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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. would my special "big hands" be considered cheating??
  2. ive had a wierd experience this week. i sent my report online as usual for the 7th September on Thursday (8th). a day late, but I have never had an issue. That was rejected, so i sent another which was rejected yesterday. Today i went to Chaeng Wattana, handed in a written application form and there was no prpoblem. nothing said either.
  3. there was a half decent prog rock song about the sort of people youre talking about. they, eventually rose up after mastering the art of karate!!
  4. i get mostly polite taxi drivers as well - i think knowing at least basic thai is a bonus. i find most - almost most - drivers are happy to help you practice Thai. i usually tip if i arrive untraumatised by the driving skills of said driver!
  5. never have a problem untill i go to touristy areas - where you hanging out???
  6. Big Pom pointing his podgy finger. im reminded of my Dad - "dont do as i do - do as i say"!! Pure comedy gold
  7. free dinners mate, lucky you
  8. hi mate, I couldnt tell you about charges but it is going to be cheaper than private. You can register when you arrive - you may need to take a girlfriend / Thai friend for translation purposes, oh, and go early as it gets busy.
  9. can i ask what blood tests are needed - for employment? https://www.google.com/search?q=sirindhorn+hospital&rlz=1C1GCEU_thTH976TH976&ei=BTwHY4OtC5-TseMP1a6XuAg&oq=hospital+in+prawet+bangkok+serene&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIHCAAQRxCwAzIHCAAQRxCwAzIHCAAQRxCwA0oFCDwSATFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQAFgAYPkQaAFwAXgAgAEAiAEAkgEAmAEAyAEDwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz i live in bang Na and have always used Sirindhorn Hospital in Prawet. its a governemn=ent hospital but its always been good for me - hernia surgery, birth of child amongst other things. they have a blood clinic
  10. Can we not have a pic of someone pointing at his ear
  11. as said before, sounds like rats. they sound surprisingly big when they scrabble around in the middle of the night. We got a cat who sleeps on our bed. never heard a peek since
  12. Lung Tu , not exactly know for his pearls of wisdom!! Boiling tap water to decrease saline content etc ....
  13. she didnt say, but she does answer and sort of plays with them a bit.
  14. My wife has had a few calls recently, all along the same lines.
  15. ahh - youre on a friday afternoon "wind up" session - as a previous poster said - troll!
  16. only if you consider it a problem - which it may well be when / if your Missis finds out. Sleep with one eye open :))
  17. props - big sunglasses & floppy hat
  18. if thai actors are taught how to act these scenarios well, it would remove all the fun from Thai drama. But i would, with respect, recommend my wife , Mrs Nik, for Crying Teacher. She can cry convincingly on demand.
  19. Be calm , be polite - worked for me during one or two "flashpoint" oments.
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