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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. hardly - just a slight exaggeration.
  2. maybe now we'll get Tammant's story from his time in an Aussie prison - Tammanat's Hell!!
  3. I agree - but that would put an end to a good moneyspinner for the teachers.
  4. same here - i went to CW myself and no problem.
  5. Thailand deserves to be sh*t on? Well , maybe Government House, but theres enough sh*te coming out of there already.
  6. find a toilet. not far to a shopping mall - ask nicely in a bar - better options than freely taking a sh#te in front of the world!
  7. I dont see this as funny. it s atrocious behaviour, especially by someone old enough to know how to behave. And , how does it take "balls" to do it? Maybe a degree of sickness more than balls.
  8. How not to behave when travelling! What on earth was his problem!!
  9. i get by - I d be happier being poor in Thailand than poor in the UK though.
  10. I massaged my own neck the other day on the sky train as I had slept awkwardly and had problems moving my head. Im now worried that i may have the authorities knocking. Massage is work for Thai people!! i still love you Bob - keep the posts coming, mate.
  11. beef dripping butties john Lennon's death reported on radio news soda stream jam in semolina pudding at school - did you mix or work your way around the jam blob in the middle? making out i was 15 when i was 19 to get cheaper train fares toys with lead paint when Everton were good!! mid 80's 1977 - the "Clive Thomas is a b--tard" fa cup semi final When FA cup day was a day to look forward to - a real event with a great build up to it. lard british bulldogs
  12. blue tits pecking the foil tops off milk bottles, stealing the cream and leaving a bluey white milk behind. doing a paper round whatjamacallit coins worth about 2.5p....... sixpence??? my old girl's Brotherhood of Man records conversation standing up at footy matches, i distinctly remember being picked up and sat on a crush barrier by someone. non PC comics - Dennis the Menace was a menace.
  13. i enjoy the ghost stories ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. you studied "John Legend" at school?
  15. maybe im getting old, but ive never heard of him before!
  16. cat p1ss. we got an incontinent cat - so it s gonna smell of cat p1ss in a few days.
  17. friday night mate - a couple of changs on the way home and a few with the missis when i get home. maybe a good sized spliff as well. And we got a new sofa to snuggle on!!
  18. i think humour and calmness is key.
  19. As the poster above - we have to pay for the extra tuition or "how will your son know what homework he has to do. If he cant do his homework, he wont get a grade!!". Apparently, in this "extra tutorial", everyone sits around playing with their phones for n hour.
  20. i think Gamma is Bob's sober alter ego
  21. Do you find rich and successful women intimidating? Ill find her anyway she wants me to find her!
  22. and you said you were a good writer ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. some may even believe your stories Bob ๐Ÿ™‚
  24. I cant work out if this is the ramblings of a true lao kao addict or if it s a massive wind up. ๐Ÿ™‚ Gald to see you back Bob.
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