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Everything posted by AlQaholic

  1. Where I live, most pharmacies start out fine when they open, with the actual pharmacist on site. Then gradually they are replaced by an old mom or dad, grandparents or the occasional boyfriend or husband/wife. I dunno where the pharmacists spend their time, maybe upstairs playing computer games?
  2. This one is absolutely top taste, good recommendation!
  3. So as I understand it, he is not charged for having consensual sex, but for keeping her away from her family?
  4. I do not know the nationality of the OP, but this is usually a question asked by US citizens. Until recently, being European, I have always been confused why Americans always are so worried about how much to tip. I was shocked to find out that in the US, the tip is actually a significant part of the staff income for restaurants in the US, which is completely different from how we do it in Europe. In Europe, you get a proper salary, protected by unions and the law. No need for a tip, although it is always welcome. Here in Thailand I don't sit around trying to calculate percentages, just give some of what is left as change, like 20 - 40 baht, or for bigger occasions a 50 - 100 baht. For a roadside stall, no tip is expected. For maids and handymen no tip is expected, but I usually give the handymen something they can repair and use or sell, like an old aircon unit or a broken spinbike/treadmill.
  5. Take a general health check up with a lab test on blood sample in public hospital. It can be precursor to diabetes. Unless she types like 200 words/m I doubt it is carpal, she should feel it in the wrist.
  6. Don't forget the sick family water buffalo in Isan, and the maintenance of the rice field, all must be paid for.
  7. Good point. We enjoy (family) the occasional restaurant visit, especially when on holiday.
  8. I don't understand the ops argument at all. Where I live in the countryside, we can order from any place around the area, like expensive restaurants or from the food vendor on the corner with his 4-wheeled trolley selling kao-pat-tai and kao-man-gai or whatever. There are Pizza company and Pizza Hut and many other. The delivery service does not deliver food from fast food joints, which does not have any meaning in Thailand really. The food is cooked with one speed only, both in the restaurants and the street corner, not very fast, but not too slow either. These are not fast food joints, they sell food, that's all. The little exercise obtained by going out to get your own food is not sufficient to bother, take a 10k jog before dinner.
  9. Ikea has good old cheap Swedish hot dogs. They even have packages of hot dog bread (buns) where the number of buns actually match the number of hot dogs in the hot dog packages:). A Swedish hot dog is best served with mashed potato together with the hot dog in the bread, a lot of mustard and special remoulade dressing.
  10. If you are from a country in the EU, you can stay in any other EU country without a visa.
  11. Same here, although I grew at high altitude causing huge lungs, So the air has to go through both my nose and mouth. Never considered it a problem. I think the notion about breathing through the nose helps you sleep better is self-fullfilling idea that wears of.
  12. I hate when terms are misused, "Capital punishment" is another term for "Death penalty", which hardly applies here.
  13. I found this article from The Los Angeles Times, it may be relevant here and was a very interesting read: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-01-14/column-chase-elder-financial-fraud
  14. I've read all replies and I thought this one makes a lot of sense. I have been driving in Thailand for a long time. Nowadays almost all roads that I regularly drive on are upgraded or in the process of being upgraded to mega concrete (think of Germanys Autobahns) structures. So depending on where you are going, the roads for the most part will be very good (highways). But this poses a problem as Trapposurfer points out, trailers are very rare on Thai highways, And because there are suddenly four or more lanes in each directions of the new highways, Thai drivers go completely nuts and swerves all over the place from lane to lane, using no turn indicators, Often they will get caught behind a truck in some left inner lane and when you pass them on the right lane they swerve up to pass you on the lane right of you, not understanding you are towing a trailer and.... I myself drive a Ford Ranger and the best car I ever had. Situation awareness is super good because the elevated driver position and parking is much easier than a sedan. You have full awareness of every corner of your car.
  15. Why do checks in BKK? Everybody leaves. I don't think anyone is drunk or drugged while leaving or coming back on Sunday, Most of the accidents involves motorcycles, about 80% and pick-ups, 10%. Of the total, about 40% occurred on Highway Department roads and 35% on roads under the jurisdiction of tambon administration organisations. Speeding accounted for most accidents, about 37%, followed by drink-driving, 25.25%. That is so far for this years Songkran,
  16. Yeah, well! If you wanna take it back that far, why not start with the migration from Africa?
  17. 180? That's just the ones who didn't know that there is a special on the spot payment that can be done to resolve the situation.
  18. "capital punishment, also called death penalty, execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. Capital punishment should be distinguished from extrajudicial executions carried out without due process of law."
  19. There are a lot of Russians in Pattaya and surrounding.
  20. Exactly what I experienced taking a friend's kid with us (me and my wife). We had birth certificate with us that was all. We was led into an office at immigration and we called the family and confirmed the kid mother's approval of the trip and then we were ok! But there is always a risk that you get the wrong officer with the wrong attitude.
  21. So that's how it works. I was wondering how posing as agent would enable a scam, now I understand better, although, like you, I would never fall for a scam like that. Thanks for input. One scam I almost fell for was somebody hacked my friend's email account, contacted me and asked for money because he had been robbed in cyprus, injured and in a wheelchair (this was before line and the other chat apps). As I prepared the bank transfer I decided to try calling him by phone, He answered and confirmed his email was hacked and he was ok. The scammers had managed to impersonate his way of writing perfectly.
  22. Why are there monkeys on that little island? Must have been brought there, Island is too small to sustain them without humans present.
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