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Posts posted by bruceybonus

  1. I think the comment about "Interpol hunting" came from the headline. It's quite right that Interpol don't hunt anyone, it's simply an information store and exchange.

    I have met many murderers, most of whom were quite ordinary looking and behaving individuals, except for the criminal event they were involved in. The vast majority of murders are domestic where the murderer will be of little or no future danger to the public, which is why the mandatory life sentence in the UK can vary between 8 - 25 years or more. A domestic murderer generally gets out very quickly considering.

    Nothing normal about Shane!

  2. Reading the full story on this maggot they mention he may head over to Ibiza in Spain where he knows people. My wife and I har heading for Spain in April to a town called Devia at fishing port with the ferries going to and from the Baleric Islands, Ibiza, Minorca and Myorca we will stay there 4 weeks so will keep an eye out for him, will not forget that face.

    Confront him at your own peril, he is an enforcer in Ibiza and well known! Also he is extremely volatile and handy (to say the least)

    • Like 1
  3. "A shocked former neighbour of Newcastle man Shane Looker spoke of her disbelief as he remains on the run from Thai police.

    Mr Looker, who grew up in Windermere Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, was the last person seen with Laxami before she was found dead."

    Which one is it then?

    He's from Newcastle Under Lyme which is next to Stoke. As I have said before I know him personally. Spoke to a few of my friends in the last few days and some of the anecdotal evidence is worse than I first thought regarding things he has done in Uk & Ibiza & his general state of mind. I haven't seen him for 6/7 years and apparently he is worse than I remember him!

  4. Just out of interest, I have no knowledge of this crime other than what I have read. And I very much doubt you know anything more than I do.

    So you like me like everybody else are just speculating. You have read there was sperm in the victim but you don't know. That is what you are choosing to believe.

    I have read the only DNA was on a fag butt. I have read 1 hoe was used to kill both people yet only one of the dead peoples DNA was on the hoe.

    I saw people being measured up against a foot print.. A foot print in the sand after the tide had ebbed and flowed.

    Please tell me why I should believe all the police have written and forsake my soul and give my brain away ?

    Hey just thought, also there where no finger prints on the hoe. You reckon maybe they put the condom over the handle to stop the finger prints ?

    Have you read the family statements? They have no ulterior motives and a GREAT deal more insight into the evidence and the validity of the case. Also, do you think if the UK police suspected a cover-up or the semen of the two suspects did't match that the families would have made such a statement?

    GREAT deal more insight into the evidence and the validity of the case - SOURCE??????

  5. If there was even a slither of evidence against the b2 then it would have been produced in the first few weeks, as they were desperate to close the case. To believe jtj and jd then the Thais must of been covering for the b2 (which is laughable). The police spent hours looking at all the cctv cameras on the island and they couldn't produce anything. I wonder why!!

    They would of been falling over themselves to show ANY evidence. Anybody who doesn't believe this either a born liar or involved.

  6. I just hope the families haven't been reading the absolute crap that went on for thousands of posts from the conspiracy theorists on here and if not grizzly photos then the description of the crime scene in graphic detail.

    I said it before and I will say again shame on all of you that know as much about this case as me and that's f&$K all.

    Bloody disgraceful!

    If the RTP had investigated this crime in a professional manner. Starting with preserving the crime scene instead of bumbling around like a bunch of amateurs letting anyone with a camera phone take photos of the bodies.

    IF the police had been professional and only issued official statements from an official Police spokesman instead of allowing any Tom, Dick and Harry. Who wants to see their name in print give statements allegedly as an official Police representative.

    Most Thais will accept these inconsistencies because it is accepted way of doing things here.

    So of course the armchair detectives question the police and their alleged evidence. Because there are so many inconsistencies and it is obvious the police are covering up a lot of facts to protect certain individuals.

    Also the Police refusal to accept PROFESSIONAL British or American help with correct DNA testing, does not help their credibility.

    No it is not obvious that the police are protecting "certain individuals".

    They looked at people then eliminated them as suspects.


  7. so, the tiger talks about a tiger.

    a somewhat feeble and overused analogy, but hey...

    although the report drops into just plain babbling when it comes to 'the people at the center of the reform process', or on his leaping tiger economy when he says... that the main principle of economic recovery is the people should have the same opinion, avoid the same mistakes, and practice the sufficiency economy principle.

    if it weren't for the seriousness of the situation in Thailand, this guy would make for good entertainment.

    He really is terrifyingly s******. It really makes you realise how truly dumb many pooyais are, and yet they walk around with their egos the size of planets ruling the place.

    When I hear the word pooyai, my minds mixes english and thai together to get big shit, which is very apt

  8. Silly comments to make before a trial but if the family and British police are happy with the investigation then it is probably time for the conspiracy theorists to let this one go.

    Let's not forget that there are plenty of scummy Burmese as well as scummy Thais on these islands.

    This is a smack in the face for all the crackpot conspiracy theorists and Thai hating extremists. Exactly the opposite to what they want to hear.

    I wouldn`t be surprised if the crackpots try to push that the family are involved in a conspiracy with the Thai police next.

    It should be obvious to anyone with at least more than 2 brain cells that the family are in knowledge of details and reports that have not been made public as yet, and as I have said in previous threads, I am saving my judgements until this case is concluded.

    Another post from an ivory tower based poster!!

    "Thai hating extremists". Have you ever considered, that we are critical to, what is going on here, because we actually care about the country?? We want a better future for the Thai people.

    People like you will make the country stagnant for another century!!

    Your credibility went down the drain yesterday, when you "informed" us: No corruption involved in this case!!

    Beetlejuice is a wretched character!. No corruption in the Thai Police. How did Pongpat and his cronies accrue billions!!! I'm sure there were quite a few murders/assisted suicides involved

  9. The report said the families back the police investigation,

    which police are they talking about, the Thai or the UK's? blink.png

    Use your head --- only one police department investigated the case and are involved in filing and bringing charges. The UK police just reported on and examined the Thai investigation and evidence the Thai police already collected. The statement is very clear in showing gratitude to the Thai police for letting the UK police review the case and to the UK police for doing so and reporting directly back to the parents about the strength and credibility of the case.

    No evidence, no witnesses. no DNA

  10. The familly want closure which is fully understandable.I never beleived that the UK detectives would get to the root of this , after all they were just observing and not investigating.Either it´s a question of extremely shoddy communication on behalf ogf the RTP or it´s a deal done between the 2 Governments for business and trade reasons beyond our boundries.Still a lot of unanswered questions and until or if they are ever answered we will never know.

    Another conspiracy theory.

    No evidence, no witnesses. no DNA

  11. The familly want closure which is fully understandable.I never beleived that the UK detectives would get to the root of this , after all they were just observing and not investigating.Either it´s a question of extremely shoddy communication on behalf ogf the RTP or it´s a deal done between the 2 Governments for business and trade reasons beyond our boundries.Still a lot of unanswered questions and until or if they are ever answered we will never know.

    Another conspiracy theory.

    No evidence, no witnesses. no DNA

  12. The Junta has disbanded HRW and blocked thier website because they were interfering and finding faults. That's one obstacle in the way of the prosecution removed.

    I've just opened their website....what are you talking about?

    I cannot open this link using True ADSL in Bangkok (unless, illegally according to Thailand's computer crime act) I use a VPN:


    If you can, where are you accessing it from?

    same here, can't open that link with 3bb

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