semen to FBI to confirm ethnicity. Right? That's what they have to do with it. And even if I am wrong - then choose your country where police don't so easily cower down to those in power - Singapore or UK would work,

    By the way Ambassador Kent is acting, looks like the Uk want it finished expediently too!

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  8. The British government must demand to provide experts and analyse all DNA samples, including the entire Tuwichian family. Until then these guys are as guilty as me.

    Britain are in no position to interfere in another country's judicial system, let alone demand.

    Let's not forget when Thailand wanted a certain criminal back, which country did not cooperate.

    Britain could do whatever they want, they just choose not to because there is no financial gain

  9. They apparently found her mobile phone in one of their rooms... What more do you people want !! If all think they are innocent, then help them

    This is news to me, if the phone they found belonged to Hannah, and was in one of the burmese rooms , we can stop speculating.

    Unless you think someone planted the phone there , then just carry on speculating all you want.

    yeh because you are going to stay on the island & keep somebody's iphone that they have bludgeoned to death. You do know there is an app that traces iphones?

  10. doesnt look like a killer to me, and, if he is a bartender in a club where girls are getting wasted all the time, I doubt he has trouble getting females


    3 blokes having fun, playing an acoustic guitar must have been in a good mood. Suddenly they become crazed rapists/beasts/murderers.

    Also Hannah seems to have been 'staged' into her final position for maximum effect.


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