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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. People if ever you see someone bleeding heavily from a serious wound which you think involves an artery, you can save a life by simply taking off your belt and tightly strapping it on the limb above the wound and therein reduce the bleeding.

    Someone else who knows nothing about the procedures giving bad medical advice.

    Best thing to do is apply pressure on the wound using a shirt/towel or whatever is handy!

  2. Ministry of Culture - Thailand's most bullsh%t ministry by far....

    Established on 3 October, 2002 by Thailand's most bullsh%t PM by far...

    Well done, 9 posts in and you manage to do itcrazy.gif. There needs to be something similar to Godwin's Law for Mr. T.

    No matter what the discussion is, eventually we end up with Thaksin!! You have managed to do it on the 9th post for something completely unrelated! Well done

    • Like 1
  3. I guess the USA's "big brother" attitude is wearing thin on many countries these days! I'd love to see in the future, another super power to meddle with US's internal affairs and dictate to them how things are supposed to be! Karma can be a biatch when it boomerangs around!

    This is the US, the UN, the EU and others. The US is Thailand's largest trading partner with the EU right there too. China and Russia are not only backwards, lacking in technology and having very poor people as GDP per capita, they are struggling to support themselves.

    If Thailand is dumb enough to throw away the West and its biggest export buyers in favor of these backward countries, they can continue to have people in poverty by world standards just as China and Russia do.

    Thailand might also be stuck with some third rate military hardware if it couldn't buy from NATO.

    It hasn't been that long that China was threatening fishing rights in the S. China Sea and ownership of Islands in SE Asia. The US sailed a Nimitz class carrier group through the area to clear it.

    I could go on, but the real problem is what's happening in Thailand and it isn't pretty.

    Exactly! What does Thailand sell to China/Russia of any note, compared to US/EU?

    • Like 1
  4. THe Prime Minister should be ashamed of himself. He should have said " I am serious about this, HUMAN LIVES ARE AT STAKE".

    What is a bit of lost revenue compared to a single human life?

    Thailands reputation will continue to suffer internationally whilst it's head of government continues to display such callous regard to human life.

    Money is far more important than lives, surely you know that by now!

  5. I smell a political rat here. There is more to this than meets the eye.

    I agree. If the standard of safety was sufficient to avoid being banned for ten years, the question is "what has suddenly changed"?

    I suspect there is a heightened awareness due to 'planes disappearing, crashing into mountains, dropping into the sea and skidding off runways but these are all piloting issues rather than operational and maintenance issues.

    No, this has been building for a while and they have been given time to improve, which they haven't.

    You have to realise that the people in charge of buses, trains & planes don't give two sh1ts about safety. Money, money & more money is the only drive. 30 die in bus accident, nothing changes, trains derail nothing changes. Next thing would of been 150 dead in a plane. The people in charge don't care because it's not them or their ilk dying!! None of the upper echelon go anywhere by bus or by budget airways so why should they care. Only stupid buffalo people diebah.gif

    The elites have been flying for free on Thai airways for years. Guess they will have a

    real dilemma now, fly free with a bit of risk or reach into their own pockets to pay for

    airfare on a real airline.....

    Do you think more attention is paid to Thai's fleet than the other operators?

  6. I smell a political rat here. There is more to this than meets the eye.

    I agree. If the standard of safety was sufficient to avoid being banned for ten years, the question is "what has suddenly changed"?

    I suspect there is a heightened awareness due to 'planes disappearing, crashing into mountains, dropping into the sea and skidding off runways but these are all piloting issues rather than operational and maintenance issues.

    No, this has been building for a while and they have been given time to improve, which they haven't.

    You have to realise that the people in charge of buses, trains & planes don't give two sh1ts about safety. Money, money & more money is the only drive. 30 die in bus accident, nothing changes, trains derail nothing changes. Next thing would of been 150 dead in a plane. The people in charge don't care because it's not them or their ilk dying!! None of the upper echelon go anywhere by bus or by budget airways so why should they care. Only stupid buffalo people diebah.gif

  7. As there are so many people speculation the wife must have pushed him which can be considered. But than again, us foreigners are often 20kg up more heavy and lots stronger.

    Now I luckily never been in a physical confrontation with my missus or any Thai lady (or man for that matter) but I am 100% sure that my missus could never trow me over our condo balcony, even if she gave it all.

    So the pushing seems quite odd to me too. I do also not believe there are so many real jumpers here but I ain't a policeman to find that out.

    Maybe her "brother" nudge nudge wink wink was visiting

  8. I don't think in the West jumping from high rises is such a common suicide method. Why does it happen so often here, maybe copycat behavior caused by publicity about these cases?

    In the UK statistics for males for 2012. 60% was hanging/suffocation, 20% poison & 20% others. Therefore highly unlikely that that most of these high rise deaths are all suicides. With the ease you can get prescription drugs & alcohol, a jump off a building seems remote

    Add to that the fact that a lot Thais think it is ok to scam/kill foreigners & you have a lot of suspicious deaths!

  9. They have no problems granting themselves amnesty. But God forbid that anyone else gets its. Where is Suthep now. Why isn't he protesting this amnesty. Oh, I forgot he hiding behind a orange robe.

    Bob... get a life..! I have lived here almost 13 years and have Never seen Thai people so happy.... open your eyes... Thaksin has gone... get over it..!!! And as you and I are Farang, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with us... Next ! wai2.gif

    You`re right that as a farang it has absolutely nothing to do with us......but you`ve `never seen Thai people so happy`? Really? Are you serious? What planet are you from? i`m curious to know where in Thailand you live? You may have been here 13 years but playing that card....`I`ve been here a long time` don`t wash with me. How can you possibly know Thais are so happy now?

    His wife told him so mate thumbsup.gif

    Yeh with personal debt rising everyday, exports falling like a stone & GDP at a pathetic level, everybody must be ecstatic

  10. I seem to remember a couple of days back reading about a plan to write off loans of billions of baht to hundreds of thousands of "poor farmers". Why are those farmers in debt? I suspect because of the vote catching cheap loans made available by Herr Thaksin many years ago. Maybe the ill fated and popular among the "poor farmers" rice pledging scheme was aimed at providing the "poor farmers" with enough to repay the loans. Hmmmm. Does Thailand really want more of this?

    Write them all off and offset it with a windfall tax to the most odious company in Thailand (C.P)

  11. A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

    To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

    Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

    And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

    but Yingluck.......................

    What democracy are you referring to JOC?

    Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

    At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

    Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

    A more civilised Thailand with less corruption and a better police force ?

    Ah yes, that would be the other Thailand, you know the one in the parallel universe.

    Others might call that alternate Thailand ....Vietnam biggrin.png

    Costas, what makes you believe Democracy never existed in Thailand? The 65,000,000 voters might disagree with you.

    Democracy according to the disgruntled farangs never existed, because their views of democracy was different to what Thais see as democracy.

    If Thailand is such a basket case, why are you living here?

    This 500b pay to vote really makes me laugh. In the UK, Labour literally pays over 1 MILLION baht to individuals to secure their vote!!

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