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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. I would still like to establish motive! Early on the police stated that it wasn't a robbery. Not many options left! Let's see an independent psychological report regarding the murder scene and the what sort of person/people could commit such a heinous crime. Also character witnesses for the accused and the mafia family members. Then an independent psychological evaluation of the forementioned!

    • Like 1
  2. and then there's this ~ happened at the end of Aug.

    " Foreign Couple found Decapitated" floating in the ocean off the coast of Pattaya.

    that all news stories seem to have hit a dead end on this one

    Not "decapited", but "headless".

    Said to be the natural result of decomposing bodies in water shaken by waves.

    Most farang deaths in Thailand are not murders!

    MOST are not, that's reassuring!

  3. Welcome to "open season" on all westerners!!
    Welcome to dramatic hyperbole by a fringe element of conspiracy theorists.

    Must be nice to live in your emotionless, unsympathetic world where everything is black and white!

    Just because I don't participate in hyperbolic conspiracy theories does not make my world either emotionless nor unsympathetic. smile.png

    A conspiracy theory has no substance whatsoever. A conspiracy casts doubts using evidence & opinion.

    Lots of cases in law use expert witnesses opinion to prove innocence/guilt.

    Let's get away from all the black/white. Do you honestly believe this case beyond all reasonable doubt?? Please answer honestly

    BTW .. Your assessment of a conspiracy theory isn't accurate.

    A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition, a conspiracy uses contrary evidence to refute the cover up. Semantics aside, there is a difference

    I can't believe you can of lived in Thailand for x amount of years and believe this story! Flabbergasted!

    I know we are not privy to all the evidence but the Police seem to have gone out of their way to give us a running commentary, so I reckon we are pretty much in the know with most aspects of the investigation!

    Would you like to think you would be hung drawn and quartered on what has been produced so far?

    Perhaps you should consult a dictionary.

    Thanks for that pearl of wisdom!

  4. As I understand it from the Andy Hall twitter feed and various news sites:

    • his migrant worker lawyers have not been permitted to see the suspects
    • the Myanmar embassy team saw the two suspects but were denied access to the third Burmese originally accused and now a witness
    • the police announced that the Myanmar embassy team were happy with the conduct of the investigation, whereas the Myanmar embassy lawyer is quoted as saying the suspects are fearful and say they were tortured, and that there are discrepancies in the story and the evidence
    • however, they also reported that the two accused have said they both hit the victims with the blunt side of the hoe and were very drunk that night
    • the police at today's press conference said no suspects (so that would include the three in Samui prison and their takraw colleagues who are claiming torture) suffered any force in interrogations
    • the police at today's press conference now claim that there was a lawyer present during interrogations, whereas previously they said the suspects waived their right to legal representation
    • police have declared the case "closed" and this press conference "final"


    Well done to the police in prosecuting the real perpetrators of this appalling crime!!!

    ..........and a big fat raspberry to all of the amateur detectives out there that got it 'oh so wrong'!!!!

    If you really believe that then you are completely deluded. This would not even make it to court in most countries!

    OK, you win, let them go and lets all completely forget about it then as if it never happened!!! I'm sure that their parents will accept this.

    Again please provide me with motive?? I've asked you several times. Also how this whole thing went down?

  5. Welcome to "open season" on all westerners!!
    Welcome to dramatic hyperbole by a fringe element of conspiracy theorists.

    Must be nice to live in your emotionless, unsympathetic world where everything is black and white!

    Just because I don't participate in hyperbolic conspiracy theories does not make my world either emotionless nor unsympathetic. smile.png

    A conspiracy theory has no substance whatsoever. A conspiracy casts doubts using evidence & opinion.

    Lots of cases in law use expert witnesses opinion to prove innocence/guilt.

    Let's get away from all the black/white. Do you honestly believe this case beyond all reasonable doubt?? Please answer honestly

    BTW .. Your assessment of a conspiracy theory isn't accurate.

    A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition, a conspiracy uses contrary evidence to refute the cover up. Semantics aside, there is a difference

    I can't believe you can of lived in Thailand for x amount of years and believe this story! Flabbergasted!

    I know we are not privy to all the evidence but the Police seem to have gone out of their way to give us a running commentary, so I reckon we are pretty much in the know with most aspects of the investigation!

    Would you like to think you would be hung drawn and quartered on what has been produced so far?

  6. As I understand it from the Andy Hall twitter feed and various news sites:

    • his migrant worker lawyers have not been permitted to see the suspects
    • the Myanmar embassy team saw the two suspects but were denied access to the third Burmese originally accused and now a witness
    • the police announced that the Myanmar embassy team were happy with the conduct of the investigation, whereas the Myanmar embassy lawyer is quoted as saying the suspects are fearful and say they were tortured, and that there are discrepancies in the story and the evidence
    • however, they also reported that the two accused have said they both hit the victims with the blunt side of the hoe and were very drunk that night
    • the police at today's press conference said no suspects (so that would include the three in Samui prison and their takraw colleagues who are claiming torture) suffered any force in interrogations
    • the police at today's press conference now claim that there was a lawyer present during interrogations, whereas previously they said the suspects waived their right to legal representation
    • police have declared the case "closed" and this press conference "final"


    Well done to the police in prosecuting the real perpetrators of this appalling crime!!!

    ..........and a big fat raspberry to all of the amateur detectives out there that got it 'oh so wrong'!!!!

    If you really believe that then you are completely deluded. This would not even make it to court in most countries!

    • Like 1
  7. Welcome to "open season" on all westerners!!

    Welcome to dramatic hyperbole by a fringe element of conspiracy theorists.

    Must be nice to live in your emotionless, unsympathetic world where everything is black and white!

    Just because I don't participate in hyperbolic conspiracy theories does not make my world either emotionless nor unsympathetic. smile.png

    A conspiracy theory has no substance whatsoever. A conspiracy casts doubts using evidence & opinion.

    Lots of cases in law use expert witnesses opinion to prove innocence/guilt.

    Let's get away from all the black/white. Do you honestly believe this case beyond all reasonable doubt?? Please answer honestly

  8. Well, after my recent google search, (this article is 2 hrs old) the case may still have lots of holes....but with these two telling their counsel they were "very drunk" and still saying "they committed the murders" (if this is indeed true) the rest of the evidence may not make much difference.


    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were “somewhat inconsistent” and “their faces portrayed fear”.

    “From what we have learned, there are inconsistencies with both the forensic report and evidence provided in the case,” said Aung Myo Thant.

    “The defendants kept repeating that they were very drunk that night. Based on what we have been told, it seems to us like this case is a set-up and not based on hard facts.”

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, “We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

    Htun Aye said the Burmese legal team were denied permission to talk to a third detainee, Maung Maung

    The mind boggles! What a crock of shit!

  9. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Please stop with the paranoid comments...blink.png

    If the company testing this DNA, if testing did occur, has no obligation to make any statements or to be forced to make statements,

    there is a customer/client confidentiality issues involved here and no private company in this instance will make comment as it will impact their business with other clients.

    If the DNA was tested, they have provided the technical report, that's it, one suspects if the BiB do use this facility on a regular basis, the company concerned may not even know they have tested these samples or the reason they are providing the analysis rolleyes.gif

    unless you are that naive to believe they sent the samples with bumese man #1 KT murder, bumese man #2 KT murder, written on the bag in black marker pen

    <deleted> are you talking about????????? The murderers' DNA has never been sent to Singapore. Doh!

    oh dear boy stop contradicting yourself "I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing!"

    now your saying it was never sent, so nothing to do Singapore so why so they need to make a statement ?

    cant have it both ways.

    Some of the original dna samples were sent. The alleged perps were done in Thailand!

  10. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Please stop with the paranoid comments...blink.png

    If the company testing this DNA, if testing did occur, has no obligation to make any statements or to be forced to make statements,

    there is a customer/client confidentiality issues involved here and no private company in this instance will make comment as it will impact their business with other clients.

    If the DNA was tested, they have provided the technical report, that's it, one suspects if the BiB do use this facility on a regular basis, the company concerned may not even know they have tested these samples or the reason they are providing the analysis rolleyes.gif

    unless you are that naive to believe they sent the samples with bumese man #1 KT murder, bumese man #2 KT murder, written on the bag in black marker pen

    <deleted> are you talking about????????? The murderers' DNA has never been sent to Singapore. Doh!

    oh dear boy stop contradicting yourself "I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing!"

    now your saying it was never sent, so nothing to do Singapore so why so they need to make a statement ?

    cant have it both ways.

    Some of the original dna samples were sent. The alleged were done in Thailand!

  11. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Please stop with the paranoid comments...blink.png

    If the company testing this DNA, if testing did occur, has no obligation to make any statements or to be forced to make statements,

    there is a customer/client confidentiality issues involved here and no private company in this instance will make comment as it will impact their business with other clients.

    If the DNA was tested, they have provided the technical report, that's it, one suspects if the BiB do use this facility on a regular basis, the company concerned may not even know they have tested these samples or the reason they are providing the analysis rolleyes.gif

    unless you are that naive to believe they sent the samples with bumese man #1 KT murder, bumese man #2 KT murder, written on the bag in black marker pen

    &lt;deleted&gt; are you talking about????????? The alleged murderers' DNA has never been sent to Singapore. Doh!

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