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Posts posted by Krenjai

  1. Someone posted on here a couple of weeks ago that the murders took place in David or Hanna’s apartment, it appeared to be a locals viewpoint and they stated there was at least five perpetrator, one being a policeman, it was also claimed that the bodies were carried down to the beach and dumped their, which would explain the position of Hannah’s body. It takes a vivid imagination to fabricate something like that don’t you think, it’s not the sort of thing you come up with out of the blue.

    I would like to know if water was actually found in David’s lungs and if it so, was it saltwater or freshwater, there’s no smoke without fire as far as I'm concerned. There are obviously locals on the island who know exactly what happened, nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing.

    Most people realise that it would have be impossible for the two Burmese shrimps to have dealt with six-foot three of David with Hanna running around screaming her head off, it would have been impossible if Hanna wasn't there, they never would have had the confidence or ability to deal with a situation like that. The truth will be known and justice will be done one way or another.

    They put the skids under Sean McAnna and got him out of the way before he put the finger on anyone.

    Your post is spot on!!

    Grauwulf, on 09 Nov 2014 - 17:42, said:snapback.png

    Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

    Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

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  2. Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

    Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

    This scenario ticks ALL the boxes!!

    1) The murder did not take place at where they were found V

    2) The Burmese community on Koh Tao mentioned they were murdered at their guest house V

    3) The bruises on Hannahs arm suggest she was carried to the beach V

    4) The angles on which her legs were found suggest a cover up V

    5) The wounds on Davis are clearly from these fish-hook weapons and it was very likely a lefthanded attacker. V

    6) Sean said I know you wanted to save her! Did he see them leave together? Did he know what was going on? V

    7) Date rape drugs were often used before in AC, what they call them? A roofie?? Sean, please explain how they work? V

    8) David had water in his lungs. V


    10,11,12,13,..............100 VVVVVV

    It ticks all the boxes! YES, very likely it went down like this and YES the RTP knows but the influence and the MONEY made the U-turn possible!

    I am just waiting for another U-turn and when that one comes the whole thing will explode in their cover-up faces!

    This case is SOOOOOOOOOOO filthy, it makes me puke!

    Sean, don't bother, I know how "Roofies" work now...


  3. Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

    Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

    This scenario ticks ALL the boxes!!

    1) The murder did not take place at where they were found V

    2) The Burmese community on Koh Tao mentioned they were murdered at their guest house V

    3) The bruises on Hannahs arm suggest she was carried to the beach V

    4) The angles on which her legs were found suggest a cover up V

    5) The wounds on Davis are clearly from these fish-hook weapons and it was very likely a lefthanded attacker. V

    6) Sean said I know you wanted to save her! Did he see them leave together? Did he know what was going on? V

    7) Date rape drugs were often used before in AC, what they call them? A roofie?? Sean, please explain how they work? V

    8) David had water in his lungs. V


    10,11,12,13,..............100 VVVVVV

    It ticks all the boxes! YES, very likely it went down like this and YES the RTP knows but the influence and the MONEY made the U-turn possible!

    I am just waiting for another U-turn and when that one comes the whole thing will explode in their cover-up faces!

    This case is SOOOOOOOOOOO filthy, it makes me puke!

  4. The British won't make any statement until the Thai courts make there move, hence the delay in court proceedings.

    The British may well be in breach of International Law if they were to release their findings before a trial,

    They the British will wait for the Thai authorities to commit to trial, wait for the verdict and act accordingly.

    It's very true to say they can't affect the outcome of a Thai Trial.

    But if they were to publish their report and it showed what they thought was a miscarriage of justice, the effect on Thailand's reputation would be catastrophic.

    It would place the rulers of this country under intense investigation and speculation. Would the rulers of Thailand want that, and more importantly would they want their "activities" looked at in detail.

    Very good post and totally agreed...... if the above is correct NOBODY will want this case to go to court.....that is why the 100% perfect investigation/case suddenly drops to 80% and has been sent back for a 5th time. The B2 WILL WALK and so it should be!

  5. I see that CSI has just received an email from Sean McAnna interesting if genuine saying that Nomsod was in Koh Tao on the night of the murders, also giving some insight into him.

    No doubt the British police have already taken a statement from him

    Sean's also active on his Google account https://plus.google.com/101768055405292405319/posts/ZeoTy8iBjv4

    This running man was originally identified by the RTP as their main suspect and was taken into custody for a few days (not hours). We all know Sean is a fruitcake but he clearly identifies the runner. IMO he is right, the hair, the height everything, I said all along it was M who probably was in a rush organizing the escape speedboats! M was definitely involved IMHO and knows who the killers are (maybe he is one of them himself). It is a disgrace the B2 are still in custody!


    "Another man, the younger brother of the former village headman, who is believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene, is still in custody."

  6. I see that CSI has just received an email from Sean McAnna interesting if genuine saying that Nomsod was in Koh Tao on the night of the murders, also giving some insight into him.

    No doubt the British police have already taken a statement from him

    Sean's also active on his Google account https://plus.google.com/101768055405292405319/posts/ZeoTy8iBjv4

    This running man was originally identified by the RTP as their main suspect and was taken into custody for a few days (not hours). We all know Sean is a fruitcake but he clearly identifies the runner. IMO he is right, the hair, the height everything, I said all along it was M who probably was in a rush organizing the escape speedboats! M was definitely involved IMHO and knows who the killers are (maybe he is one of them himself). It is a disgrace the B2 are still in custody!

    • Like 1
  7. "Official DNA test results have showed his son was not involved in the murders."

    No it doesn't. It shows that he was not involved in any sexual misconduct.

    It was never proofed, that he were not the user of the condom !

    Maybee he were disturbed on his " rape with condom "

    by the 2 myanmars - or some other guy,

    so he " could not finish "" an explanation why " police say "

    no DNA inside of the condom !!

    I believe rapists in general do not use condoms, I believe the condom was deliberately planted there to make it look like David & Hannah were having sex before they were attacked. Since there was no DNA on the inside, one could conclude the condom was never used.

    I also believe the position in which the body of Hannah was found confirms this cover up even further IMO. How can your legs be in that angle if you have just been killed? To orchestrate the sex story even more David was stripped naked (but they forgot one sock), so when David pulled off one sock he forget the second one? Yeah, sure! Didn't he have water in his lungs? The murder weapon on him was not the hoe, right? (No DNA). His wounds seem to confirm another weapon and it wasn't the wine bottle they never found the pancake translator brought into the charade.

    The RTP also spoke about a third possible DNA, they also mentioned on the 23rd who they believed were the killers! You don't say something like that unless you are really sure. We all know what happened after that, a U-turn Shuffle, probably caused by the fact that suddenly it started to rain Thai Baht above Koh Tao that washed away the DNA samples previously collected, meaning all DNA evidence will now be discredited by Social Media users and nobody will ever believe anything anymore what the RTP will say about the KT murders.

    • Like 1
  8. The way this is going I predict that this case will never be solved. The Burmese will probably walk free as well since there seems not enough evidence other than a cigarette butt. The case will be thrown out again and again, already happening. Personally I believe they are innocent anyway.

    As time goes by Koh Tao will need a couple of years to recover, but in the end it will. In a few years from now sadly enough people won't even know who were Hannah & David. I think the killers will walk free, whoever it was, Nomsod or not, his gang buddies or not, life will go on on Koh Tao and it will be all be Same Same!


    Unless of course something similar happens again. The odds of that seem way better than remote, with the real killers still being on that island. IMHO.

    Agreed, but if something similar happens again it will also be Same Same!

  9. CCTV footage of Nomsod in BKK on the [email protected] pm (check 3,44 minutes)

    • So, if he was on the island he must have left after this footage and probably have traveled to Koh Tao by plane to Samui + boat. This means there MUST be other CCTV footage from somewhere (airport, airport lounge whatever). I think it will be impossible to hide this and they must assume this will emerge one day
    • it seems unlikely he traveled by car to Chumpon on a Sunday afternoon if he needed to attend university on Monday morning. It just takes too long and if he came back on the night of the 15th, how? By car? Or by Plane? There must be CCTV footage somewhere. Same as above, think it will be impossible to hide this and again, they must assume this will emerge one day.
    • The girl in the elevator MUST remember this encounter when she sees this footage? right? Don't you think so? And what about this Timber table? Should be relatively easy to proof where it was on the 13th? 12th? How long do they keep these tapes? Or do they work like a voice recorder in a plane? Can we see some tapes from the 13th, 12th where this table was?

    Anyway, although many (including myself) believe he is involved will have a hard time to argue with all this......

    Personally I think his phone record needs to checked as well, If he was not there, my guess is, he still knows who was involved.

    If it turns out he was on the island, this whole tape must have been doctored, even if easy, what about other CCTV footage, airport lounges, airports, gas stations whatever? Passenger lists? You name it.........you can't hide this nowadays!

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  10. The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

    Have you ever been to a Thai hotel lobby which had several clocks, each labeled with a different big city? The clocks are all over the place, no two have the same minutes shown.

    Thais are to scientific precision what whooping cranes are to nuclear fission.

    They know all about ghosts though.

    Correct but these are all cams hooked up to the same system and therefor should show exactly the same....unless?

  11. The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

    Have you ever been to a Thai hotel lobby which had several clocks, each labeled with a different big city? The clocks are all over the place, no two have the same minutes shown.

    Thais are to scientific precision what whooping cranes are to nuclear fission.

    They know all about ghosts though.

    Correct but these are Cams all hooked up to the SAME system..........should be exactly same IMO

  12. I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


    I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

    Do you have a source other than csila?

    Systems are different

    The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

    I stand corrected on the csila mistake I made.

    Again, I need some help here. You can have as many camera's & monitors as you like in a CCTV system, but the screen on your laptop/monitor should ALWAYS dispaly the EXACT same time. There can not be a difference on lets say 0.5 seconds which is CLEARLY the case here. IMO it would explain the doctoring but maybe I am wrong. Any experts on here?



    And there is still the questionable Viodeo from the collage in the air ?

    Some manipulaten were recorded ;

    I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


    I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

    Do you have a source other than csila?

    Systems are different

    The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

    • Like 1


    And there is still the questionable Viodeo from the collage in the air ?

    Some manipulaten were recorded ;

    I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


    I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

    • Like 2
  15. I may add that photoshop gets the job done as well changing date & time stamps, but apparently there is something called a watermark embedded in the original which can proof the authenticity of a tape.

    On this note, what are we talking about, this TImber table must be somewhere right now, just ask the people who have it right now, since when they have it?

  16. It is easy to manipulate CCTV footage..........just Google it a bit or have a look at this in depth video to get an idea, it is a bit long but have a look at the 48 second mark for example, it is easy to make people and objects appear and disappear.


    I have the feeling we are watching a Columbo movie which is 5 minutes to 12, everybody knows who did it and Peter Falk (Scotland Yard) is setting up the traps! Of course this is no movie or theater rather people trying to getaway with murder....

    I will be watching till the end!

  17. How do you know the British have the DNA from Hannah. I would have assumed the bodies were cleaned removing any traces of DNA before they were repatriated.

    Yes, exactly, I have the same question, would they have cleaned the bodies and not leave a single trace? Is that possible? When were the bodies repatriated? Where were they kept? At what morgue? Could they have been contaminated before repatriation?

  18. I saw on Thai news the Headman and his son. My gf told me that the son was saying that he will give DNA tomorrow. Has anyone seen that and can confirm ?

    If so I hope the UK police are there to see and monitor.

    Apparently he is going to give a DNA test tomorrow. well well well. i really prey that the test and the forensic test is done under the close eye of the UK police, isn't that the reason they are there? to observe the RTP in action??

    Does it matter? The observers can only observe and the test will come back negative (not in 24 hours time, but a bit longer). I bet it will not match because the original DNA has been tampered with IMO. Scotland Yard needs to get his DNA sample too for their own testing, they will not get this!

    Still, this case is like a pressure cooker about to explode in their face!

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