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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. a few beers, with some food and a couple of doobies with Mrs Nik on a Saturday is a lot of fun. Shes a fun lady to hang out with. Even after 17 years of being together.
  2. some tattoos are better than others - i bet this guy has no difficulty attracting the sexiest girls ---
  3. i believe in the greater good of man. But , there are some unbelievable c***ts out there!!
  4. i bought a glass pipe in a ganja shop in Sukhumvit, Bangkok last week. there was bongs for sale as well.
  5. I can’t help remembering pre 2014 coup when Suthep and the PDRC were “shutting down” Bangkok as part of their “democratic right to peaceful and polite protest” in a bid to remove Thaksin from the political spectrum, one of the biggest complaints was Thaksin’s nepotism and cronyism. The big hypocrites!!
  6. 3 days excitement sounds great, but will it make me eat 10 brownies in 1 night??
  7. i quite liked the excuse that it's not illegal therefore its morrally ok!! ????
  8. unfortunate choice of words
  9. anytime i need a new ATM card for k Bank , I just take my passport to a branch - any branch - and they get it done with the minimum of fuss. Costs around 300bt.
  10. I wonder when Suthep will start bleating about bringing the people out on the streets again to "obliterate Thaksinocracy" again.
  11. He pens a nice tune though. ????
  12. Depends on what we are walking towards - a somtam stall, and she's a woman on a mission and she practically sprints. If we go for a pleasant stroll in the park then she can nearly go backwards. Im thinking of hanging a bowl of pla raa in front of her, carrot and stick style.
  13. Bangkok - my son was born into a government hospital. This was my wife's choice after visiting a few private hospitals. she made her decision based on how well she bonded with the doctor. One doctor turned up 2 hours late to an appointment in a private hospital, and he stunk of whisky. she had caesarian and all was good. Ive recently had a two day and night stay in the same hospital for hernia repair. No complaints at all. the doctor spoke excellent english and i was well looked after. i was in a ward with 7 other Thai folk and 1 guy in particular made sure i was ok and wanted for nothing - he didnt have to do that. only issue was the food which was edible but not great.
  14. yep, i relate to that as well. Not so much my wife but more her parents - i once - in a rare good mood - offered to buy the entire family lunch the following day. Everyone agreed on Shabu. We all arranged to meet at 1pm the next day. At 1.15 , i got the wife to call and see where they were. ........ "Still at home - Mother is just going to get a shower." My resulting moody put the mockers on that day. Im not so bad about punctuality now. I cannot bear to be late myself but ive learned not to expect anyone else to be the same.
  15. dont say that mate, - now i need a joint or two to stave off my anxiety!
  16. i can relate to that. I am a little OCD - i cant stand empty plates or cups standing idle on the table - i have to put them in the sink - and then wash them as i dont like dirty dishes in the sink. My wife plays on this. she thinks it's sport but i call it torture!! i also have a thing whereby i can't relax if i have a job - no matter how menial - is done. I am very uncomfortable if someone says - "I ll do it later".
  17. As have many before him - Damn! One party leader even spent 4 years in a foriegn jail for shifting a kilo of heroin.
  18. Thank you one and all for replies - youve been a BIG help ????
  19. wouldnt it have been more effective to give health warnings BEFORE legalising it.
  20. Hi, my son is 15 with a Thai mum and me (English national) as his father. I have never taken him to the UK before and hope to go early next year. Do I need to get a Thai and British passport - I mean can he leave Thailand on a Thai passport and enter Uk on a British passport? Also, do i need to get a Thai passport first and then a British passport? Sorry for niaivity of my questions but Im a bit clueless with administration stuff. Thank you very much in advance.
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